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<br /> I ��� EXECUTED I2d DZIBI,ICtiTE `
<br /> i
<br /> THIS yE�:SE,�+=a'�? a21d ent�rPd int o this 29th day of June A.D. 1921,by and betwe�n Anna �tAhr,
<br /> by �'m. Cords�her �gpnt p�.rty of t.� first part,�.nd �,V'l. �terne part, of the spcond part
<br /> '"TIT?��S�ETii,T:.�;,t the said garty cf the f�.rst gart, in cersider�.tion of the xpnts�coven�.nts, a.nd
<br /> �rQpmer_ts hereinafter cont�.ined, to 'oe pwid,kept �.nd �erformed by thP party of tnA gecond pa�t,
<br /> hatn y,��,�7��;D�I,Fl��ED �,�ds� I.F'T, �n� �y �1iese presents dot,1 y�E�ISE�L�'T AT1D ZEAGE,unto thP said
<br /> �a.rty of the second part The outside surf�.ce of the entire ea.stQrly wall of th+� brick build-
<br /> ir.� situ�.te �n the e�.st�rly onp-third (E�) of Lot Three (3� in Bloc� Pighty (80) original
<br /> town, now city of Gr�.nd Is1�.nd,Nebr4ska,�or �.dvertising purposes. The Lessee herein to have i
<br /> the right and pri.vile�e to i:;wint �nd m�.int�.i.n w si�r_ or signs upon the space �bove described .
<br /> �.nd to faeten �.nd affix in �.r.d to the autside of s�.i.d vrrall such equipment and appaxatus aa
<br /> mu.y b� d�emed by such 1?ssee n�cessary or desirablP for the proper displ�y a.nd pxotection of ;
<br /> said si�n or signs. for the tArrn of two y�P�rs ta comn�ence �nd be commuted frorn tre lst day of
<br /> July 1921,and end on the lst d�.y of July 1923 ;
<br /> TO HAVF.. AND TO HOI.� the s�.mp unto the swid Lessee far the term aforess�id.And the �aid I,essee�;
<br /> in ccnsideration of the leasi.ng aforssaid� doth hereby agree to pay a.s rent for said �rAmises«
<br /> the $�zrn of �150•00 payablA �s follows� to-v�it: Gne year in advance on thA lat. day of July.
<br /> A.W. StArne to have thA first priv�lege of rPnewal �,t ths expira.ti on of this lease,�t price
<br /> mentiored above.Er.tire eastPr7;� vra11 means only thp lo�rer wall as now used for advertising
<br /> purposes. . ;
<br /> And the said Lessee further �rees tha,t at the expiration of the term above �rantAd� or wt �,n�
<br /> earlier termination of this lA�.se, in case it should be sooner terr�in�.ted,he will quietly and
<br /> �eace�.bly yiPld up passession of sai d z.�re�ises unto the sai.d Zessor in as good condit� on as
<br /> tn�� s�,rre w�.s entsred upon, ardinary we�r or d��e by fi re excApted.
<br /> Sa,i.d Zesspe further r.grePs to m�ake all necessary re�airs on said buildin� so occupied ,
<br /> durin�; the tA.rrr. �.foresaid�at his own ex�ense 4nd cost,d�n�.gea�by the Plexrpnt$ alone excepted�
<br /> And it is further px�ressly �reed �nd understood by �.nd bPtween the partjes herAto,that jn '
<br /> cus� thP rent above rPsexved, or any p�rt therAof,be not paid z�t tne time the earr_e becomes
<br /> ��ae and paydble, or if any ot�.pr c�ndition or agree�rent hAr�in contained, on the part er beY�a.l�
<br /> of thp s�.id Zessee,be not by him fully c cmplied wi th an� perf ozmsd, then,u�n.d in th�t ca.se, the��
<br /> �
<br /> said Lessor shd11 :�dve the raght at 'r.i.s o��t�on to declare this le�se at an end,and thereby ;
<br /> cancel and �.nr.ul ths s�ar_e,�nc.l �o ret�,ke immedi�.te possession of said premises,and to put
<br /> out and r�rr,ove ar�y peraon occu�ying th�_sarrle.It is understood that tn? covAnants and agree-
<br /> ments ir� this lease sh�.11 succeed to and be binding upor� the rAspective heirs, executor8,ad- ,'i
<br /> �:inistrators �.nd assigns of -tr.p parties hereto. Aiothing herpin contained eh�.11 be construed
<br /> ;
<br /> to �revent the Lessor from cornmPncing �,n action at Ias� for the r=covery of the rent due, or aV,�y
<br /> part ther�of.
<br /> In the Pr�sancP of
<br /> I�iabel Sterne I�:rs Anna Stehr By 1R/ Cords n?r �t.
<br /> A.iq.�t e rne '!
<br /> Filed for record this 7 da.y ef September 1921,at 9: ��G o' clock A.�4.
<br /> �11���� �l� „
<br /> _. ��.��___....
<br /> Register of Desds
<br /> -e-�-c-a-o-o-e-c-e-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-c-�-o-e-�-o-o-oyo-o-a-o-c-c�-�-a-o-o-o-o-o-c- ;
<br /> =-_-- -=-_ - -_�-- - _-- _- � . _- -__-- -_-- -_-- _ __ _ �^`
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