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�r� <br /> '\ <br /> �±Y'�"J����/?�J���G�5cJ r+J� ��./ �J�� ����'�j�%�y;:�6' � <br /> _�_�_-,--- _,-.-._ :—�_�_—.— .._,.,. ,_�.�_—_ _ _--- . ._. __ . __ _._. . _ ___ —__ _�_—_____---- ------ –� � <br /> �_ __ _._�.._._--- <br /> ___ _---. __�_.____�_.- --.A_____ A _ <br /> ;I <br />� StTBLEASE APvD KGREFr�ENT. �! <br />� Tni.s suble�se �n� � Ma�dg �.nd entered into this 29th da,y of November,�i. D. 1�20,by <br /> I <br />� <br /> a.nd between YJ.�.Pohler,pwrty of the fi rst part,�,nd H. F. �euberry,party of the eecond part, <br /> ; <br /> I <br />' both of Gr�nd Isl�irid,Nebr�sk�:,HEi11 County,�lli:tnesseth: <br />� <br /> i <br /> �nere�.s,t�? �arty of the fi rst part has le�sPd the twn st�ry brick �ui lding locutpd wt ll�i <br /> E�.st 4th vt. , i.n the city of Gr�.nd Is1G+.nd,Nebr�skd,frorn E. R. rarmer,a.nd tne �arty of the secon�d <br /> part hereby desirps to leuse the second story vf s�.id building consisting of eight roome cn � <br /> � t�ie sec�nd floor of s�.id buj.lding. The partips hereto mutudlly �gree �s fc�llowa: <br /> The ��rty of the f;rst _��.rt hereb�T le�.sss t� tha ,��arty of the eecond gart all of s�.id roo�ns <br /> on the secnnd floor of ��id buil3in�; for �. peri.od , of time from Decetnoer 1st,1920 to August <br /> lst,1921,upon the follo�ring c.onditions: <br /> The party of tn� sec�nd p�rt agrees to pay ds rPnt for swid rooms� the sum of Fort,� Poll��:� <br /> , (�40. 00),per month,fj.r�t �aympnt of Forty Dolldrs (�40• 00) to be made on ar bsfore the firs�! <br /> � <br /> d�,y of D�cemb�r, 1920,�.nd thp sum of Forty Doll�-rs (�40. 00) to be paid on or before the first� <br /> . d�.y of edc:n month during the exist�nce of this leus�, said r�nt to be paid in advance at the . <br /> , , <br /> Peogies State �arak in Gr�nd I�l�.nd,Ilebxa.ska. 'f <br />- It is further �greed that the party of the second part wi:.1 r�ay one-half of thp coal bil�; <br /> i.neurrPd for the hea�ti� of suid bui.lding_and the p�rty of the f� rst part d�rees to pay the ',� <br /> � other h�lf of s�.id coal bill,and further �rees to furnish the necess�ry l�.bor to ca.rxy on I <br /> swid labor for tY�e s�id hewting �l�nt��.nd to loek after the proper he�ting of said rooms,:th� <br /> intention 'qein� t�iwt the p�►rty of the first p�rt sh�ll be required to do only the looking <br /> f� �,fter tne �roppr firin� of swid heuting plant. <br /> It ia furtYler wgreed that the party of the second part will Fay all nf �he li�ht bills <br />-, ' irzcurred o;;; him in tne use of thQ rocros on the second floor,but it is ��reed that the water <br /> bi11 there on hG.s been �aid so tnut the ��.rty of the second p�.rt v�il� not be re�ui red to pay ;. <br /> the �r�:ter rent on suid �rer,�ises until �.y lst.l°21,at which time the party of the second � <br /> , �art �vill pay his proruto sh�.re of said w�.ter rent u�, to l�u�ust 1$t,1921. <br /> It is further U.greed th�.t the �3wrty of the secand p�rt will uee said room$ for living I <br /> roc�ms u�s �. rooming house, tnat he wi21 so use sdid rooms as not to interfere or viol�te arly �i <br /> � <br /> �f tiie ��rr,�s ur eonditions of the lea�e �vhich the party of the first pr�rt holds from the <br /> F. R.��.rmer. ; <br /> It is further agreed t�.t the party of the eecon3 part v:iii �ive up peaceable possessioni <br /> of s�id rooms �t t:r�A ex�ir�tion of this lease promptly and ��rithout furthpr notice and will i <br /> � <br /> le�.ve �i�e same ir. as good a condi.tion �.s the s�►me no� are in, ordina.ry v�e�r �.nd te�.r excepte�i. <br /> ,�� <br /> In witness where��, th� ��art3�es hereto signed thP forPgoing sublewse and agreement t,�is <br /> � <br /> 29tri da,y of Noveir�ber,�i. D. 1920• <br /> aritnesses: <br /> Wm Pohler <br /> �;.J'.Cun:ain�h�.�na H.F.Deuberry <br /> Fi led f or rec or3 this 24 d:�y of T:�nu�.ry 19�1,�.t 2 0' c1UCk �.M. <br /> . � �_ <br />� � Re�ister of Dee���d�' � <br /> -0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-�-0-G-0-G-0-Q-U-C-O-�-G-G-0-0-t3-G-0-0-0-0-G-0-U-0-G-4-G-0-0-0-G-0-0 <br /> . <br />� <br />— _— _�-_-__ _--== -__- —:— <br /> .4 I, <br />� . ;i I; <br />