� � �`�
<br /> � ��� � ��; \� �, � � � �'��� ��� � � �
<br /> � �ZS�I�������1J�!���-�,����__��������' ��,1.�'��J�� L�� �
<br /> __ , _._ __ _ - �_ __� _ _.
<br />� � --,�, . __._. . _ _.-= T. __ � — —
<br /> 88871-STATEJOURNALCOMPANY,LINCOLN NEB. __�.... . -..:-_-.-,�..__, .. ' .
<br /> I N T HE' 1JiAT TER OF TH� TI TL'�!' T 0 LOT 4� 3:I,�CK 20 �OF A T0�'t? 1�TA."!�'D AI.DA. •
<br /> 4FFI rA��I T
<br /> Stdte of Wyoming �
<br /> } ��•
<br /> S�r�eiw�,ter County. } •
<br /> A.�l�.ltgrs being first duly sworn u;�on his oath depoa?s and s4y� tnat
<br /> hQ wus the Notur�J Public vr?�o took the ucknowled�ment of HPnry T�.Bulm�.t an� ��ary Anr� Bal.mat,
<br /> husb�.M3 and �vif� in the Qvit Cldir� DeQd rPcorcied in T�ook 57 at P�g�s 591 of the r�cords of Hal'1
<br /> County�Nebraska; t�i�t in th� acknowlAdgment of said d�ed th.e ex�;j xwti on �f my commissioM a,a �a�t�,ry
<br /> Public w4s gi�ven �.a Se�tAmber N1, 1921, b�ing th? sa.mA date as thp �cknowledgment of ��.jci Quit ?
<br /> Cl�.irr. DQAd.Af� �.nt furt'�er s�Ts t:�a� a�id commis�ion ex�ires Aug-Ei-I923; t�iat tns expiration
<br /> of his can�r�ssion as �ivAn in �aid Q.C. D.wds e.rron:ou� �tind that hP is now �.nd wag at the
<br /> date of tne �cknowled�r:m�:nt of said �uit C1aiM� Deed c. Notary �ublia dy�ly commissioned and qu�l:i-
<br /> fi.�d in and for Sweptwater County,Wyoming.And furthPr �xffi�.nt s�.it� nct.
<br /> A.�falt�T8
<br /> Sub�crib�d and �v�orn to befor? m� this 19 d�.y of J�nu�ry , 1922.
<br /> (,�,�;,) Robt D.I�urphy
<br /> Nota.r�r Public.
<br /> I�y com:nissi�n expi rAs �ar 17-1923
<br /> : Fi1ed fox rPcord t��%s 21 day of �anuary 192�� at 9: L5 0' clock A.3d.
<br /> � � � ���;����e �-��� �
<br /> Regi�tsr of D�sAds
<br /> -0-0-0-0-G-J-0-0-�J-0-fl-C�-Q-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-U-(:-0-0-C-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�i0-
<br /> �rFNFR�;L AF'.�ID�ttI T
<br /> St�.te of Nebr�.sl� )
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> Hwll County ) R.R.Ellis nf thP Villr:�e of Aldd,Ceunty of Hrzll,dnd Stdt� of Nebraeka,
<br /> pein� first dulyr sworn� doth dPFosP �.nd ady. th�.t he �er�son�.11y knowa 'th�.t Peter C.KPlley and
<br /> Y. C.Kelley.m�ntioned in th? abstr�.ct of ti tle to the �lesterly Twenty-tv�o fe?t �f Lot Five in �
<br /> i�lock �+inetPPn of ths town of AZda�Nebr�.ska, is �ne und the st�.me c�ereon. .
<br /> And furthPr thi� deponent says not. ;;
<br /> R.R.Elli s
<br /> Sub�cribed �.nd swu�n ta bPfore me this 1Qth d�.y of �?�nuary A. D. 1922
<br /> (SEAL) John Thomssen
<br /> Not�.ry Public
<br /> i�y comr,ission �x�irPs September 27,1927 -
<br /> ' FilPd for record this 21 dw3� of �Tr,tnnu�ry 1922�a.t 10: 15 o' clock A.�.
<br /> - - - -��-���C_.._ _._..�:-
<br /> Regi�ter of Deeds
<br /> -0 -C--G-0-G-U-0-0-U-G-0-C-C-t�-0-U-G-u-C-�-C-0-�-G-f7-C-G-0-�-G-0 -f3-�-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-G-0-�-'
<br /> Stt,.tp of Nebrwska j
<br /> � ss
<br /> Hall County } �rt:zur C.��.yer,being fir�t du2y sworn upon his or�th deposes �,nd sa���
<br /> that he was well and �ers�naily �equainted urith John Felski to whom titlp �vas eonneyed by thi�
<br /> : Union Pacific Railway Com_�any ,by wa�r.r�.nty dePd d�ztRd SP�teml�er 2�i. 1887 �.nd filed in book of '
<br /> dePds "9N �.t P�e 73. of the follo�ring described re�l �stdte:
<br /> The S outhwest Quarter of Nortrnvest QuartAr fSW� NW�-) �.nd the �est H�,lf of Southwpst Quarti�r
<br /> {qp'� gyP4} of Section Seven (7) ,Township Elatrpn (ll�,�torth��an�� �en (10�,�est of the 6th P.�d. !'
<br /> in H�.11 County ,Nebraska.. and �,ffiant further st�.tes �ti�u.t :�� �rell �nd per�on�lly knew �Tohdnn
<br /> . �
<br /> i F?lske in whose Pst�.te pet_�'�ion for probate �ds filsd in the County Court of Ht�ll County;Neb-`
<br /> r�ska on August 30,18£i9 und wher�in � findl decre� �va,s Anter�d in s�id Court on thP 7th day o�
<br /> J�.nu�.ry ,1922 and riffiant furtner st�tes t�+.t he well and �ereonally knew Johann Feleke ,�vho4e
<br /> �state wds ��rtitioned in thP District Court of Hall County�Nebr�ska,and wher�.in a petition
<br /> w�s filai on DPeember 21, 1912 �.nd final decr�P Pntgr-ed therein on the 25th day of Au�ust, 1913,:
<br />. , . !i I
<br />