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<br /> " AGREE�IENT
<br /> ' THIS AGREE�QENT,made and entered into this 20th day of November,A.D. 1923,by and between the
<br /> Central Po�er Cornpany,a eorporation with its principal place of business at Grand Island,I�eb-
<br /> raska,hereinafter party of the first part,and vena Galpean,o�ner ef the lands herefnafter desari�ied,
<br /> party of the second part, '
<br /> �fITNESSETH: That in eonsideration of the sum of One Hundred ( �1�0) Dollars to her paid by �:he
<br /> party of the first part ,the receipt whereof is hereby aeknowledged,and of the covenants and
<br /> agreements of the party of the first part,hereinafter contained and bp it to be kept and
<br /> performed,the partq of the second part hereby grants un�Go the party of the first� part the
<br /> ' right, '_privilege,and authority to conetruct ,operate,and maintain its lines of electric power
<br /> I� and trar�smission,including the necessary poles ,�vires,and fixtures along the west side of �he
<br /> right of way of the St. Joseph � Grand Island Railway Company as the same is now located,over
<br /> and across the �vest half of section Thirty-two (32) ,in Township Eleven (11} ,�orth,Range Nine '
<br /> (9) 9Gest of the 6th P. M. ,in Hall County,I�ebraska,with the ri�ht to erect and set necessary guy,
<br /> anchor,and brace posts,and the right of ingresa to and egreas from said premises to make the
<br /> ' necessary repairs and the righ� to trim or remove any trees that interfere with the wires on �
<br /> said transmission lines,the �rimmings from all treea to be removed by the party of the first
<br /> part and the bodiss of anp trees Gut down to be trimmed by the party of the first part and the!,'
<br /> bodies of such tr�ea to remain the propertp of the party of the second part and to be removed '
<br /> ' bp her,care to be taken at all times not ta d�mage or injure said prernises,property,or crops
<br /> of the party of the second part. :.
<br /> It is further understood and agreed that the center line of said pole line shall not be morie
<br /> than three fest west of the West line of the right of wa.y of said St. Joseph � Grand Island Rai�.road
<br /> Company,ae the same is no�v located,and that no wires on said transmiesion line ah�l.l o�erhang ..
<br /> the premi�aes of the party of the second part more than seven feet from the west line of said "'
<br /> right of way,and that no guq, anchor,or brace posts or wirea shall extend west of said pole lime, _
<br /> except on cross fence lines on said premises.
<br /> It is further understood and agreed that the party of the first part will maintain and keep in
<br /> repair at all times,or so long as the secDnd party may desire the same to be kept and maintain�d,
<br /> the transmission line heretofore built through,over,and across the sou�h�eest quarter of Sectio�a
<br /> 29 ,and the �est half of Section 32,and along the south side of said weet halY of Section 32,an� _
<br /> will give the aecond party service over said line as heretofore given to her an d her testator. '
<br /> It is further understood and agreed that as a part consideration for this contractPS�d gran� , "
<br /> the party of the first part will reimburse the party of the second part on account: of all dam_
<br /> a�es occurring �o the party of the second part by reason of the construction of said tran�miss�on
<br /> i�ines across said land,me8�ning thereby all damages suffered by the party of the seeond part,or ;
<br /> �
<br /> �by third persons to whom second party would be required to respond in damages,a� well as da.mag�s
<br /> to the second partq personally an d individually.
<br /> It is further understood and agreed that the tsrms of this agreement sha12 be binding upon ithe .
<br /> respective heire,�uecessors,and assigns of the parties hereto,and 8ha11 be and remain in full '
<br /> force and effect for the period of fifteen years commencing with the da.te hereof.
<br /> IN TESTIb�ONY �PHEREOF,the party of the first pa rt has caused these presente to be signed bg !
<br /> its _----__ and the party of the second pa.rt has hereunto set her hand,all in duplicate,�he
<br /> 'date first abone written.
<br /> CENTRAL P0�9ER �O�PAAtY,
<br /> By J. C.Hoge
<br /> !
<br /> Lena Ga.lyean
<br />