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- — - - <br /> � <br />� � <br /> 1 �� <br /> �����'��!!��������� �;�'',�;���_,� �� <br /> _ :�_ �_:� ___ :� __ -_� .�, _-� ,-__� - _= : _ .�_:��= -- ._ _ . _ _ _ __ - -__-___ ___ ----------- __�___ _ <br /> ; <br /> all persons cldiming any int�rest of �ny kfnd in said re�.l estate�or �.ny part�I�erse �' <br /> to the �lr�,intiff��,nd �11 persons claiming by,�hxough,or uadez them.or either of them are <br /> forever b�.rred and sn�joined frvm settir�g up or assertira� any right, title, interest,eetate, , <br /> cl�im or dem�nd in �nd to said premises,or any part thereoY,adverae to the tftle ot' the plain� <br /> tiff ther�ta,and pl�►intiff'a title in r�nd to said premisea,r�nd ull oF the same,is hereby <br /> ; forever quieted,_in pl�in'tiff,�s ag�inat �r�id defendunt+a,�nd each and �11 of the�nd as against <br /> all g-ers�ar�s cl�iming �ny interest of �.ny kind in dnd to said re�l est�te or any part thereot� <br /> and �►s z�gainst �11 pereons cldi�►ing by,through,or under them,or aither of them. <br /> IT IS Fi1RTHER ORD�RED,AL�.TUDGED AND DECREED by the court tl�t the plain�iff pay the costs <br /> of thi�s action,t�xed at �---- <br /> B�yard H.P�ine, <br /> Judge. <br /> ` St�te of Nebr�.sk�, ) <br /> j ss. <br /> County of Ha,ll, � I,��lter H. Ra.vert.Clerk of the Dis�rf�t Court within �nd for said , <br /> County and St� hereby certify that I h�ve compr�red the foregoir�g copy of the Decree in t�te <br /> case of �.19r�lter Jewell,vs.Annie als. fiied by said Caurt of the 22nd day of �ov- <br /> ember A.D. .1920.with the original filed in my office �nd th�,t the same i� a correat tranacrip� <br /> thereaf�and of the vrhole of said or�ginal. <br /> IN T�STTli013Y 1�HEREQF,I hav� hereunto seL my hand and cdused t� be affiaed the offici�l ' <br /> seal of s�id the Cityr of Grtznd Island,this 23rd dr,y of November A.D. ,1920. <br /> ; <br /> (SE1�.L) lldl te H.Rr�ue r <br /> Clerk of �the Distric <br /> Court. <br /> Filed for record thie 23 d�sy of l�ovember 1920,at 2 otclock P.�. <br /> U����� �� <br /> .........,�,; <br /> Re ister of Deeds <br /> S. �.�-� <br /> � . . . �O�O�'Q�'O�Q�V�V�Q�Q�'O'�O�O�e�'O�O�O�'Q��1�O�Q�o�o_Y�O�Q�Q�v�O`O�O�O���O��j�O�O�O�O�G�Q�Q�o�o�0�0�.0�!IJ� <br /> AGREElI�NT ' <br /> ; Renewal of Agreement,Audit No.6010,E�xp. 10-13-�0. <br /> THISAGRF.�9ENT.�ade und entered intn this Sth d�,y of Noveraber,1920,by and between the UNIONii <br /> PACIFIC RAILROAD COl�l?ANY,� corporation of the Sttcte of Utah, (he�einafter c�lled "Railroad <br /> Comp�sny"� p�rty of the first pr�rt.and the CHICAGO HII�F & FUR CO�Jf�'ANY.� corporr�tion c�f the <br /> St�te of--�--_---. (herPinaftpr called "Li censee"�,party of tha eecond part�l�ITNEfi�gTH: ; <br /> txnd d s ' r s to ccntinu to maintain and.! <br /> 1�HER�AS, the Licensee does now m�.int�►in �.nd operate e i e e <br /> operate �. four (4} inch sewer pipe line (here3n�fter c�lled "pipe line") on the right of way ' <br /> and underner�th �.nd across the rnadbed s�nd tr�:cks of the Ra�ilro�ci Comp�ny at Grand Isirznd,Hall'; <br /> I <br /> County,Nehrwak�i,in the location described as follo�vs, to-wit: ' <br /> ; <br /> �eginning at �, point in the northwesterly face of the warehouse of the I,icensee thirty-o�tei� <br /> I� (31} feet dist�.nt southweeterly Prom the northerly corner thereof� s�id wt�rehouse being lo- ' <br /> e�.ted an the northsrly gartion of the right of wa�y of the R�flror�d Company �t sr�id Grand Is- ii <br /> land,a�aterly of �.nd immediately dd,jacent to the easterly line �produced} of YP�lnut Stireet; ; i <br /> thence in �northerly direction a distance of �pproxim�.tely sixty-five (65 ) feet to r� e�tch <br /> . � <br /> I b�$in v�hich connecta with the six (6 ) inch aewer �ipe line o�n�d �nd oper�ted by Baeschlin & <br /> Youkin in connection with the conduct of i ts poultry �,nd eg� bu$iness �►t said Grand Iel�nd; <br /> : euch pipe line h�ving been constructed and since mr�inta�ined and oper�.ted in the location herei�- <br /> �nbefor� described,under and by virtue of the terms o2' th�t certr�in e�greement between the pa�!t- <br /> fes hereto m�.de and entered fnto on the thirteenth d�y of October�1910,which �greerr�ent expirepd <br /> through limit�tion vn the thirteenth day of October,1�20;rxnd ; <br />- ���;�+the Ra�lroad Compa.ny is �rillin� ": that tt�e Licens�e sh�.11 contfnue to maintr�in and ,' <br /> oper�►te said ��,pe lin� on its right of �ray �nd unde�ne�th a.nd across its ro�dbed and track8 � <br /> ----__=_ - ___— -_== <br /> -- - -_ _--.--=----- <br /> ----—____- _ <br /> ---- __-_�- __ _- --__ = _ _--_ ____ —--= <br />�_�_ � . _ �i <br />