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��� <br /> :5�/��!lG���J�JJ�I��S��,V��J�����i �,V',���jU��=��� �v ' <br />----_ _ _,_ _ _,.;. _. _ _ ^ �___ .__ __—_�.-_ <br /> ._-- _ - -- ,. _:_ _ _�_ <br /> 88871-STATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN,NEB. . � <br /> i and of �.11 the �xppurt�nanc�s ; beZongir� to eaid office,and the s�me �.re now in my quiet un- <br /> disguted �oseessicn. That s�.id court 3s a court of record having z� $e�l� that the above and <br /> foregoing instrwx:ent to �rnich this certiPieate is�.ched is � true copy of Letters of �d� <br /> ministrati.on in the e�tr�te of Jane �c�&:u31en�deeeaseck,as the remc�.i.n$ and novr appears upon <br /> �.he records of s�.id cnu�t�r�nd that thg s� is �, true,full �,nd correct tra��esipt of the same« <br /> In witness whereof I have hereunto set n�y h�.nd and the se�l of the said Cour�ty Court,at <br /> Ke�rney, in said c ounty�this 31st day oP 31�rch,J.921 <br /> (SEAI.) J.�.E�a t e rli ng <br /> J.�.E�is t e rl i ng <br /> �ounty Judge and Ex-officio <br /> Clerk of s�sid Court. <br /> Filed for ree ord thie 2 day of April 1921,at 9: 30 a'cloek A.M. <br /> �;��� � <br /> � Regist�r of_Deede= <br /> -G-0�0-C�-Q-�-Q-Q-C-Q-Q-Q-0-0-0-�-0-(?-0-0-0-4-0-Q-0-Q-0-0-Q-Q-4-Q-0-0-�-0-Q-G�-0-0-�-0-Q-Q-0-0-qD-0 <br /> PECRFF. <br />. .�....., ,�.. <br /> BE IT rera�rn'oered, t:�at on the llth 3ay of Septemb�r,1906 , t' bsing cne of the days of the '' <br /> June, 1906 t�rin of the District Court of the: llth Judica.i District of tne State of Nebraska�w�thjn <br />� and for the county of H�,ll,held �.t th� Court Hou$e in the city of Grand I�ldnd,before the <br /> Hon. James R.H�,nna� one of tne Jud�es of the said District,�the following �xnong other =�roc��din�s <br /> v�ere nad in th� words �.nd figures fo3lowin�, to-evit: <br /> Henry Str�ack wnd Annd Sta�cY <br /> vs <br /> ,Tohann�. SpO�TCkPiGgoxge Spoereke, ) <br /> � <br /> d minor���y° S�oercke��. minor.Ell¢ ) 3056. <br /> ) <br /> Spoercke�a minar,Flsie Spoercke.a ) <br /> ) <br /> minor and RicHard Spoercke,a minor. ) , <br /> And now tnis c�.use cc�ming on to be he�.rd on th� petition of Henry 5ta�,ck and Anna Staack, �', <br /> and �inswer. �f George Spoercke,i,�;.y 5poercke+�11�. Spoereke,�lsie Spoercka and Richdr8 Spo�rck�� , <br /> '� b3� ��. T.Ga,rlow� tnAir �ur�rdian �,d lttrm,and the evidence� the eourt finds that �,11 of the def�nd- <br /> �.nts havE hac! due legal noticc of the ��end�ncy and dernand of the sdid petition and th�t Johar�r.�, <br /> SpoArck� is in defwult for answer thereto. <br /> • f hat t lai_ntiff and t' d <br /> th co rt f rtn r inds t h ne f�ndt�nts h <br /> Th�reu- on e u u s e e �r diter nam d a 'e <br /> P P <br /> e e �r <br /> t�r.unts in com.non �n the est�.te described in s�.id petition, t'r�t the plwintiffs,�ienry Staack � <br /> and Anna. 5ta�ck :� a le�al ri�ht to the one h�lf thareof and tna d�fend�,nts�Geor�e Spoerckqt, <br /> , <br /> M�.y Spoercke�Ella Spo�rcke,Elsi� S�oercke ur_d I�icYia.rd Spoarcke,hdve � le��l right ta oM� hul� <br /> I` <br /> p�.rt thereof sub�ject to tne dower �nd homestfa�ad right of Johra.nn�. 5poercke Gnd that the pla,in�» <br /> tiffs �.re �ntitled t� partition of said esta�te m�,de �s pr�.yed in s�id petition. . <br /> IT IS T��REFORF OR�FRTn�AD�rUDGEr AND �CRFFA th�.t p�rtition of said eat�,te ba made in f�.vdir <br /> of all paxtiA� in interest and that lionordble T. 0.C. 'ri€�rrison, is hereby a.ppointed a commia�i orner <br /> to make tne sa,me and he is hereby com:�:anded to c�use to be sat off and divided on� h�.lf of <br /> lot �i�n.± (8 ) in Block FvurteAn (14) of t:�e original towr_ of Grand Isl�.nd to Hcr,ry Sta.a�k <br /> and Anna St�.�,ek �.nd one h�.lf of s�.id lot to George Spoercke�Ma.y Spoercke,Ella Spo�rck�,�'lsie !. <br /> S��oereke and Richurd S,�oercke subiect to the dower �.nd horrlestead rj�ht of the said Johanns <br /> Spoercke <br /> ���0� p�0'��� <br /> And on the 26th day of Octobor, 1906, that being one of the days of the special Octaoar 1906 <br /> term of tne District Court of tn.e llth �Tudici�.l District of the Sta,te of Nebr�.sk�,,within �.nd ' <br /> f or the c ounty of H�.11,held at t��e c ourt house in the c;ty of G rand I�land,befo re tne Hon. <br /> Ja,.mes td. �dul, �ne of the �TUdges of tYie s�3.d Pistrict, the followir.g a.mong othe�r procePdings we�e <br /> __.-.- ------ - ------_-._ —._--------- <br /> __- — ---- --- - __ _ _ - -_ ___----------- <br /> ____. ___-- _ ____ __-- <br /> i <br />. , �, � <br />