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<br /> twenty in to��rnship e7:�v�en north, range nine west of the sixth principal meri�ian,thence so�th ','
<br />� _ ;
<br /> nine chains twenty eight links ,thence north 62° ,30� east three chains fifty t�o links ,thence !,�
<br />� i;
<br />' north seven chains forty five links ,thence west three chains to place of beginning and con—
<br /> taining 22 acres moxe or less ,all in Hall County,Nebraska, real names unknown,defenda.nts, ���
<br />, -
<br /> and each and all of them,have been duly served with su.mmon$ by publication,in the manner
<br /> ;;
<br /> provided by law and as heretofore ordered by the Court,and that said defendants,and each and i
<br /> alI of them,are in default for ans�er,demurrer,or other pleading herein,and the default '�
<br />, , of said defenda.nts,and each and all of them, is hereby duly taken and entered herein.
<br /> �
<br /> And this cause coming on further �Go be heard,upon the petition of the plaintiff and the '
<br /> evidence introducer� 3.n suppoxt thereof,�vas submitted to the Court,and the Court ,being fullp
<br /> advised in the tiremises ,finds tl�at the facts atated in plaintiff� petition are true; that
<br /> � laintif-`'s are the owners of the fee sim le title to said remises and are in actua,l �
<br /> � P P Aossess—,'
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> j ion and occupancy �I�ereof,and that plaintiff and their immediate grantors have been in the
<br /> i ac�ive,open,notorious,continuous ,exclusive,visible,hostile,peaceable,undisturbed,and adverse !
<br />�,: . ' ; possession and occupancy of said premi$es ,under claim of o�rnership thereof,fox more than ten �;
<br /> ' �� years last past,and that plaintiffs are entitled to the relief,�afo in �heir petition.
<br /> �,
<br /> ;
<br /> , The Court further finds that there are other persons �cho clai� to have,or who may have, ii
<br /> some in-�erest in,xight ,or title to said premises,but that the xights of any such persons, ';'
<br /> if such there be,do not appear of record in or by tneir respective names,in the records of �
<br /> Hall Cotinty,Nebraska,�rhere said real estate is �ituated,and that a�ter dtligent inves-�igation'!
<br /> ;
<br /> ' and aareful inquixy,plaintiffs and their attorney have been unable to ascertain,and do not
<br /> , � know, the na��es,or �vhexeabouts ,if in this State,or the residences,of such persons ,rovho are
<br />- designated as "all pexsons having or clairaing any interest in Lots �,9 and 10 in Block 3,
<br /> and Lots 6,7,� and 9 ,and fractional Lot 10 in Block 4 �11 in �Gest� s Subdivision of a part of �'
<br /> ,
<br /> the north�rest qua.xter of the northeast qua.rter of section tv�enty in Township eleven north,
<br /> ;' range nine c�est of' the si�th �rincipal meridian,and a parcel of ground described as follosvs, �,
<br /> "Com�nencing 33 feet south of the northwest corner of the northeast qua,rter of section twenty ;'
<br /> ' in to�nship eleven north,range nine west of the sixth principal mexidian,thence south nine
<br /> ,,
<br /> chains twenty eight linka,thence north 62° ,30� east three chains fifty two linke ,thence `�
<br /> north seven chains forty five links ,thence ��est three chains to place of beginning ar�
<br /> !i
<br /> �! containing 2� acres more or less,all in Hall County,Nebraska,real names unknown,defendants. n i;
<br /> ��
<br /> ��
<br /> IT IS THEREFORE ,ORDERE,D,ADJUDGED AND DECREE BY THE COURT tha,t the ownership,title and ;i
<br /> ;;
<br /> �;
<br /> possession of the plaintiffs in and to said Lots �,9 and 10 in Block 3 ,and Lots 6,7,�,a�a 9 ;i
<br /> � i
<br /> and frac�ional Lot 10 in Block 4 ��1 in �est� e Subdivision of a part of the northwest qua,rterii
<br /> {
<br /> of the northeas-� quarter of section twenty,in to�mship eleven north,range nine west of the
<br /> ;;
<br /> sixth principal meridian,�nd parcel of gxound described as follows,"Commencing 33 feet south ii
<br /> of the northwest corner of the northeaet q�ia.rter of section twenty,in township eleven north,
<br /> � range nine west of the sixth principal meridian,thence south nine chains twenty eight links, j
<br /> �
<br /> �! thenee north 62° ,30� East three chains fifty two �inks,thence north seven chains forty five
<br /> '�
<br /> ; links ,thence �rest three chains to the place of. beginning and containing 2� aeres more or
<br /> � Iess,all in HaII County,Ne braska,be,and the same is hereby forever affirmed,confirmed,a.nd i;
<br /> ' quieted in the plaintiffs as vgair�st the defendants,and each and all of them,and as against
<br /> i
<br /> ' all persons having or claiming any interest in said �remises,real names unknov�n,defendants,
<br /> ' and as against each and alI of them,and saia defendants,and each and all of them,are for—
<br /> :
<br /> , ; ever barred,excluded,ana en�oined from setting up or asserting any right ,title,interest, ,,'�
<br /> ;�
<br /> lien or estate in and to saic� Lots �,9,and 10 in Block 3,and Lots 6,7,� ana 9 ,and fraetional ''
<br /> 'i
<br />�-- _ ----,�-_L��--1�--is� B1QC]� �- �>> �.._in_�te-s-�!_s- ' �� a��rt of th� �er�h�es� �u��sr--�� �� n��
<br /> 'i
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