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<br /> 88871-S7ATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. . _,���� , _,._
<br /> �, V O lY�i�V i . . ''.
<br /> THIS INDENTURE ,�ade this l�th dap of December 1923 by and bet�een Sarah C.Kelley party of the ,
<br /> first part ,and Robert M. Kelly party of the second part.
<br /> �VITNESSETH,That party of the first part has th3.s day sold to the partp of the second part and
<br /> party of second part has agreed to bup the follo�cing described propertq,�o-wit:The �testerlq
<br /> Half of Lat 2 and the Easterly 17 feet of Lot 3 in Block 7� of the Qriginal Town,no�v Citp of
<br /> Grand Islarid,Nebraska,as surveyed,platted and recorded.together �ith all appurtenancet theret�l
<br /> I belonging,�or v�hich the party of the second part agrees to pay the sum of Twelve Thousand and�!
<br /> 00/1�4 Dollars ( �12,000) payable as follows;Five Hundred. and �0/100 Dollars in cash in hand,
<br /> reeeipt of which i.s hereby acknov�l.edged.Balanee p$y�ble as follows; �2500 cash to b e paid on �.ceept-
<br /> ance of this contract by party of the first part and the balanee �9000,payabl� �12�0 a pear
<br /> commencing January 1,1925 and �1200 on January lst of eaeh subeequent year until the �9004 i�
<br /> paid in fu].1. Interest at the rate of 6�O per annum,payable semi-annually from January 1,192�F.
<br /> Option given to pay more or all at any time and stop interes� on amount so paid. Party of the '
<br /> second part a�rees that should he fail or refuse to carrq ou� the above canditions,the money ;
<br /> already paid shall be for�eited a� liquided damagea,at the election of party of the first par�.
<br /> The party of the first part agrees to furnish a ma.rketable abstract of title covering p ope�tp
<br /> days before delivery of deed,brought down to date,and give days for examination an d if the ti�le is ds..
<br /> feetive said first par�y to have a reasonable time to correet said defeet or defeets and sho�
<br /> samE on �he abstract When the party of the second part ia ready to r emove the building from t�te
<br /> above describec�.��,for the construction of a new building;before the rernoval of said building�
<br /> I
<br /> the party of the second part agrees to pay �lOC?0 to Dill & Huston Co.to be held in escrow
<br /> ` until a nev� building is under const"ruction.This amoun�t is then to be applied on the paymer�t
<br /> due on the firs� of the f ollo�ing year after the construction ia started. Attaehed to and forn�s
<br /> part of cor�tract between Sarah C. gelley arid Robert M. Kelly dated Dee. 1� ,1923,conveying; t��
<br /> Lot 2 and the E 17 feet of Lot 3 in Block 7� of the Original Town,no� City of Grand Ieland,Ne'�-
<br /> raska. Dated at Grand Island,Neb�aska December �9�1923•
<br /> Rober� M. Kelly '
<br /> R���„f ,if the said party of the s econd part shall pay the sum or sums as above set forth and ';
<br /> carry out the eonditions above named,time being the essence of this contraet and of all the �
<br /> conditions thereof,the party of the first part �sill furnish a �Parranty Deed to said second pa�ty
<br /> at Grand Island,Nebraska and pay all taues that are lien on said property,and up to and includ.ing
<br /> 1923 and to assign �.he insurance,and gi�ren passession on deliver9 of this contract. Permission
<br />� is given to remove b�ildin�;s at any time after the party of t he firat part aceepts the terms
<br /> of this eontrac�.
<br /> ;�'rad whereas the sa,id second party has agreed and does hereby agree that the second party sY�all
<br /> and �nill pay all taxes and assessments levied or aesessed upon thie contract and upon the deb�
<br /> secured thereby; to keep the building� on said premises insured �or the sum of �---_Insurable j
<br /> value,both fire and tornado,for the benefit of said fixst partp or assigns,and to deliver to ';
<br /> �aid first party or assigns the policies for �aid insuranee; to pay all taxes and asseesments '
<br /> on said premises,before the saxne shall become delinquent ,and not to commit or nermit any wastd� *
<br /> on or about the same;
<br /> A�d v�hereas 3t is further a r�ed that if the second art shall fail to �
<br /> � g P 3� pap tMe taxes upon j
<br /> � said premises or upon this con�ract or the debt secured thereby befora delinqueneq,or to furn�;sh
<br /> ! such insura.nce thereon,tye first par�q or assi�na may pay such taxes,and procure and pay for
<br /> �
<br /> � such insura,nee,and the second party shall re-pay to the first partp or assigns the sums so palid
<br /> for taxes and insurance,with interest thereon at ten per cent;and �he sum so paid,wi.th intere�t,
<br /> �
<br /> ��._ , ;
<br />