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� 67� <br /> �l � �C� C�[�[�Q�] �OC� � ��C� O� D � � �� <br /> _ _-_ _ _ _.---� <br /> 3�Z19—CLOYPd.BARTLETTCO•.PA�NTING,LITH06RAPHiNG.STATIONERY;OMAHR . .. . .. , . ��- � . <br /> RE�OLL'TION . <br /> S�here�s,Cairo Led�� uf �lestern Bees,Idumqer Twelve (12) �f C�.iro,H�.11 County,Nebr�ska,wish�s to <br /> ssll �.nd convey to K�rl A.Rasr�ussen for the c�nsider��cion of Twenty 5even Hundred Dollwrs (�270C. �: <br /> Lcts numbPr�d �ixteen �: Seventeen, (16 & 17) in Block num�xed Sixteen (16 j� of the ori�inal to�an of <br /> C�,iro,�.s anowr. i�y its recorcled �l�t, the ter�s of sale bei3n�; thwt whe s�.id K�rl A.:�asmussen sha.11 <br /> assume ��yment of tne �`� OU.�ortgage now existin� �.g�inst the said premises as a pa,rt of the purch�zse <br /> price thereof �,nd $hdll p�y to the Trustees of the s�.id lodge the b�,lance of the rurch::se pr3ce in cash; <br /> Be It Resolved -by Cdiro Lad�e of West�rn BePs,number `Pweive, in regular meeting asssmblPd,at which <br /> a quor�.r:l of s�id lurige is �;resent �.nd actin�,Th4t i�.L.��er,Y�ina E.Filsinger t�n3 Ann�. R.Bella:,�y, <br /> � <br /> Trustees of s�.id Cairo Lod�e of Western Bees,Numbe� 'T��elve,be and they hereby ars �,u�;horized�for, <br /> �nd in the n�ne of s�.id lodge, to m�.ke,execute �ind deliver to the s�.id K�.rl A.Rasm�fssen,d �arr�.nty _ <br /> Deed to the �.b�ve des�ri aed lot� nur�berPd Sixteen (16 ) �.nd Seventeen {17) in Block numbered :�ixteen <br /> of the origir.�,l to�,vn of C�.iro �.s showri bS� the recorded pla.t thereof. <br /> 3��.ted �.t C�iro,TSe'oxaska,this Seventh d�.y of July, 1920. <br /> This ia to eertify th�.t dt �. r�gular meetir� of Cairo Lodge of �Testern Bees,Number Twelve,held <br /> �.t their hr�ll in C�,iro,Nebr�.ska,which is the usual meeting �l�ce of s�.id lod�e,due notice of which <br /> �.nd of the pre3entation and -�ro�oasd �.doption of the above resolution h�.d been �iven in the m�nner . <br /> �rovided by tne 'oy-l�.wa of the said lod�e, the above and fore�oing resolution was duly adopted a.nd _ <br /> made � part of the records of the s�.id lodge. <br /> , . <br /> �fitness our ha.nds �.nd offici�il s��il of the Lodge,dz�ted July 7",1920. <br /> A.L.Omer (CORP.).. Nin� E.,�ilsin�„?r <br /> Secret�.ry. (�Et�L) President. <br /> Filed for recard this 12 da� of .Tuly 1920,at 10 0' clock t�.�. <br /> � � . <br /> - Register of Deeds � <br /> ; <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-n-0-0-G-G-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> AFFIDAVIT <br /> �,�;.urence T.Osborn.being upon his oath duly sc�orn dQe$ �t�te th�t l�e i� the owner dnd holder af the <br /> mort�;u,�e given by Tnum�:s 5h�.nley �nd Gertrude Shanley,his r�ife, on the Soutn-ea,st Q,ur�rter (SE�) �5ee- <br /> tion Five (5 ),Towrship Nins (9),R�.nge Twelve (12) ,V�est c� tne Sixth P.T�.�,nd filed ��rch �9th, 1920 <br /> at 10: 00 o' c�ock A.T�.and recorded in �3ook 51,:P�;.ge 291,�.nd thwt the same wa.s given sub�ect to a _ <br /> �tort�age of :413, OOC. UU �;iven �o the Feder�.l Trust Com��.n.y, filed �,rch 29tn, 192G �.t 10: C�C ,c'c�nck <br /> A.T�i. , x°PCOrded in �3ook 5�,?��e 31. And it is �.r.d �v�.s inter�ded for � second mortga�e. And the said <br /> I,�.urence T. Osborn cluims no right in the �.bove described l�nd cther th�.r. the second ms�ntg�.�e. <br /> �.urence T.Osborn � <br /> Stdte of Nebr��k�. ) <br /> ) ss <br /> County of Buffulo ) Subscribed a.nd sworn to before rne this 27th dwy� of Jure.1920• <br /> (SEAL) D•�.'Trivelpiece <br /> � Notary�Public. .� <br /> �IIy commissicn ex�;ires A�r 17,1924. <br /> Filed for record thi� 1� awy �f �?uiy 192t�,wt 9: 3C o' clock A.�. <br /> �.,-.������ <br /> Re�ister of Deeds <br /> -G-G-O�-Q-0-0-Ota-Q-Q-0-U-0-(i-Q-O-�-Q-0-0-�-�-G--C-O-�-�-0-0-0-�-0-C-C-L-0-C-0-U-0-0-0-U-U�C-C-0-0���0-Q- <br /> Y <br /> _ — 1 <br />