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-- <br /> �_� '' <br /> � I <br /> � ������������,����� ��� ;��'�,�;��� � <br />�_ _ �_ �-_.� -=��. _ _:� _,__� �__ ___ _ ____ ___ _ _ __ __ ___ � � _ <br /> _ __. _ _ .__ ___ __._ _ __ _ __ _ � <br /> ' AFFIDAVIT.. <br /> St�te of Nebr�.sk�, ) <br /> ' ) ss: <br /> County of Fiall j P�trick W. Frdncis,being first dulyseorn upon his o�,th deposes and says <br /> that he is 66 ye�.rs of age�th�.t he h�xa re�d the affidavit of Patrick (3re�.n,executed and sworn <br /> to on January 27th,1882,whieh affidavit wa�s made �ith referenee to the title to the South <br /> Ha.lf of the Soath West Qu�.rter (S� SW�) of Section '1'welve (12) �Townohip Ten (10)�North in <br /> Range Twelve (12},West of the 6th P.�fl. , in Ha.11 Ccaunty Nebrdska which a�tidavit is recorded in <br /> Book D,at Pr�ge 428� of the r�ecords of Hall County Nebr�ska. <br /> Affi�1�'►� . fu�xZther stdtes thwt he is the sdme person described in sa�d affidavit �.s l�t�trick <br /> W.Fr�ncia �nd that the �ffiant is w nephew of the ��.id .TUmes CrAa.n,deceased. <br /> �iffiant furtner states tY�t the swid Ja,mes Crsan,died an or aoout the 16th d�.y of Septembe�r. <br /> A.D. 1�74 at V�ood River in Hdll County,�Tebrwsk�; t�iat the 9aid �Tames Crean left no father sur- <br /> viving him,nor mother,nor widow. nor un3T child or children; that the said Jan�es Crean wds never� <br /> married. <br /> � � � � <br /> Affiant further stdtes th�.t the s�.id Pdtrick Crean referred to in the said affidavit was , <br /> d brother to the swid J�.mes Crean,decedsed; that John Gr��n s�eferred to in said �ffidavit w�s <br /> �, brother of the �4id .Ta.m�s CrE�n,dece�sed; tha.t the said Cat�orine Frarcis referred to in <br /> said affid�vit v�a$ a $ister of the sz�id �T�,mes Cre�.n�decer�sed. <br /> Affiant furtner atate$ th�t the s�.id Pr�trick '9Y'•Fr'�.ncis referred to in said affidavit and <br /> who is the affi�.nt herein is the son of C�thorine Fr�.nci� referred to in sdid aPfidr�vit;and � <br /> that the s�.id ��a.ry Francis referred to in said r�ffidavit is the wife of the affiant herp3n. <br /> Affiant further state$ that neither he nor nis wife h�.v� �ny interest in the aboYe describe�d <br /> property,but::;thdt they have herAtofore executed d Quit Claim Deed for th� above deecribed pro- <br /> perty,also a Xdrrunty Deed. <br /> kffi�.nt further states tha.t his father l�icha,el Fr�ncis who is the husband of Cathorine <br /> Fr�ncis,3ep�.rted this lf�e on the 29th da.y �f Jdnu�ry 1854;thc.t the name of the said Crath- <br /> arine Fr�.ncis �r�$ usu�lly and corr�ctly spelled Ca.thsrine �rwncis;but that wffi�nt kno�s <br /> thdt the said Cathorine Frwncis above referred to,ir, suid dffidavit and Catherine Franci+�, <br /> �r�.ntor in a certain deed conveying the dbove described pre�aises recorded in Book Page <br /> 616 of I)ee� Reccxds vf H�11 �ounty N'ebr�ska are on� and the aame person. <br /> r�ffi�nt further stdtes thdt the said J�rnes Crean died intestute and left no will�th�t wll <br /> of the debt� of the said J�rnes Crean havs been fully paid and settled and thr�t there are no � <br /> cl�ims of wny kind or na.ture unpaid a�dinst the said J�xnes C:rsan or his est�.te. . , <br /> Affi�nt further st�tes thut tY�is €sffidavit is from personal kno�vledge of the facts <br /> $et forth above �ndt�.t the s�une is mt►de upon positive information of the affiant herein, <br /> and further �.ffi�nt ea�retti not. <br /> Pat ri c k W.�'ranc i s �, <br /> Subscribed in my pr�s�r��e �nd eworn to before me this 3rd day of December,A. D. 1920• <br /> (S��) Ben i. J. Cunnin�rham <br /> . <br /> Notdry Public. <br /> �Iy commission expires bugust 5 ,1923 ' <br /> Filed for record this 4 dr�.y of December 1920,at 3: 15 a'clock �.M. ! <br /> __ �-�Gy <br /> Register of Dee <br /> -0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-a-Q-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0� <br /> �; <br /> y <br />, ; _-- � ; <br />