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('/�),�9 <br /> . I-..d <br /> 4�� <br /> �����'��'�������� � ���;����� � <br /> ��.:._. - <br /> THIS INL'fEty?TURE.�de this 12th day of October�°1920 between Hestsr Welpton of agallall$ , <br /> p�.rty c�f the first part and T. S.L�enr�on of Gr�.nd Isl�nd,Nebr.��.rty of the second part, , <br /> WITNESSETH; �'�t the s�xid p�.rty of the first part,in cQnsiderwti on of the coven€�nts of the <br /> s�id p�.rty of the second p�.rt��ereinafter set forth do by these presents l��.se to the said <br /> party of the second p�rt the following described property, to�eit: Lots Trro,Three.Faur,and <br /> Five of Block Eifteen lots Ei�ht,Nine and Ten of �lock Eight lot� ]+our,Five.Seven.�ight,�Tine <br /> and Ten in Block Nine and all of Block Ten {10 lots} West� P�rk Add, to Gr�nd I$land�Nebr (23 <br /> lote 1 <br /> T� HAVE A1�D TO HOZD t�e e�.me to the said party of the second p�.rt from the First d�cy of <br /> l�rch i921,'�o the T�renty Eighth day of Pebruary 1922 And the said p�rty of the second pa.rt.i�. <br /> consider�tion of the ' le�.sing of th� premises �a abcve set forth cover�r�nts �.nd agrees with <br /> the p�.rtS° af the firat p�.rt,to perforni dnd be bound by� each of the following conditions on h�is <br /> part to be done or performed, to-�i�: . S�.id sec cnd p�.rt �,gres� to p�,y �s rent for said premise� <br /> the sum of �18.4f�/1. OU dollars in c�.sh on the Firat d�y of OctQber 1921 <br /> It is further rxgreed th�.t if said lots �re sold before Jr�nuary lst�1�21,,�hen��uoaseasion of <br /> said`lats �.re to be given on dema.nd to �aid first p�.rty or byyer oF lots,pe�ce�bly �.nd �►i�h- <br /> out dny com�ensation, therefor,provided s�id dem�nd is m�de on or b�fc�re J�nuary 1 1921 <br /> 1`fi� WITI�3FSS R'�'�'ER�4S',The ��id paxties h�ve subacribed their na,mes r�nd eaecuted tlzese present� <br /> the da.y �.nd d�,te �'frst �.bove written. <br /> i�tnesa-- <br /> ti.I�uldoc�n as to Hester �4elpton � Hester Welpton (Se�.l) ' <br /> � <br /> S. C.Huston as Lo T.S.I3enn an (8ea1� <br /> ThA St�.te of Nebrusk�►, ) ` <br /> ), �s. i <br /> Keith Countyt, ) � <br /> On this 8th d�y of January �A.D. ,19°21,before me Abbie C.Vandive� <br /> d�ly commissioned r�.nd qualified for �.nd residing in said County�personally came He��er Welptt�n, <br /> the sdid leasor <br /> A to me known to be the identic�,l person whose n�ime is affixed to the foregoing conveyance.a$ <br /> Lessor �nd �.cknawledge the said instrument to be her volunt�,ry act r�nd deed. <br /> �►ITI!TFSS my h�,.nd and sersl thA day and ye�r l�st above written. <br /> (5�,) Abbie C.V�ndiver <br /> Notary Public. <br /> �,y corrunission expir�s I�rch 31st,].�25.. <br /> Filed for record this 10 d�.y of J�ru�ry 19�1,at 11:55 o'clock A•�. <br /> �z�;�� <br /> . Register of Deeda- <br /> -o-o-o-Q-a-o-o-o-o-o-Q-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-c-o-o-o-a-o-o-Q-c�-o-a-o-�-a-c-o-o-a-o�o-o-c-a-a-o-o-o-Q*- <br /> LEaSE <br /> THIS I1•1DFl`:TURF.�de this 3G d�,y of DecembPr 19�0 bet��reer. Id�. B. Stevenson of Sheridun Wyo � <br /> pwrty of the first ��,�,rt �nd T. S. Denr_on of Gr�.nd Ial�.rd Nebr�ska,p�rty �f the second p�.rt, <br /> VTITh'ES��TH� T�t tine swid p�rty of the first �;drt� in consider�tion of the coven�.nts of the said <br /> p�rty of the second pwrt,hereinwftex set forth do by tYiese presents leose to the swid party af <br /> the second pwrt the follawing described propert�� , tacvit:: Lots 1 to 9 inclusive of block 14,I�o�is <br /> 8, 9,& 1G in block 15 ��ots 8� 9,Fc 10 of block 7,All i n V�est Y�rk a�idi ti on to Grund Islwnd Nebrask€�� <br /> totul of 15 lots. TO HAVF Ai� TO HOL3? the $ame to the s�.id �wrty of the second p�rt from the 'fi rst <br /> day of &I�.rch 1�21 to the 28 day of Febru�.ry 19�;� xnd the sui d purty of the sec ar.d p�.rt, i n cor�sid- <br /> eration af the lewain� of tne �rPrtlisg� �.s above set forth covenants and r�grees v�jth the �z�rty; of <br /> the fi r�t p�rt, to �erform �nd be bc�und by each of the following co�di ti or�s on his part to be ;jdone <br /> or pexfortr,ed� to-�rit: S�.id secand ��rty �rees to pay �.s rent for s� premi�Ps ths surri of �1�. 00 <br /> cw�h or� �n t�ie First d�.y of �ctober 192i. <br /> IPd �'ITNF��' �`I-iERE�F,The s�.id gartaes ha�ve subscribed their names r�nd executed these prssen�s the <br /> duy and dute first �bove written. <br /> �, <br /> �litness Ada D. Johnston, Id�. B. Stevenson �$ewl) '� <br /> S.C.Hustcn �.s to-------_..------------------------- T. S. Pennon Ser�l `` <br /> --------_- <br /> =____- -_-�_ -- --_-- _—_------- -- --- - - ----- ---- -- � " -- --- <br /> --Fi`Tec-i �'or rec orT � is i�-3�.y -o�'-Tunur�ry . . ,� I� o'c�ock �^�� � �;� <br /> ' O't���e � �'.�`��. <br /> i�. . �. ._ .� <br />