. ,v,•,C�V,t1'�Sf,R�, - "�13��hT` fa,� ' ;"_ - ` �s'�' . _�'- _tk�qt`'� --��._._ . _
<br /> i �pF
<br /> . �j ��ry£Ai#�jt�Ty �. �N �-5 �1- - ^ - � . _ .-�
<br /> �V S l I' ��`i F/ � Lf>.lis �u ✓.iir.�'ui3 N 5 i.�
<br /> eL�'Yy<'•i'�i[l,.r s s+ Y •� 'rat= -'_
<br /> f J'.. �t,..J`.i�..4.1+:a.....,s.33.1a.7a.��a_�..<,w..xv.3=:.`.t3ffQ�st'b.u9:tw'zl�::'dt�J;.• ....,.n..c.:s.� � p��� , 1-7
<br /> -;:Sie�it l�.RSc.=-:
<br /> .,.e'1! 'if°jyz;i"ztF`::Y.
<br />`. 3I�� � � � :
<br /> TOOGi11ER W(M a1 tho I:�yrovaments nan cc P.�sttn?r.r ec¢ctxl on the propaty.sb1 ai mxsmrass�,a��.9rnn�ms,a�d� `t � t,�r -'.
<br /> ��f Tu�ures now a hx�slix a po�l of the propary.A1 r<G�nrr�'✓e+�a•d�rr'u3rbns ah,nF azo M ca�rsr5 bf G7s S�:arci�I.+s'vumonf.� �3y r `.:�_
<br /> - `7 N of tho IaMoMi91s retm�d to In thfe 8ewrity Inswmen:oa fhe'WaC°xt/.' , tp �g
<br />.-:.'�;� ODMOYIEfI COVEW�FITB Ih�t�ortown ie 4vAu6y adsed ol lha xY�Gm P�mO'1�mm�nQ aYS bb1 tha AOhI fo prinl enA � n,,t,. ! '
<br /> - wnvy th�Moperty and tMl th�ftq�e�ty Is unmwmbrW. exc�pt S:r �nwmbr+nces o�record. Oonovia wmrenta nnd � �,, y 1,._s r •_�
<br /> N#d010�1d pP16f�y�ihe tltle�o tho f4operty agdnsi A ddms+nd dmunds.subl�to�ny mambmnus ol record. n� -,�J`1 .,:
<br /> mw s�cunflY �N9TflUMEIir conWkas unNOrcn COYMNU tor nWOnN use �nd nonunHOrtn covm�ats x"r.h r � �_r ;
<br /> }� iiWted vwi�tlons lry 1ud�ddbn lo contlNula�unHOrcn aoarity InsWmenl coraNq ral ptopktY• -_ _ � � _
<br /> UN�fORM GOVGHANfB. 8arowa�nd Lmtla covanuA and�pree+s IoFOws: �
<br /> ;,�r� i.Naym�nt of PdnelpM snd Inl�rodi Pr�ptym�nt and i.�b Chwq�e�Bortowe`eh�W promPty Pry whm ',y'�;��`,4,'F�,`,'.:
<br /> -' due th� pMd(�M o1 and Nternl on lhe debt aAdencad by the t7ote and �ny prlWyrMnt�nd Mle chvpo5 dae unda the ,ti� I ,j M ,-,
<br /> 3y� Mole. �
<br /> 2. Funds for 7�x�t�nd Intur�nc��&ibJ�cl lo�ppiubM Nw a lo�x+Ml�n wWN by Undw, aarow«:hu p�y ' �
<br /> a�?? lo Lendr on Ihe d�y monlhy prymenls ue du�undw tho Nol�. und the Nol�It p�W N IW.��um Pfunds9 fa: h)Y�/ n -_��
<br /> ..L. � ��
<br /> �>i�t tu�sc�nd�wNtmrnu w1�kh rr�y �tuN PtlotltY ova tM�s«wxy m�wm�nt�1 a Nn m 1h�rropMty;N)YwN�«s�now � ,
<br /> "3'�] MYm�nu u qwr�d nnit oe N� PropMy�N anY (�)YKM Mi�rd a MoP«N h�wrna A��rrlumst (d)Y�N Mod h�umu o ts
<br /> t.t Mwrdmi��M�ny,(qywy ma10�0�h�uruiu MenMims.X�ny.�nd(9 NY��MY�bY Bonow«to UndK N�cca�Nnu ( n • -���
<br /> ,,o
<br /> � x�h�ho P�t»Wn:o(p:r.Geph 8,6i Eau W the R�1r�mt ol malM9s In¢uronw MeM�xns. Thne Neme es ceMd 'E�aow ZNIpL <}�
<br /> i�� 11Kn�' Lmd�r rr�y. N My WM colwi and hofd Funds N an�mounl nof Io auW th� m�xhwun omount a lenda lor o "�T s" ...
<br /> `l? � �+ -
<br /> o-�� fedrny��41W mafg�p�Iw�rr�y rpuYe fw Bonov�er's�saow�ccounl undw�h�IW�Y NW Eeq�e Bottlanent Procedures - - �
<br /> - �.Y'1 Aq oi 1p74�t�r�dM kom 1Nx b IYne,12 U.8.0.B 2601 M aeq. ('AESPA'�, uMesa �noiha Mw thet MPGes lo tho Funds � �r�.1 -^�
<br /> � :��3 sN�a IM�M imWnC H so,L�ndx mty,�1 �ny lYne, cotett and hoid Funds In�n amounl nol to ezceed�he los¢er amoum. -- �-!9 ,'�
<br /> a? lenda rr�g mlYnu th� �mwnl ol Funds due on Ihe b�als ol curtmt d�u�nd re�eon�Me asltnstes o�ezpenddures ol IuNre � ` +;
<br /> i 8�aow Item�w olhenM�In�coorG.uo w�h appGuble Mw. � ��.
<br /> . ,s� Th�Fundt ihN b�held In�n NsWuGon wl�ose JeposNS ae Nsured by a ledarol apenry,NsWmeetWry,or m�try(ndudng 5•_��
<br /> n '� Lmda.H lmdr ts auch en NetMWOn)or fn any Feder►1 Home La��S�nk Lmder sf.aS a;CN lhe Funds fo pq the Eaaow ' �t -�-.
<br /> �--1 ilans.Lenda rMy nol ehuge�orrower for holdnp�ntl�ppF�lnp lhe�unds.a�-cnT�ar.al,izrs�tix esaon acsw..:, a +:4•yNg , Trh:..- -.
<br /> a�-�� ihe Esaow Ilan�, unless Lander p�ys Oorrowa Nlwesl on Ihe Funds a.d�,^��r.rC%rt 5zn P'a'r+l'-� le+�A� to rn;ke suati a � t ,� ,�y`.•.:
<br /> ehvge. Ilowxa, Lendtr nuy requYe Dortower fo pry a onetkne cMtge 6:c a�TWepen�tr.t tNw M'3::tL� reycvti:g strMe (p � 4 .
<br />. >.+}�{ usM by LMdn N eonnecUOn x•tth lhla loan, unloss eppSUble ferr FroNdts olhemise. U�trts srt a�rnnrnt fs r�de cr rf ���t� �T,r} -
<br /> -'�'t.`I appie►We uw reqaYes hlxesl to 6e pNJ,Lendx ah�1 no16e ra�:�ut ta pay Oarow��ny Ntaest cr ramtigs m U:e Faa3s. '-. ;i - 3��r� �
<br /> -!.yr' 6ortower�nd tendn rny �gree In vrtiMg,howma, thel h•:trxrt s.`.aS be qf� on the Funds. LenCer s:g1 r,He ta Eorrower, � ,`�i� '.�����'-�-
<br /> -*<`.� wM1houl thuye,�n nnnWl�CCOUn1Ng ot ihe Funds, showS�y a+n9s a�+d debits to �he FuntlS 6�d 1F.e'FuP�s+'� ��•�Kch each ,f-.��}.{
<br /> - );� dcbfl lo ihe Funds w�a rn�de. The Funds ere pIMgM as r3?.t:r,r,i sxur,Ty lor�1 sums aecured by Ip�Szw:ny hs�mrcml. � )� �_ �
<br /> �:�.� II the Funds held 6y Lende�axceed the amounls percN.5t3 to�e held by�ppiceble kw, lMdCf 9ST1 dCCONll ta OOROwli , :f; 1
<br /> lor tho acass Funds N�aordmco rrNh W rayukemmts ot a�-ScaY.e aw.If Ihe uneunl ol the Fund;ndd by Lenda e1 any s ,.. f }
<br />,���s�= tYne Is nol sutfidml lo p�y the Esaow Y.Qms when Ne,Lmdtt nu�y so natNy Bottowa in wiP.hp, a:+Q m ouch uso Barowa ,!..,.,- �•ll�(:.;;.��
<br /> �"r� shel MY to Lender the amouM neuasnry�a meke up Ihe dtfiGmcy. 2a:<awer aha�1 mnka�p e.+: de�_kncy N no moro thin f�:��+;i� - -
<br /> '.)l'A l�� t� .�v ��
<br /> -. ;; iwdruP nMh�y�paai in`h: d c6 e amOaM9u'I Ej�tYrls ��°.� �»L�r.�rt :er"ar �•�C F•,.r.,ptu ntin� !o eonower any � � 7: 'e.i;s n .
<br /> ��� Funds hNd 6y lendtt. II, unCer peragraph 21, Lender 6haA acqutre or aeU the Rcpcmr,ientler.pAn lo Ihe�equisNon or seio ih)Y'7����� �
<br /> S�}6�� ol lhe Properry,sha0�ppy�ny Funds hxd ay lmdtt e1 the Ome ot uoqe'si:.m or sala as�ueCil n9�hat the suma aocured . ii _i�
<br /> '�
<br /> - 1I{.j� 6y Ih15 Scpiri.y In5Wmm1. } � / r -'-.
<br /> �' j 3� Appl9cNion of P�ymmte. un�esr .ppnutie ww proddea o:nmAse, a0 peymml5 recaked by Lender under . y'� :� ✓�
<br /> �'��! Ou�grephs 1�nd 2 ah�7 6e eppicd: fire1,to any prepeymcnt eherges duo under tho Noto; sewnd,to amounis DAYablo undH � "�•� _
<br />..,j���f� pwujreph 7;Ih4d,to kdaa�l Eua;lomlh.to 4�'++�tp.l dve;end lesl,to eny kle charpes duo under thn Mole. � �P�l --
<br /> _ ,�•r� 4. ChBrp�s; U�Oi.Dorcowtt shn!pny�II lixes, assossments, eherges, fines end 4npos�YOna �nrWuuCle to the ��� - s �,[
<br /> r,i .� Propttly wMch m�y aridn pdorAy over U�'s SewrNy InsWmmt, end Itasehold pnmenls or ryourtd rnts, H�ny. Bortowet . s �„^�t ?•�
<br /> �- 1 ahell pey these obOgnlons In tho manner provided M pangreph 2, or if r.ct p�id In lhal mnnner, 6r.rowa sh�l p�y them on _ _�!Pf;r :.
<br /> s`kf�l Ume dKectly to Ihe paaon owM payrczrz. ecnowa sh�0 prompt.y Nm"st to Lender aA nolcee o1 am:unts to bo peld under - � , F.t�, ;�
<br /> -'-';?G-1 Ihls pon9nph.if Oonower ma9eo lhrna saymenls CvecLy, Bonower shaE pranp�y temBh lo Lender recelpts eridendng •'a� ''r�4;;�.;-.
<br /> -�%a the pnyments. ��F�3����a-`T S4'
<br /> `/f] 6ortower shN proapt,y dtschn:se a;p 7en whkh has pdodry ovn Ihis SewMy Inswmmt �mlus Bortowm. (e) egrcas )�(y��yfa.i �.
<br /> tt@� N wrilYig to Iha peymmt ot tTe ab9SpNOn sec�red by Ihe Gen in a mnr.oar�aepteble lo Lmde�; ¢zl�onlesls In 9ood lailh the p !1 .�#�,�yt �
<br /> '-�+ Gm by,or delends a8elnst enlorum.zm ot Rz Ym N, legal procec�ngs aa�kh in lhe Lendas cP;n�� ooewlo lo prwenl � �ak.i v _•
<br /> � i 1'� Iha mloreement of Iho Ilen;or(c) seeu:r tran Ihe holdx ol Ihe .�e, en egreemenl selSSfactory to L�nder subOrRmeWg Iho j' t+ `�
<br /> �-d�j;� Am to th;s Sea�:ly Ina!rumen�N Lmder dettrtKnez tha:asy pa� cf Ihe PropnTy�s subjed lo e Ilm xNch mey a1Win pdairy j ' ;.'1
<br /> 3,p.lsJ ova Ihis 8ecuriry InsWmenl. I.mdct raiy 6Ne Oertcwe�o nolice IEmGt�M9�he 6m. �ortowtt sheA aelisy iko 7.m or leka � _,r" °i :
<br /> -'i�� ona or more of!ho aclbns sM brth ahove viahN 10 dayt ol i�o gVmg of notice. -}'�� ^ •
<br /> ��'s� b. Hszard O� PropBrty In51:7n�cE. Dortowcr shnll keep tno Improvemmis now erlsGng er hereaRer aeded on the -- - v 3t' `
<br /> r'.'i Mopnry Nsured egeinsl loss 6y firo,haxerds hduded wMhM �ho term 'eztended wvere9o' nnd ary ofhtt hezerds. Indud.ng y - i ���y�,_:
<br /> u� Iloods or foodmy,for whlch Lmder requ:zs Insurenw. This Insurenco aha;l bo menlsNed tn the n�r�ro�nts end br Ihe perlods �y�� ��fl2��f
<br /> �� . Ihet Lmde requ4os. Tho Insurance cartie R�oNJsg lhe Nsuranco shn:l bo ehosm by Oortower s�`u�ecl lo lendels epprovel �l�'�f-2�Ft�`�r �.
<br /> lei4 i whleh sha0 not be unrcasonath wilhhNd II Oortowcr le9s to malnlaN�ovcrage descnLed atava, Lendcr may, at Lmdets �� Sff.iMec�
<br />;k[i1;,� optlon.obian eovnego to proled lendert dflhts in Iha Property N aewrdaneo�N:h paragraDh 7. � -•"��;t��,�
<br />;..:;i.-._v, M Nsurenta polides and �mzxais ;lall bo aacepteblo to Lmdtt and sheq L�dudc a slaM,:d norigega uuse. Lmtltt f�. -
<br /> 'i:•ir'j aha0 hevo lhe Aphl lo ho7d iho p:kucs er.d rmexais. II Lender rcquhes, Oortower¢he:l promfZ g`r lo Lendtt a�recelpfs o( �'1 �� �
<br /> �r��i{ paid premlums e�d tmrnal no4ces. !n the eimt ol loss, Dortowcv sha4 gtre prompl naS:c to tnc N:urmce cartfer end k!
<br /> rl�.� Lendtt.Lender may m�ko prool ol bu C nof inede praryey by Oortowtt.
<br /> -;:,iy UNeso Lender and Oortower oPemBe agreo N x*r.tng. Insu:anco proceeds shail bo aFFed !o res�oreUon or repeir of ,
<br />��i<'..,,.; {he Propedy da:naged. N �he reSiCtat!cn e- repa'v B economica:y leasibie nnd Lentlers secu�+y B not lessened. II Ihe �
<br /> reslornUOn or repstr is nol econorricati 'ensgle o� Lender's securiry would be lessened. Ihe +rs:asce procceds shall be „
<br /> '�"j' eppGM lo Ihe¢oms 6ewretl by Ihis Ern^' ssimmenl. whethtt or not lhen duo, wEh any ea�ss peid lo Oortowcr. 1! • . '
<br /> - '�� DortowM nbendona tha Propttty, or dczs r-- msnrr xilh!n 30 Aays u no:ice hom Lendcv thol tho ��suranoo ca.�rlcr has
<br /> oflered to sMtlo a dam, lhen LCnder riu. :��I:ecl �he Insu2nce proceetls. Lendtt nuy use �hc proCeeds la r[patr or
<br /> resloro lho Ropttry or to pay sums secu;ed by lhis Securiry Inslrummi. whMher or no1 lhen due. The 30.day pMod x�S '
<br /> - beg!n w�en lho noticu Is 9ken.
<br /> Unless lmder end Dortorxct olhemiso zgrce in wri:ing. eny epD��tion ol procecds to p'Inapal sha7 nol extmd or
<br /> postpone the due dete o� ihe month.y paymmis �elerted lo L� paregrephs 1 ond 2 0� change Ihe amounl ol 1he
<br /> � �� peymenls. II unda pnregroph 21 the PmpMy is ncqabed by Lendeq Dottmver's dght lo eny bsuroncro po5des nnd proceMs
<br />- . ' `� tCSUNJng IrOm tlffin]g0 10 I�C PropMry pnM l0 1nc ocqcrsPuon snaa pass io irnda7 iv ind cxicn �i::c aJ�S Sj:.`.o.°...�3.°�
<br /> InsWment ImmeQatciy pdor b tho ecqufs:.ion.
<br /> 6. Occuponcy, Proeorvatlon, Maintonenco and Prutoclion of tho ProNody; Bor�owor's I.oan
<br /> A�)pI1CSt10t1; LOASOI101dB. DortowM shell occupy. esinbGS1. and uso Ihe Property as Oortower's p�l.+dpal resldmce
<br /> w!Itn�i�. �(s nller Iho exew;ion ol th:s Sewriry InsWmenl nn� s'a•::r.�inu�1a ocwPY Ine P�cF�ry as Oonowc+s P�ndpat
<br /> - �es�dznu lo�e: I^asi ona year u7tu t�e dato ol occupanq.unieas :rn:u cthem{se oyrees i+n^:mg. which cons<n� shaA nof
<br /> be un+rasor.eb.yw:hhNd,u vaiess axfenaating dramstances eusl wnxA x:e beyo^.d e�We�s �o�xoi. nono�Y« sha9 not
<br /> Ces:roy. deme5e er�reF�'��r.e P�c9«b• ��aw Ihe 9ropttry to dMer.wate, o�cc+-Fa wasie cn Ihe flopMry. Oortower aha7 be
<br /> - In ticlau4 A eny krfenure eo:ron w c�ocettlfng, whclhtt dr0 or aW�ai. fs beyur. mat n Lm.der's good ia:th �udgrnml wu�d �
<br /> ��-"�. �esu11 in tedeh�e of Ihe ProF�Y �+dnerxise matcrialy impair ihe Ite�uea1M by lhis Sew:�ty InsV�mmt or Lmdefs seu:riry
<br /> ����i�C InItteSL •y (�(- /��
<br />.�%=4`.}� va x N 5 _l_I�''�• l,.
<br /> ..���t.- Fu,suw noan °` 0
<br /> ,
<br /> _ "�.'r 91t]1.UA �
<br /> .
<br /> S _-__-___ . ._ . . .""_""_".
<br />