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<br /> 88871__S7ATEJOURMALCOMPANY LINCOLN,NEB. ^ . � _ �_,_ -�___ - __.._
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<br /> �i
<br /> THIS AGRFF.�:�NT,�de and entered into this 25 th d�,y of J�.nu�.r3� �.D. 1921 by �.nd between Frwnk
<br /> ;
<br /> ' Strasser �nd willir+„m E. S�.xnpson �f the County af H�.11 and Stz�ts of �Iebr�ska of the fi rst part, �!
<br /> �.nd i�iilth �i�ruk �nd F. �. Rur.nfnrd of the second part�
<br /> 1�IT?�;��ETH. thd.t tha s�.id parties of tne first pwrt has this dwyJ le�sed unta the p�rtips of
<br /> the sa�ond j�art the follo�rin� d�scribed prer�ises� to-wit: Lots Une and �•,�o (1 �c 2) of Block Unl�
<br /> Hundred r,�:ght �108 � �f R�,il.ro�,d Addition ta Gr�.nd Is1�.nd,P;e'oY'u.ska
<br /> Tagether �rith �11 the buildin�;s �nd iinpravementa on thp aa.me for the term of one ye�.r from ''
<br /> �
<br /> the ist day nf February�,�.921� to t,zW 3i3t dw�- of Janu�.ry . 1922.for the sum of t�ao hundred fifty,
<br /> dnd no/100 �ollars �er rnonth,p�.ya"ble on thp fi rst d�.y of each month,in �advance�at the offi.ce ';
<br /> of Fr�.nk Str�.sser �.t Grwnd Island,.Jebr�.sk�c ;';
<br /> �1ND IT I� FL�TtTIiE'R AGRFFD, tha.t i f any rent shall be du� �.nd un�;aid or if dsf�.ult be ma.de i n!'
<br /> any of the ec�venar.ts hp rai n cont�.i.ned, it shall then be lawful for any of the s�.id part,�of tne i
<br /> first �art to re�enter the said prernises,�nd the �arti.es of the second part �;re� to v�c�tP
<br /> s�.id �.�remise� ;v� thout notic�,�.nd if it becorlie nPcestiwry to bxir� �ction at 1aw to recover pos�-
<br /> essicn� to pay a redscn�blP �.ttorney ' s fee therPfor. . �nd the s�.id p�.rties of the second p�rt
<br /> ' further r�grse to gay the parti.es of the f�rst part thp rent �s u'pc�e specified-; excegt whsn
<br /> said vr�mjsps �.rP untenant�.ble by reason of fire� frorr� �ny other c�.use than car�lessr�ess cf
<br /> �;
<br /> , the p�rties �f the eecond part� or persor�s of thef.r f�rnily, or jn thei r employ. or b3� $uperior 'i
<br /> force or ine.vj table necessit3r.
<br /> And the suid parties of the second part coven�.nt that they will use e�.id premises �is a hot�l,
<br /> and for na ather ��urpose wh�.tevex,ar_d tha.t they especi�.11y v�i11 not let s�.id premises or germ�t
<br /> s�rne to be ussd for �.ry unlz�wful business or purp�se �h�tsoever; th�.t they will not sell,�ssjgn�
<br /> ;
<br /> underlet o� rel3.nc�ui sh s�,id prernisea wi thout the �vritten eonsent of the lessor,under penalty
<br /> of forfeiture of all th.eir ri�hts under thi.s le�.se��t the elect� on of the par�ies of the firs�
<br /> pa.rt �.nd th�.t they will use �.11 due cdre �nd dili@;ence in gua.rding a�.id proper�Gy,w�.th buildin�s�
<br /> ga.tes�fences,vines��hrubbery,�tc. �frcm d�.m�ge��by fire��.nd the depredations of an�m�.ls;will °
<br /> p�.y a.11 w►ra.ter rent �,rd cha.r�es f�r gas or electric l�ght th�,t $h�ll become due thereon duringi!
<br /> „
<br />�
<br /> this le�.se; th�.t they wi.11 not perrrii t any noi$e or nui.sar.ce rovhatever on said premises to thA G
<br />'� distr�rbance of other ten�.nts, ar do or pernait anything Qn or about e�.id premisea which will �
<br /> ir�erease the r4te of insixr�nce; tha:t the less�r �.nd i ts a,gents r:ay enter at �ny time to view ;!
<br /> i
<br /> ' same or for an�; rt�cess�.ry curposes. The lessee further �rees thc�t he will �n t�11 reepects co�ply
<br /> �,
<br /> �siith the city oxdin�.nces �.nd rsquirPrr�ents of the he�lth authorities und particularly �s to i •
<br /> keepin� said rxem��ses �nd the $treets and �.11eys �d,��cent thereto,free �.nd cle�.r from r�11 fil�h,
<br /> ' refuse and obstructian �.nd the steps and sidew�.lks free from snoc� �,nd ice; th�.t they x�ill keepii
<br /> the bui3din�s,�l�.ss�gwt�s�fences,etc. ,in_ �cod repair �.s the �r�me no� �re or �msy be �.laced rxt ,'
<br />� �.n�:, time b � the 2essox or �.s often r�s the st,,r�e m� xP uire it d�.na r
<br /> y , y q , �ge by superi or force, i n- ;,
<br /> e4ita.ble necessity, or fi.r� fr�zr, �ny other cause t�.r� carelessnes� �f the lesseAs, or pers�ns
<br /> of their f�,mj ly�, cx ir their err�:ploy excepted,�.nd �.t i;he expirati on of this lease, or upon �.
<br />'�
<br /> ' bre�.c�i b3r s�.id lessee of i�ny af the cavenunts herein cont�ined, they will w3thout ,�notice of a.n�
<br /> , i ;
<br /> kind,quit �.nd surrer�der the �ossession 4nd occupancy of sui.ci grerr;ises in �.s good condition
<br /> �s re�.san�ble use und n�ztur�l �vear �nd decwy thereof will .perr�it�d�rriage by fire r�s r�for.esaid, j,
<br /> auy►�erior force or inevit�ble necessity exc?pted.
<br /> �nd the sa.ic� rartiQS of the second �art hereby gives the said parti�s of the first p�rt �. ;
<br /> lien upon any �.nd ul�. i�ox�erty of the suid second p�.rties kept in use upon s�.id pr�mises, to
<br /> be er.forced in like m�.nner �.a d ch�.ttel mort��$e,whether exempt from execution or nct�for all�'
<br /> __ _ . __ _ _ - -- ---. _----
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