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<br /> and that the fac� stated in plaintiff!s petition '�e taken �.s true,as against the�,and each ;
<br /> of them,and a�dinst their hpirs�devise�s.legatess,and personal rpprpsentatives and all other'
<br /> pQrsons who ha.vs a claim in� to, or upon the said abov� dsscribed premises.
<br /> This cause comin� on further for he�.ring was submitted to the court upon the pleadfngs an�
<br /> evidence.dnd upon ths �rgumPnts of counsel and the cause being duly submitted�to the court,amd
<br /> the court bein� duiy adaiaed�finds,that dlleg�.tions m�.de in s4i.d petition are true�and tha.t ,
<br /> a d Q for ore
<br /> 'v it �r' th him are now n ha e b�en m
<br /> - d' a. d � a.n thos in r�. i
<br /> the �.�1 inti ff n hi s grant rs, d e p y . .
<br /> tnan ten years l�st nast� in the actual, o�en,hostile, not ori ous�exc lusive,visible,and adveree
<br /> po$segsion of the foilowing described rea.l estate�situated in Grand Isla,nci,Hal1 County�Nebr�ka,
<br /> to-wit;L�t Ten (10), in Block �leven (11) , in Gollege Addition to iNest L�,wn.
<br /> That he now holds und with his gr�.ntors a.nd tho�e in privity with him,?�.ve held, occuNied,
<br /> and possessed sdid �roperty for a period for more tY�an ten years before commencing of this
<br />� dction. Tha�t �auring such tims he �nd his gr�ntors �.nd those in privity with him�have held sa�d
<br /> .
<br /> adve os�s ssion and occu anc
<br /> 'v and rse e
<br /> land conti.nuously in open�notorious�hostile,gxclusl e, p , p Y.
<br /> under cla,im of �it1E to said la.nd.
<br /> The court further finds tha,t at the cc�mrr�encempnt of this action,sald p].ainti ff,v�+as in the
<br /> vossession as owner of thA above descri'Qed iremises�and that he had the legal estate in and '
<br /> was enti.tled to the possession of the s�ne. That neither the defendants�nor any of them.nor '
<br /> dr�y of thpir heirs�devisees legatges� or z�erson�.l representati.ves or any other person inter�s''ted
<br /> in said :�Aal estate,havs dny estate in or arp entitlea to Lne posaession of any of the said
<br /> . r�al estate,or dny part tnereof. .�nd tna.�c the plaintiiff is entitled in law and in squity to '
<br /> have his title and possession in said ��remise$ quieted as a�ainst said ctefsndr�.nts and each o�'
<br /> thezn,ar!d �g�inst their heirs� devisees� le�atees a.nd personal rspresentatives.s�.nd all other
<br /> pers ons who ha.vs a c laim 3.n� to, or upon the said above described premj.ses.
<br /> IT IS THER�FORF BY THE COURT A�J.?UDGED,�lECREFD AI�J CONSIl�RED tha.t the ti tle r�.nd possessia�
<br /> of s�id plaintiff in the following described premises to-�►it: Lot Tsr� ( 10} in Blocx �leven '
<br /> (11), in C ollege Addi ti on to �est Lawn, in Grand Island,Ha.11 County,Nebr�.skr�,be and the sa.me ;
<br /> herPby a.rP forever quieted,affir,ned,and confirraed� in the said plaintiff�and that W.H.Welch '
<br /> � and all of su,i.d defendants above named, their unknown hei.rs, dsvisees, legatees��.nd personal
<br /> reprgsentatives and �,11 other persons cl�iming to have ar�r interest, right, titlP�estr�te. or ,
<br /> lien in.to,or on saic�remises, or any part therPOf ar� hereby forever en�oi�ed and barred fraan
<br /> c].aiming or assertin� ar� interpst in s�id premises,adverse to that of the plaintiff therPin,
<br />' or from in any a.riy v�ay fnterfering with or interrupting his use and en,joyment thereof. '
<br /> ' Bayard H.Pains '
<br /> Judge of said District Court.
<br /> �t4ta of Nebraska, )
<br /> )ss.
<br /> County of Hall. } I.�alter H.Rauert Clerk of the Distri et Cou.rt wi thin dnd for said C�inty
<br /> and State�do hereby cPrtify that I ha,v$ comnared the foregoing copy of the DecrPe in the
<br /> cdse of Monroe F. Smith vs.YY�.H.�lelch, Pt al. rQndered filed by said Cou.rt of the 16th day of
<br /> August A.D.1921,with the original filed ir r.�y office and tha.t the s�xne i.s a correct transcr�jp�t
<br /> ii
<br /> thereof�and of the whole of said original. '
<br /> . !�
<br /> I,y' TESTII�ONY W�iE'R±'0�, I have heraunto set rr�y hG.nd and ca.used to be affixed the official
<br /> sedl of sa.id Court,a.t the City of Grand Island,this 29th duy of xu�ust �i.D. , 19L1.
<br /> (��� 1�'altpr H.�auert '!
<br /> ' Clerk of the Di strict Cot�rt.
<br /> ' By Bessie Barbee,Deputy
<br /> Filpci for record this �9 dwy of August 19?l,at 3 o� clock P.3d.
<br /> ��� �
<br /> Re�ist?r of Deeds
<br /> ;
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