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<br /> 88871-STATEJOURNALCOMPANY LINCOLN,NEB.�.. .._ .___.r.,- -;.:-�_ _ ---..-- �.::=_---.-------..----= -----
<br /> i
<br /> By J. C.Hoge
<br /> Lena Galpean
<br /> Emma Sanders ,
<br /> Dora Shipton
<br /> Martin Schimmer Jr
<br /> Walter 8hhimmer
<br /> State of Nebraska )
<br /> 3 ss
<br /> Hall County.
<br /> Before me the underaigned,a Notary Public �ithin an d for Hall Cour�ty�
<br /> personaZl.p appeared J. C. Hoge,for and on behalf of the Central Po�er Company,and personally a�d
<br /> severally appeared Lena Galyean,Er�una Sanders,Dora Shipton,Martin Schimmer Jr.and �alter Schi�uner
<br /> and acknowledged the aforesaid instrument to be the �oluntary act and deed of the Central
<br /> Po�er Company ar�d of the said Lena �alyean,Emma� Sanders,Dora shipton,Martin Schimmer Jr. a.nd
<br /> Walter �'chimmer.
<br /> ( SEAL) R. S.'�enger
<br /> Notarq Public. �:
<br /> My commission expires June 22,19�9
<br /> Filed for record. this 21 day of November 1923,at 3 0' clock P.I�. �
<br /> Register of ee s
<br /> -0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0�0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-4-.0-�-0-4-�-0-a-0-4-�-0-0-4�0
<br /> AFFIDI�3'
<br /> State of Nebraska
<br /> Gounty of Ho�vard.
<br /> T. T.Bell,and J.A.Ha�gart ,of St.Paul,Nebr,each being first duly �worn upo�
<br /> his oath,deposes and says that eaeh of t he affiants above named have resided in St.Paul,in Ho�pard .
<br /> County,Nebraska,since the year 1��5; that during said time the said T. T.Bell,partp �bove named�
<br /> has been aetiveZy engaged in the practice of Za� and that the said J.A.Haggart has during sai�.
<br /> time been aetively engaged in �he practice of la�v and abstracting in said City of St.Paul.�
<br />� Affiants further stated thateaeh of sa.id affiants were well,personally and intimately ac_ ''
<br /> quainted �rith Addison E. Cady and Nellie E. Cadp,during their life time,from the year 1��5 up�- : ;
<br /> ;
<br /> until the death of each of t hem; that the said Addison E. Cady and Nellie E. Cady,now deceased,r��:
<br /> sided in St..Paul,Hoa�ard County,Nebraska,from the year 1��5 until the date of their deceaee; �
<br /> �hat affiants herein lived in close proximity to the said Addison E. Cady and Nellie E.Cady,th�.t
<br /> they were associated �cith them intimately both in a social and business wray; that they met wit'�
<br /> �hem almost daily and mingled with them during their life time,continuou�ly since 1��5; that
<br />' the said Adc7.ison E.Cady and Nellie E, Cady were husband and wife,that neither of them were
<br /> married but once,that the only issue of said marria.ge of the said Adc�ison'E. qady and Nellie '
<br /> E. Cacxy were �wo children ,n�,mely; Addison E.Cady,a son and �dnell L. Pyne ,a daughter; that no
<br /> Qther children born to the said Addison E. Cady and Nellie E. Cady,and that the sole and
<br /> only surviving heir3-at-la�r of the said Addison E. Cadp,deceased and Nellie E, Cady,deceased,wer�
<br /> ' the above named Addison E. Cady and Adnell L.Pyne.
<br /> � Affiants further state that the said Addison E. Cady and Adnell I,.Pyne heir�.�.t-�.aw of said
<br /> ` Ad.dison E. Gady,deceased and Nellie E. Cady,deceased,are the same and identical persons named
<br /> as the sole heir3.at-law in the peti�ion for the administratio� of the Estate of Addison E.
<br /> Cady,deceased,filed in the County Court of Howard County,Nebraska,on October 21,I�1�,a.nd the
<br /> same and identical persons �ho received title as heirs-at-la� of Adaison E.Cady,deceased,to the
<br /> following described property,to-�i.t:-An undivided one-fourth interest in and to "Al1 of that
<br /> part of the South Half (S�) of the RTortheast Quarter (NE�) of Sectiori �wenty ( 20) ,in To�unship
<br /> ___. _ __ _ __-------------- _ _ _ - - __ _ _ ___---------__-- --_-- _ ____ _ ___ _ -----�
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