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r� . . _ i_ _ . . �..:t iS4 � 7n i r.��'�. <br /> �9 \{_ t t ¢^� i t _ :: <br /> � +�i.rr.Fi�'", � � ' I - .• . � r �risi. �t��,3'�f,�:N�aTS�.t� + {.�r� <br /> ilfii���:'�E'�� w......tx..a{tt�..:.vs:1�Jt}...,�:�.�....�....�e._....uassen4yc✓.aurx��nuwaw� _W_ ...»...wu.+&;til FS, ,it/����i� �;�. <br /> ��( ( f h�R[T � ` <br /> Xi'.1 Z!�+� � �"�%l�d: <br /> �"�l�t±� � ' ' 17.Tran�iq�of tiie Aropsety a a H�nHiot�t 1nt�r�N in Borcaw�r.n�t«any pm oi tnn r�o�e+y o�� t ��, '`L s y}' ,L. <br /> ''}��,'J�x�'; enY Nlxeft N N 1�cdd ar IrendxrW(a M a MnMcW N�wnl N 6orravr Is ao16 a IruidurM�nd Qonawr. is noi�nMuul , � ; �i r.r��� <br /> e � -?� pN10�)NR116L1 LOnd6r6 p110f Wt1:IM COn7Ml.IMdK lMyAI N{OpWJl1,tlryJY!NYM'.Mb p�yMMl N Ni GI�I fUmf f1W10d by� t -t�.' y �_ t S _ <br /> by� ihlt C�WiAy IMWm�nl.HOwEVM thli oplbn sh�l not W awdaM by I.ander N ezKdu It prohbAW by 1�MrY Nw�i ol lh� � ` �p f + - �r -. <br /> . G�tt3 CI lid!BGW�lfy In[WMMI. � '�<Sft�vt� 41 r Srt f u.:_ <br /> r`�f'�$ �� H LMdlf GIMdN{IId6 0 WI�. IMdM ihY QN�BMON'M IIOIk! ol�ccda�llon. Th�nollu fMl povW� e p�Aod ol('� i� r rJ ---.. <br /> f�hi ,�d . P 1' �� �� <br /> i l i� nol In�Ih�n 90�kyt from fh�dels th�notlu h Nkxod a mtied xi�hN whkh DaraxK mvp paY a4 sumt sKwW bY t7� � .�� y r/ � .,_. <br /> tyr f 1, this 8ewdry IneWmu�t. II(3ortwrK I+U to p�y Ues�sums pior�o t�ie mQdratlon ot ihls pMOd. UnMr m�y hrok� any�p `� - � , <br /> R.. � l[t� / <br /> �,y� �4 ��es permltted Ly Ihl�B�w�Ny In�wmenl w11hw1 Wnhx noVu or dercand on�ortowN. y� ,�(\rY���� � , : <br /> '+��' � 18. Borrowu'� Aight to Rdn�tMe.If Oonox•n meNe ealeN eondflons, tlorrowN sNl h�v� the dpM �o luro GJ � .� f,�� 51�, <br /> i ��+T aniorcemenl ol tli�s 8eu:dry Inauunim� dttonlNUed N�ny tMne prlor to tl�e euGK ot (Q 6 drys(a suth othM perlod as ,-;y �� � Ys"- �: <br /> � a� � <br /> { ,�� �ppGUble bw mry apody !or rahslHemonq bNwe sde ol the AopMy pumuml to �ny powx oi a1e eonl�NOd In Ihis � � ;sr yi l�s�x��a„7 .., <br /> Sean�ry Ins6vmF�1: er(6) eMry ol n wd�.mml c�lorcHg this Bewdry IneWmml.Those wnJNOns�ro th�l Ilortower, p) peya 1 , f1,r . � ,-� <br /> � i �� Lmder aA aums wMch thm would be fk;e undn this Sewriy Inslrummt enA lhe Note aa II no eado�etlon IIAfI OGWROJ; N) -fE. - <br /> `t�,i� Wf05 AOY dM�UN 01�Oy OIhD1 COVMiIfl 01 i9����5: (C) (10y5 i7 lXpM605 II1WODd GI M(Oft19Q ll'��5 8EW111y IIISWMMI. - , �* <br /> -�_,1, =,��� Indudn9� bul not 6NtoJ lo,�aaon�6fa sttanrys`loes: �nd(�tokn vsh acRon a Lmder m�y reeaoroby roqu4o lo essuro ._. '���_�i_,+.: ;:_. si c <br /> -,� thii lho Rai ol this BcceAly In7Wmxnl 14r�'t."3 t�4tt t�lRe Pn>,�aty L:�L 8G�*oK�a`s Cb9$alon lo pey tho sums aecv�eU _ <br /> b/G�.h ° �'ti Ir.sLVmmt sh�l caa:tnurs u•ralav�W.Uvc+i=a�iu+.s:mri tr!�anx, C1s S¢cu�ity InsWmn�l and thx � � � + _ <br />:_�.•_,���,S cCaya✓++s mured hereby sh�l�ercwh(u�a'Sx�,2va as 1 no xccs9:rs..on l�ad cm�x�3. F1ar�mar.Gih�Iphl to rcinsata srai _ <br /> � -"' mt a,y�`/k+Nn aso ol�ccdn�ti�i�r�baz p��a7h 17. <br /> . -_ � �� <br /> ,r �i ; 19. SA.� ot Nota; Chwnpa o4 Loan S2fr3tN. Tha Nc�a or e e Fart'�1 httratt i��'�2 NuM_ (taqWnr r�an : <br /> � Uu5 S[�XSl�/MSIt1:ff�Ml)IN%b0 SW3 Q1B Ot�tOtO 2kMS N1TOti1 Ffk,!A:L'CO�O OP�CIYM.A 33id M•.J f2S�\h i Cl'3^y�`i '!1 Ihi -,F �" �� <br /> �:; -,�:..t mt'ry(tm.n as the•Lw.� Senka•)tnm cdects month.y paymen.s due cndcr tns ttote nnd u:ts sxa.rry Inst*.+xa��. Thne .- - ' - <br /> -{-� elso r.lg L:c+:e n m^�a eN,ros ct�`,e Loen SeMce` unre4afM u u nan ot tho No1e.II lhr.e ks �ch.ango oi tne Loan .- , _.- _- <br /> ' i�'(yr_�j SMWcet.Eer,ower wi be gNm Nn�tc1�x:!:o ol 4he change In Ettudn+co xfih Famgraph 14 abore nnd appicaNx I�w. Th» - sit�� X _<e ^ <br /> i Frl�c. •: nUke w�9 aWlo the namx and �ddress o!�he new I.tan&McM entl�ho nUaeas la wMOh paymmts ahould 6o mada. iM -�}� ���rz',} x+'._� <br /> ti A�� f�� notica�n7 dso coNat+a�y�Lher NlcmwOOn requ4ef!h�;nppEwble lew. �-'�i � f���I >° ' <br /> ���fs?�.�''.l 20. iit27fdOttO Subbl�IlC�i.Bottowa ehal nol ause o�pemJi tha Onsmce,use,dspos�6 storage, t��eiease of - �- � ts bg -- <br /> , t,y�',.�,�� eny Heza�zn�a R.lufanus on or h Ihe Rope�ty. Ocrtcxer shaY not do, nor ellow enyone eise to do, enylhtng aIIennp the `��,;� i'1� ;;�?`;; <br /> � _`t,{ Property 14:(: 1a 1n v1oM0on ol�ny EnvYonmmld laiw. 7Te preeed:n3 M'o smtmces sh�0 not eppy to lhe presenu. use, � j�y h,� ; <br /> 1 �,:��, or alcrege na the Propnly ol small quanti9es ot Hazerdoue Substecan t�el ere gmer�ly reeognhad to 6o epD�oO�N�e to :. �,�� ��{'�__f y��, <br /> � � � norm�l rosdenul uses end to malntmanea ol the ProFny. �j�,; i,5��_itF� <br /> k 1r Q�y Bortaxer ah� prercpty pMe Lentler wrilten no[co M any Inwstfga0on, cla4n, dem�nd, Ywsuft or mter Lx:zn by eny �i ,� � � j� �+ <br /> �,� -, govemmenlnl or res�k7cy asency or�Ma1e pury invor�ng Ihe Rev�+h�d any Hezerdous Subst�nae or Envirm.mrr.wl Lnw of � z ;'„��°t�"�� <br /> .;,,?�� ,�ki5� whkh 6cROxe� lus aciva7 kncwleAg^.. II Oartown leams,or Is natecd by eny govemmentd or reguia:ory eulhcr'ty, fhet nny ': !�Ns'��5.'R. L0: <br /> � . r-�.�::a c:.".r. �r.�zr, cf a^, !-`i_,M_�.�alyy�aq�n e}�pcCp, c.roxy Is neeessary: Bv:nwn sha0 prompW teko oY I -t� ;:b'�r --,�' <br /> �1�3��`�i newns 9ed In�is��a3 aS�EO,�I1aza�dasESubslenws�er lhoso s�bafances b:`ned es tozio or haurdous su6stancas by F'��'j f���':�j/f r��}��- <br /> � 4F '; Enr�ionmenW L�w entl Iho Ic7owing subalenees: gas:ti�e. kerosr•ne, aiher flar�^abie or loda peVOleum p:oduUS, to�do � YJ'ti ' �yl q `.� <br /> � pesEddea end heiMddes,eolal�e soH�nts,matertis wntaiaNg asbestcs cr torma:dehydo, and mdoactive melertela. As vaed in �� ,: y��{1�! -�. <br /> .y :�ty_�; perag�ep4 iY�,'EnvYOnmental L�w•menns ttdttal Wws ond laws ot Ihe}:dsdicUon where Ihe Propery is loeated Ihel reiaie It _ :•_,•�� ,-_ ; +•�$`�-� <br /> . .. heai:n,saiay a rnrironmentei protec0on. 1 -� 7 'j°f - � <br /> �'� ��'r 4 NON�WFdiM CONiNANT9.bonower end lentler F�nha eovenaN end egree es lotows: ' T�}_ <br /> � t�'Z' 2L�Aocabratton; Remodles. Lender shnll nrio nolice to 9orraw�r prtor to accaionl�on � � � ' <br /> � w� ,'}; foilowiny;Borrower's broech of any covonont or o�rooment In tiJs 8eourity InMrument @ut not " '1j R ra�F. <br /> `��j�rl�st' ohall ap�city:'(��lhe dei u1tPQb) tho ac!n requlro�t'occuro the do6u�de(��Olhe�e���not leea h'an - ;��i�R�i7,`:- <br /> : ; �-• 30 daya trom the 8ats th� no2lco is �lv�on !o Borrowor, by w:ac'�1h� defau9 muat be cund; and ;.{� : y � ;•!.. <br />-• - �-�'�' d thM fallure ta eure lhe dotautt on or boioro tho drta aAncFlled in th� nollca r�ny reault In �:'i-{? :� �-%%,:�:. <br /> ��:il.,,::,. � ) -- r .. ..r,�tirr�.;i�':_, <br /> � �, nceeterallon of the euma secured by th7s Sacurlly�InsVUment and nai� of th�proper7g. T7�� noUca - 1 �f��.i : <br /> ° ahnll luHher tnform Horrower ot the rlpht to re)nntato aRer acceiarrilon and th���ph1 io bring a � •. J : <br /> �^) ' ` court nctlon ro �sea�t the non•exlstenco of a No7aidt or any other detansa of Sorrow�r to � i1F ';•; <br /> � , ,� eacelo�atlon and aala. If the detault is nat cured on or Betore the date speoified I�a aM notice, �t` z �, <br /> r i-'"' I.endor at ita optlon may requira ImmeCFa2o paymont In fu�i of all aume sacured by 4'�ia Security �, : � }l, . 5 <br /> `Z� °' - `� Inetrwnent wilhout turihor dsmand mx7 mry Invokn the po•Mer of aale end any ot?+ar ramedlea � �, - " <br /> r;};Y parmfttod by applicnble lew. 4onder ehail bo enli7:ocS to coilect ail �xpenyoa InourreJ in purauinc� if}J�'`�� <br /> ` '�� ��,`,- tha romadles provided In tl�ln paragraph 21, Inciuc'.+��, but not Ilmited to, roasonabfe attomoys' � - j' <br />-'`�-�'. - ' te�n onA coate of title evidonce. _'�� ` . �" � <br />- - ��"�f; If tho powo� vf ealo Is Invokad, Truetao ahall rocord a notico of dofouN In onch cowity (n '` - <br /> . . whl¢h u::; pnft of ti�e Proporty Is locatod and sha11 mail coptos of such nntlee In tho manner <br />, proecr:?:e�f by appl�cabte law to tiorrowor and fo ttao othor porsons proscdbo� by appllcable law. 4 <br />- :` �( Aitor tt�a thne requlred 6y ep�Nicabio low, Trustao shail give publla notica of salo fo tho parsons � <br />- - ' ; and in tho manner prescribod bV applicablo lew. 7ruslee, wilhout domand on 8orrowar, ahali aoil <br /> Wo proporty at pubilc eucllon to tho hlpl�oat biddor at lho tlmo and pinco and undor tha torme <br /> �� doalgnntod In llie notica of snlo in ono or moro percois and In any ordor Trustae dotarminas. <br /> � Trualoo moy postpono eale of all or eny parcol of tho Proporty by public ennouncomont at tha <br /> "� � tlino and placo of any provioueiy schodulod ealo. Landar or ita dosignao may purchaso lho <br /> " I PropoNy at any sala. <br /> �� Upon receipt of paymon4 of the prico bld, Trustoo shall doltvor t0 lh0 OIIfCh9S01 TfU6I00�6 <br />. l dmd enwnvinn flw Pinnnrtv. 7hn mdfala In Ihn Trustan's (laod ahall VC tlr11nR f�CIB BVId011C0 01 <br /> . - � lho trulh of�lho statomonl��mado thoroln. Trusteo shall apply ths procaoda of tho saio In tho <br /> tollowinp ordor. (a) to ali costa and ozponsos nY�oxorclsing tho poN�or of anlo, and lho salo, <br /> ' Inciudlnp tho payment of tho Trustoo's toos actualiy Incurrud, not to oxcood cliree <br /> Ya of tlio pdnclpoi amount of tho noto nt <br /> tho llmo of tho doclaralion of dofault, and �onsa�abio altornoy'a foos os pormlltod by Iaw; (b) <br />- to all sume aocurod by lhis Socurity lnatn�moM; and (c) any oxcosa to Ihe poraon or <br />- porsona lopolly antitlad to !t. <br /> �. ({ ��� /� , � <br /> ' . .. Fll15tM6 POAC [.�r e:I S _f�_L �y6� <br /> l. <br /> / <br /> .`. 91]])lM � <br /> { <br />