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�._�'� <br /> � <br /> ' ���(����}��7'-;"_\�;� ������� ������,�'?J� � <br /> �� - <br /> i <br /> _� _ ____ ___ _ - - - =-- _. � _^_ �_ __ <br /> �_=�___ _ . <br />���88871-STATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN.NEB. - <br /> .._,..._ _.._�.,._.. .__., .._._._.._ .�'__._._.' '_ �_-�.�._. --.'--� <br />� The Court furt�?r finds th�,t �.s the issue of ma,rri�e th�rR is onP d�.ugYiter,nam�ly� ; <br /> �'va Gcff yeurs of �e ��nd th�,t th� s�.� d �'va Goff b�ir_� ove� th? p,ge of fourteen years ��id <br /> 'r� expressed a desire ti�t the pl�.inti ff herAin be gi.ven thP care,custody �snd control of' <br /> t:�e s�.id Lva Goff, and the s�.id pl�.intiff bei.n.� a °°�roper gerson in °ll r�spect� to have thP <br /> c�rP, c�asto�y u,nd cantrol of thA s�.ici �v'�, Goff, the Couxt finds th�t th? s�id nla.inti ff 3 s t?�A'�e- <br /> ��ore A�yJt1A� �� tlzs cwre, custod�= u.nd control of th� s�.i.d Ev�. Goff �.nd the dQfpnci�nt herAin' <br /> is hexP�y xestr,�ined frorn interferin€; in �.n�y ra�inner with tnA s�.id plaintiff her?in �.nd tne s�id <br /> Ev a G of f. <br /> Ti�e Court Furt�er finds th�.t the s�id �'v�. Goff is attending i�igh School �.nd that th� dE- <br /> fend�,nt h�xAi.n sh'JU1.CI be r�c�uired t o j��.y to the s�id 'Eva G�ff fur her sup�ort pPr :rontl�, the <br /> sum Of Tl+Yp1Vf: �,nd 50/100 Dol Lars (�12.50 ) for �.n3 durin�; ��.ch s�hool ys�.r �.nd tizat s°�;.� d swn <br /> sh�.11 a�e p�,yr�.ble to t�p s�.ia Eva Go�f upvn the fi.lin� �y her �ith tn� Clerk of the District <br /> II Court herein��. written st�,tempnt of thP�le of the Grwnd Islwnd .�iigh School t�a,t she <br /> hus rAgul�rly attt.AndPd h�gh �chool durin� thP precedin� month and in thP �ent of her �'ailur� <br /> ' sa to do dn�i in the evpnt th�,t s!�p f�.ils to brjng � 2,roper Pxcuse from th� s�.id �rineiple of� <br /> thP ��-�i� �:i�h �ch�ol far her a,b�ence, then the s�.id ;��.yment sh�ll not bA m�,de unti.l such eert�- <br /> ' ificat? �.n�. Axcua� �re filed �s wbove set f�rth �nd tt�i.t ti7e s�.id sums shall b� pai.d tl� Jun�or <br /> �.nd Senior yeurs of sai.d Evd Goff in the said high school and th�.t a. totai of saici paS�mpnts <br /> i.f '�wo Hundxod Twe��t� -fiv� dolldrs (�225. r0) ta b� nl�de �s abc�ve sPt Porth. <br /> "!he Court furt�r fi:�ds thu.t t�`�P a�.i.d defendant should be allo�ed to vi�it the s�.id Fva <br /> Gaff ut re�s�n�.ble timPs �uhPn s�me does not interferP �vith her sehcol or �ther work. <br /> IT Ir T:i.�?�^FOR„�', ORD'!'���A�TI� DFC�tI±,ED by t:�e Court that tne marx�ia,ge relations heratofore <br /> Pxist: n� bpt�nreFn tne said � sha,ll �s and tne same herPb3� urP set ��id:8 �'�ziiy annul�d <br /> �.nd bat:� ��,rties th�rAto a,re reie�.sed from ail abligations of the s�ma. Tha►t the s�id plain- <br /> tiff��dve �.n� rec�ver Frora tne sui� defenr��.nt the sum of Lignt Hundred Dollars• (�SOO. OG) ds her <br /> eguitJ wn� intprast in tne Northerl;,� Gne-h::�,lf (N�) of ,I,at One (1) and the NcxtnerlyT One-half <br /> of the i�:asterly one-n��f (n�z) cf Lot Ti�vo (2) in �31ock Fcu-rteen (14 ) �f ��.G. Cl�.rl�s Addition <br /> ta th� City af Grun� Isl�.nd,wnd that �a��on s�.le of swid =;rP.anisea. �r u�on def�.ult in the T�aymelnt <br /> of the contx�,ct far the purchase of s�.id lots that the tQtu.l sum of �80o. p0 �h�ll b�come due', <br />'� and �;�:4ya:ble wt oncP t��;Pther with interPst thereon at the rate of seven ppr cent per �nnum <br /> ;�ayable �nnu�.11y wnd tY�,t g�.id lien und ,jud�ment for �80U. �0 m�.y be ��hJr� foxeclos?d �;.nd coll�cted <br /> fxcr� th� swi :� defpndwnt or out of t�z� �,rocPPde of the s�1e of the �bove described premises. <br /> It is furti�er ordAxP�, 4d,�ud�ed �.nd decreed tha,t the s�.id plaintiff �.nd r�cover of thie <br /> said �efendwnt tn? sum of Seven iiundred Fifty Dollars (�750.40) �vhich has hex�t�forp been <br /> A�c��ended byr t�ie j,lwintiff out of her �v�rn monPy,s�,id sum bein�; pwid ae fo�lo�rs, to-�►it: �12.51p <br /> on the_1�t ��.y of' �etoper 1�321 and �12.50 on the fi�t d�y of ?�.ch �.nd ev�xy month tllereaftPr <br /> until t��e ful:l. suri af �'750. 0� is t�uid. ?�ferred ��ym�nts to drww interest at the rate of spv;�n <br /> �ex c�nt �A r u.nnum f.rom the d�tp ` on w��ii ch s�,i d pa��msnts s3�.'�u�d h�,vp bepn made. <br /> It is further orderJd�ad�lud�ed �.nd decreed thd� the suid defenda.nt shu,ll T3�.y to th� �l�in�� ff <br /> for thp usp nf Ev�. Goff tlZe sLUn of Two iiundred Twent�r -five Doll�:rs (�225 . Ofl) rayable as <br /> follows: to-�vit: �12.50 on the d�.y upon 1�vnich thP ��id Lv�. Goff sh�17. fi1P with the Clerk of � <br /> . <br /> the District C�urt u writtQn st�,t�..^�ent from tne principol of the Grund Island Hi�h cchool <br /> tla�t��' 3he attended i:i�h School 3urin� thA ��recedin� rnonth ox in th? pvent of thP absence of�i t�e <br /> sai d Ev�. G of f in ,�e.hool,she will fi:��� d written Excuse of tiz� princ i��al af tnP sai d iIi�h �� <br /> ; <br /> i <br /> �cho�l covex•ing tnA period of absencp, if �.ny, durin� th� r�onth. The said �12.50 shall be p�►,id! ' <br /> to tYie Clerk of tne Aistrict Caurt �romptly upon the filin� of a�,id writtpn st�,tenent �nd a1�1. <br /> i � <br /> ��aS�mQnts whi ch urP in dNf�ult shU.11 drw� intPrpst ut tne rate of seven �,er cPnt p�;r�,Anr_uz� �,n�i <br /> ; <br /> ; <br />_ ,� _ �i <br />