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�_��_: <br /> .� <br /> �����,J����,������'J'� �)��� ! ��,�'���'���' � <br /> I m�de upon�:�r.d given to �.11 the aoave n�xned defend�.nts,ar.d to the unknown heira, devi$ses� ; <br />�I 1ega,tees�and �ersonal reprPsenta�tivea of e�.3d :�efendants,and a11 of them, if dead��.nd also <br /> to all otii�r nersons interestad in tnP Astat? of sai.d n�rned dpf�ndants, or �.ny �' them,and tcD <br /> �,li �;�rs ons who have or cZ�.ir*i to have. some interest, ri�;ht, ti tle,�etata, or lien in, to, or or_ : <br /> Lot Six (6} �lock I3in� (�)�in Robinson' s Addit�on tc tha Villags of Cairo,H�ll County,Neb- <br /> r:�ska. <br /> No�r thereforP, it is ordered thdt the defa.ult of the defenda.nts.and ea,ch of t��em tiP enter�► <br /> °d,�.nd tnat the f4cts �tated in plai nti�f'a peti tion be t�.ken as true,as ag�.inst thpm�.nd <br /> n�.c:n of tnemand ag�.inst� ~�h?ir heirs,devispes, legatees,�.nd personal representatives and all <br /> �thpr perso� who nave a c1�im in, to, or ur�on th? swid ab�ve dPs�ribad pre.mises. <br /> This c�u$�� c�ming on furthPr for he�.rin� w4s su'umitted to t'r.e court upon the pleadjngs <br /> �.nd evi d?nc?, �nd upon thp ar�ZUmpnts of :; �un�el �nd tl�p cause b�ing duly submitt�d, to the <br /> cnurt��.rici the c �urt being duly advised� finds, thwt 411e�r�tions made in said �eti tion �.re tzu�� <br /> wnd th:�L tne �laintiff unci his �rdntor$,and tnosp in priritZ� �ith him, arA now,and have been,, <br /> for mor� than ten ye�.rs last, in the actual,oppn,hostile.notoriuus�exclusive,visible, <br /> �nd �3verse �os�ession �f thP following descrfbed real e�tate, situated in Cdiro��iall Countyk <br /> NebraQka,to-wit: -Zot Six (6� ,Block NinQ (�J) in Robjnson' s Addition to the Vi11�gA of Cairo, ' <br /> H�11 Count;��.Nebraskd. <br /> Tlz�t hp now holds �.nd witn his grantors wnd tnose in privity witri him�h�ve held, occupied, <br /> �nd possessed said �ropprty for �. period of more th�.n ten yP�.ra before the cora�nencing of <br /> �his �ct,ion. Thnt durin� such tiine he and hia gra,ntors a�nd those fn privity with hir.:,h��e <br /> h�ld s� land continuously in open.notoric�zs���ostile.pxclusive�a.nd ddverse poss�ession�Q.nd <br /> occu��ncy,under c3aim of title to swid l�.nd. , <br /> T:�e eourt further fird� that �t thP commencrr,ent cf this �ction.sdid plaintiff,w�.s in the'; <br /> �ossession ds owner of thP abave described prerais�s. �nd that he had the 1�a1 estate in �.nd�! <br /> was enti.tled to the possession of the� s�me. That neithPr the defend�:nts�nor any of them,nor'i <br />� �.ny of their hei r$� d�visees, leg�.t�es� or pers on�,l� rPioresentatives or any other per�son inter-� <br /> Q.�Z�iPC� in sa�i� rer�l P$tGZtA�ililV .P. any est�.t� in or �.re Antitled to the possPssion of �.ny of th� <br /> suid r?�1 patatA, or any �.��art therpof. l�nd tnat thA piaintiff is Pntitled in law and �n equi�y <br /> to hav� 1�3�s tit1P �.nd � in eaid ;remis�s quietpd ds against said defendants and <br /> ,� <br /> each of t:�em, �nd against thPir heire. �evisees, leg�.tQes �.nd _�er�onu.l r?present�.tivPs ,�xnd <br /> �.11 other �ersons v�ho have �. cl�.is� in, to, or upon tha sa,id �bcyve c�.e:�cribed premises. _ <br /> IT I� T�iERN,. 0?�F BY TKF GOtTRT A1?.'►'UDGF�,DPcrePd t:i.rld CONSIT)?+"?�'� thra,t the titl? and � ossPas- <br /> � ion of s�.id plwir.�iff in thn follovQing describ?d premises to-wit��ot Six (6) in Block NinP <br /> " (9 ) in Robins on' e t�ddi tion t o the Vi11�gA of Cui ro,Ha.11 County�Nebrdskr�,be �nd thA aaar,� <br /> 1ZerPby ara for�ver quieted,�.ffirmed,wnd confirmed,in the suid pl�rintiff,dnd that S�illiam <br /> VPills,�.nd �.11 of s�id defendants �.bove named,theix uriknov�n heirs, de�isees. legatee�.�,nd �er-' <br /> son�.l rA�resent�.tives �nd �.11 otner =Prsons claiming to huve �iny intnrest, ri�ht, title. es- <br /> t�te� or lien, i.n,to, or on saici ��remisAs. or dny �art tY�ereof are hereb;� forever en.ioin�d �nd . <br /> barrRd from cla.iming or �ssertin� �ny interPst in s�.id ��remises.ddverae to th�t of the <br /> �;l�intiff therPin� or from in wny way interferir.�; or int�rru�:�tin� his use �.nd en�ioin- <br /> �:ent therPof. <br /> rsayard �i.n�.ine <br /> Judgp of swid District Court. <br /> State of Nebr�:ska, ) <br /> ) $s. <br /> County cf HG1.1, j <br /> I,�wlter "ri.R�.uert Clexk of the Di.strict Court within wnd for said <br /> County t:ar�d Sta.te, do hereby certify that I h�ve compwred the f�rp�oing c :jpy of the decr�e ! <br /> _ _ _ __ - ---- - - ---- <br /> , <br /> i <br />