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<br /> ' IT IS :TiIBTI�R' OR�RED BY THE -COURT th�t sr�id mortg�ge of �1000.00 dated April 6,].893
<br /> �rein �dary C.£�.nders and A.J.Sanders xere mortgagors and M.�.Sanders.mortgagee; which
<br /> mortg�ge wws duly reeorded in Book 17,at P�ge 484,of the mortgage records of said Hall
<br /> ' County,Nebr�eka�be and the s�,me is hereby declared null a.nd void. of no effeet �nd held for
<br /> n�:�.u�ht. -
<br /> ' IT IS FURTI�R ORl7ERED BY TI� COURT-that sr�.id Mechanic's Zien of �26.�� dated October 6.
<br /> 1893.in favnr of A.C.Ze�erman.r►hich l�echanic'a Lien rraa duly recorded in Book 5.at page 23,
<br /> ' of the miscells�neous reaords oF H�.11 County,Nebrr�ska.be and the s�ma is hereby declared null
<br /> �nd void,of no effect and held for naught..
<br />'�.
<br /> The costs of this action �re taxe�d sg�inst s�id plaintiff in the sum of $��w����s�r��
<br /> &�yard H.Fa3ne,
<br /> - Dietrict Judge. .
<br /> 8tr�te of Nebr�.$kr�, }
<br /> � �a,:
<br /> County of H�11. } I,wwiter H.R�ue�t Clerk of the District Court within and for �said
<br /> County and St�,te,do hereby certify that I Yu�ve �omps�red the foregoing copy of ths �C�EE
<br /> in ths c�se of C�.roline Johnson,formerly Carvline Ddrl.ing ve.]�.Id. Sandera,et a�l� ,rendered and
<br /> filed by s�sid Court of the 18th day of' Oetober �.D. .1920,with the original filed it� m� offiae
<br /> dnd that the same ia a ccrrect tr�nscriFt ther�ot'�and of the whole of said origit��..
<br /> IN TESTI�OI�Y 1�REOF.I have hereunto i�t m�y h�nd and c�.used La be aSffxed the offioial
<br /> se�l of said Court,at the City of Gr�nd Islnnd, this 18th day of October A.D. �1920
<br /> i��lter H.R�uert
<br /> (ggALj Clerk of the Diatrict Cou�t•
<br /> ��:
<br /> - By Eesefe Barbee, Dep�ty
<br /> Tiled for record this 1& dyy of Octoher 1920,�t 3 o'clock P.I[.
<br /> - . • ���c��C �/�
<br /> �
<br />�
<br /> Regist�r of Deeds
<br /> -0-Q-0-0-Q-0-�-0-Q-4-�-0-0-0-0•a-0-0-0-f?-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-�-0�0-0-0-0-0-0-0•t}-0-0-Q-�U-0-0-4-Q-ID-
<br /> THIS IId�NTUR�.�de this 19th day of Oatober.R•�• 1920.betrreen Charles �I.Downs party of the fi�st
<br /> pr�rt,�►nd Arthur 3�.Bans on party of the sec ond part.
<br /> . WITNESSETH,Th�t the pazty of the first part ha� this day sold to the party of the aecond '
<br /> part,the following descrfbed progarty,to-wit: Lot Ao.B, in Bloak No.85 ,in Nhee2er & Bennett's
<br /> 4th Addition to Lhe City of Grand Island,Nebraska,as pl�tted and recorded. in Hall Courity to-
<br /> gether t�ith all �sppurtenance$ thereto belonging �nd no�r thereon.for Rhich t}.�e party of the !i
<br /> aecond part agrees to pr�y the sum of F'ifteen Hundred r�nd No/100 Doll�r� �1500•0� payable aa
<br /> fol2oa►s; Cr�eh in hand T�ro Aundred and l�0/100 Dollars� receipt wher�of is hereby aoknowledged. '
<br /> Balanee �25.40 on the 15th - of Novembsr 192,� �.nd a like �amount on the 15th of ;
<br /> , eaeh and every month thereafter until �1300•00 ha.e been paid.Option reserved to pay more than''�
<br /> i
<br /> ��5. 00 per month if P�►rty of 2nd. part wishes. Deferred paymente to dra� '7� p�yable s�mf-
<br /> I
<br />� annual.ly.
<br /> i
<br /> The party of the first part is to furnish tn the party of the secand part�o� assigns.a warr-
<br /> anty deed r�nd a good and suffiaient z�betraet of title,�hoxing � good title of record to the
<br /> premi$ee herein de$orfbed in the p�rty of the firs� part.on or when � purchaae gr3ee i� p�id.,'
<br /> - assign r�ll insuranae on said buildfr�ge �'srty of �.�'� part �rees to �ay all taxes and aasaas- '
<br /> ' mente �gainst said re�►1 est�te.�nd i f there is a mortgage on said p roperty.pay intereet and '
<br /> t�es thereon up to Oct.l9th. 1920 and give poasessian by Nov.lst,1920 It is mutuslly r�greed
<br /> th�t time is �.n essenti�►1 element in thi$ contraet and it is further agreed that in- ease eitY�isr
<br /> '� of the parties hereto ahall fail to perform the stipulations of this contraxet�or �►ny part
<br /> of the sr�me,ths fdiling party $hr�ll p�y to the otner party of this contract the sum of Two
<br />- - __ -,�_ _,-� _-- - -__ -_ _ ---_---_ ___-_ =_- . _—_- ---- -- -__-- --
<br /> ,�
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