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<br /> The s�.id pipe line �.nd all parts thereof �ithin wnd outside of the limits of the right
<br /> of way �.nd premises of the Ru�ilro�.d Comp�ny sh�ll be constructed and at a,ll times mra,int�.jned,:;
<br /> repaired�rene�►ed and operated by the Licensee in such �. a.r�nner �.s ta c�.use no interference
<br /> �rh�:tsoever with the consta,nt,continuous and uninterrupted use of the tracks, property and
<br /> premises of the Railro$d Comp�.ny ,both as reg�rds oper�.tion,m�intenance, repairB and renewals,
<br /> , or new aonstructivn by the Rai3road Comp�ny. ,
<br /> (7) 3AI,� OF RIGHT OF WAY;
<br /> In the event the Railro�d Compdny shr�ll dispose of any portian of its property on whieh
<br /> the sr�id pipe line is loc�.ted then u�nd in auch event the right or �icense herein granted with
<br /> resgect to the portion of said pipe line located on the property of th� Rriilroad Company so
<br /> disposed of,sh�cll cease dnd determine.and thereupon this �greement sh�ll become null and void
<br /> and be af no fur�her fore� wnd effect betxeen the p�rties hereto with respect to s4id portio�
<br /> of said pipe line loc�ted on such property of the R�i].ro�d Company so disposed of.
<br /> (8� I,IABILITY: ,
<br /> The Licensee shr�,11 indemnify and hold hr�.rmless the Railrn�d Comp�ny from and against
<br /> s�ny �.nd a�ll d�.ges.claims demwnds�action�.causes of t�ction�costs �.nd expenses of wh�►tsoever
<br /> n�.ture which m�.y result from any in,jury to or death of any person whomsoever, or from the los�l
<br /> of or ck+.mage to property o�' any kind or n�ture�including 3am.age to the roadbed,traeks�equip-
<br /> ment or other property of the Railroad Company,when such in�jury.death,].oss or d�mage is due
<br /> to the/existence of s�id �ipe line, or to the cor�struction,maintenance,operation, repair or
<br /> renewal thereof.ar to the conten�� thersin or there�'�Qm. . - ` - " -'
<br /> �9� TERMI?3ATIOW:
<br /> Di$us6 of said Fipe line for the purpose comtempl�.ted in �his �greement.continuing at any'',
<br /> time for � period of one ye�r,�hull constitute dn c�2�urdonment thereof' lby the I,icense� and of
<br /> the gr4nt herein m�+.de,�nd in c�s� of such an r�bandonment or of the bre�;.ch by the Licensee of
<br /> any of the conditions.�greements or covenants herein cont�.ined,the R�ilroad Compr�ny shall ha�re
<br /> the right to termins�,te this �greement by �iving to the Licensee thirty (30) days notice in
<br /> �rriting of its intention to termin�rte the sa.me�and r�t the expirsition of said thirty (30)
<br /> days' notice the license herein granted shall tercninr�te.and ths S,icensee sh�ll be �rithout '
<br /> recourse ot redresa of �.ny character against the Rriilroad Company by reasoz� thereof.
<br /> ��
<br /> �ithin fifteen (15 ) d,,ag8 after the termindti on of this r�greement howeoever.the I,icensee
<br /> sh�.11 remove �11 property of the Lic:ensee herein provided for from that portion of the ,
<br /> right of w�y of the R�3lroad Company not occupied by the said roadbed and tr�ck or tracke,
<br /> and shall restor�,to the sr�tisfaction of the Rail.rodd Company,the said right of_.way to �s gdod
<br /> condition �.s it �ras ir� ut the time of the construction of said pipe line;and if the Licenseei�
<br /> fails so to do.the Rai�ro�d Compr�ny m�.y � do such work of �emoval and restorstion �.t the cos�l
<br /> and expene�e of the Licensee. 'rhe Rb►flro�.d Compr�.ny may.at its optic�n,upon such termination, . .
<br />� a�t the entire co�at and expense of the I,icensee. remove that Fortion of said pi�e line loc�ted
<br /> � underneath said road'oed and track or tr�cke.a.nd restare sr�id roadbed to �s �ood �. eondition '
<br /> �.s it w�s in ai� the time of tY�e construction of sdid pipe line,or it mr�y permit the Licenseei
<br /> to do such work of removal dnd restoration under the supervision of the Ra.iZro�.d Compa.r�y;
<br /> and in the event of t�2e r�moval by the RG.ilros�d Company of the property of the Licensee and '
<br /> of the restorativn of said roadbed and right of Wa�y ds herein provided, the R�ilroad Company '
<br /> ,
<br /> s�.11 in no manner be lir�ble to the Lieensee for �ny d�mage auratained by the I�icensee for o#
<br /> 11
<br /> on accaunt thereof,t�nd such removal �ind restor:�tion ahall in no manner_�re�udice__or impair �
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