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<br /> � � �� G� ��a[� �0 � � ��C� O�D � � -
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<br /> _: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ - - -
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<br />_� _,__ . .,...._, _yTy,(p CLOAV69AilTLETTCO.�PRINTING,LITH06RAPH�NG.STATIONERY�OMAHN . - .
<br /> Stute of Nebraska )
<br /> } ss. �
<br /> Hall County } Adelbert O.Powers,being first dulyr saorn,u�,on oath degoses and says
<br /> tha.t he is well �.nd personally �.cqu�inted �vith Annie A.Pawers to who� The Grdnd Isl«.nd Bankin� �
<br /> �
<br /> Co und Lucind� K.B�rr and Husb�nd George 119. corrveyed the following described lands in Hall Count�, '�
<br /> Nebr�.ska to-wit: The East one hdlf (�-? of lots nine (�) �,nd ten (10) in Block 20 Packer & Barrs
<br /> second addition to the city of Grand Island by V7arr�.nty Deed,dated Oct 20-1886.and recorded in
<br /> book 6 of �eeds on page 185 , in the Register of Deeds office of Hall County�,and with Anr.a A.Powera
<br /> �.nd Husb ��.rtin V. ,who conveyed s�,id Frer�ises to Julius C.Bishop by Warrant3T deed dated Ja,n 12-
<br /> ?�a8.�.nd �ffiant positively kn�ws thdt the s�.id �nnip �.�'�!�vers,and Ann�� A.Pc�aers �,re ene tsnd thP
<br /> sG.me r�eraon,notwithsta.nding the discrepancy in n�nes..
<br /> Adelbert O.Po�ners
<br /> ,.�..�.�.. --�_�__-
<br /> Subscri'oed wnd sworn to before rr�e this 19 d�.�� of �u�ust, 1920
<br /> (SE�:.) Flm Suhz�_ ,.�_._._.��_�
<br /> Notury�Public
<br /> b7y ccrnrr,ission expires Oct ?9,1920
<br /> Filed for record this 4 dwy of Se;;tember 1920, at 9 o�clock A.�.
<br /> ��-�� (-/o'-�c e�.- �._._...�.�
<br /> Register of n�eds
<br /> -Oi0-0-0-0-C-C-O-C-Q-O-G-C-C�-��O�C�-0-0-O�C-Q-Q-0-0-U-0-0-C�-0-0-Q-0-0-Q-C-Q-Q-G-0-0-�-�-0-0-Q-0-0-
<br /> t�FFI DAZT I T
<br /> St�it� of Nebruska j
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> Gounty of Ha.11 j I,Artliur �.l�+.yer being first duly sworn upon my oath depose and say thdt
<br /> I have been u. resident of Grwnd Is.�and �iall �ounty.Nebraska for ruore ti�n forty ye�.rs ldst �ast,
<br />� and that I k�ow the preinises described �.a Lot One (1� in Block Thirteen (13) of Russel Wheeler's
<br /> Addition to Grdnd Island; t.�.t I dlso knew Gehrt F.�ueller the gr�ntee described in the Warranty
<br />�
<br /> F Deed to s�.id premises recorded in Book Thirty-six (36 ) �tt Page 496,�nd that I am �lso well ac-
<br />� �u�.inted �yit�z Ma.ry Huebner the gr�.ntee of the Wc�rranty Deed to said prerriises recorded in Book 39
<br /> at Pa.ge 303,and that I know thu.t the grwntee Gehrt F.Mueller and the Grantor Gerhdrd F.�ueller in�
<br /> the deed to said �.ry �iuebner is one and the s�e person, the difference in the n�nes in edid deeds
<br /> to the c�ntrdry not withstanding.
<br /> Arthur C.�S,.ver
<br /> . ..;
<br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 2 day of September�1920•
<br /> �SFAL) Wm Suhr
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> �y commission expir�s Oct. 29,1920
<br /> Filed for r�cord this 7 d�.y of Septeraber 1920,a.t 2: 30 o' clock P.�fl.
<br /> �-�;���i ��,t��' --,
<br /> • Register of Deeds
<br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-U-0-0-Q-0�
<br /> �GREFMFNT-SALE OF �F.AL ESTATE �-.4 SS�9��e�t-
<br /> This indenture made this 9t�z day of .7u1y . 1920. py �+.nd bet��+een J. S.�;cN�illan�Ht�11 County.Nebraska.,
<br /> party of the first part,and C.ii.�ucker,Custer County �Nebr�sk�,party of the second p�.rt.
<br /> �ITNF;��:TH,That �arty of the first part hds this a4y sQld tn the party of the second p�rt the
<br /> foll�win� described �roperty, xo-wit: Block Ten (IO) , in Sheridun's i'la.ce�consisting nf 5ixteen
<br /> - (16) lots,known �s the forrner Jud�e H�,rrison Pr�perty ,for which party of the second part r�grees
<br /> to pay the sum of Seventy-five Hur�circ�d Dollara (�750U• 00) Doll�rs.payable �s follows: - I'ive Hun- '\ �
<br /> dred (�5t�0•00) Dollars c�.sh, recei�t whereof is hereby acknowledged,One Thouswnd (�:10�0. 00) Do11-
<br /> �rs by a �romissory note due one ye�.r from date, druwir�g Sjo intere�t, -It is hereby mutudlly a�read
<br /> that the �bal�.nce of Six Thous�.nd (�60�0. 00) Doll�.rs.which is now �. lien �gdinst the property,will,
<br /> be assumed by� C,.;i. �ucker. together with interest thereon �t 8j� from �Tune 28, 1920•
<br /> It is furthex agxeed tiia.t the p�rty of the first part will deposit deed 'to the dbove described
<br /> property with the �eoples State �unk of Grwnd Is1�nd,Nebraska,, to be delivered when the above des-+ ,
<br />, ` - -----
<br />