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- - _ <br /> ���� <br /> [� D �C� � [��Q � �O � � � �C� O� D �J � , <br /> 6 73,�, <br /> _: -_- .-- _ _.-- --- _ - --_ _---- <br /> __ _ _ _ - - - - <br /> __ _ ___ <br /> .. ��Z19 6LOPPA BARTLETYCOiPHINTING,LITN06RAPHING,BTATIpNEqY:OMAHA � <br /> AG REF,�NT <br /> THIS INI�EI'3TURE.�de this lOth day of June,A. D. 192U,�etween Henry Schafroth��mA.ha�Iow�.,party <br /> of ti�e first part,and T.P.Blomquist,Dannebxog,Nebrask�i party of the second pdrt, <br /> t',"ITN�SSETH,Th�.t the p�.r�y af the �'irst �;urt has thi� ddy sold to the party of the second part� <br /> I the following described prorerty, to-�it: South�rest <br /> Qu�rter (S.W.�-) �ection Twenty-four (24),�.nd <br /> �,11 of that pdrt of the La�t Half {E�1 of uection `rwenty-faur (24) ,lying south of the center of tne <br /> ri�ht �f wdy of the Union Pdcific R�:ilro�.d Cu�pan� �.11 in Townahip Eleven (11) .North of R�,n�e Ten <br /> (10),�est of the 6th P.�. in Ha.11 Cour.ty,Nebr�.�k�,contdinin� Two Hundred Eighty-six (286) acre$, <br /> r� little more or less,�ccording to the government surney� thereof. to�ether �ith all ��purten�ncea �' <br /> thereto belon�ing �.nd now thereon,for v�hich t`he party af the second psrt agrees to pay the surr� of <br /> Thirty-Sever. Thousund,Thirty-seven (�37037.00} Dollars, payr�ble rxs follows: Grish in h�.nd Five <br /> Thous�.nd,Five Hundred Fift�-five �.nd �5/1Q0 Dollara� recei�t v¢hareof 3is hereby acknowled�ed.B+�lanc�e <br /> Twelve Thous�.nd Nine Hundr�d Sixty-two Dcll�rs�l!Iinety-five Cents (�12,962. 95 ),payable on or before <br /> �arch 1�t�1921,dt �vhich time Warranty Deed �.nd Gaad Abstr4ct of Title v�ili be furnished by p�irty <br /> - of the first part.The B�lance to�vit: �ighteen Thous�nd,Five Hundred Eigh��een Dol].zcrs,Fifty Cents <br /> ��18.518.50 y, b�a First Mortgdge on premises drawing 6�a.payable semi-�nr.ually from �irch lst,1921, <br /> due March lst.1926. The part�,� �f the first p�.rt is to furnish to tY�e party of �he second part� or <br /> a.esigns,�. v�drr�nty deed and � good �.nd sufficient �bstract of tit1�,�M;owiri� a good title of record <br /> to �is premises herein deacribed in the party� of the first part, on or before �rch let,1821, , <br /> assign all insuxwnce cn Buildings upon payment of th� unearned premiuir. p�.y all t�xes �r�d �►ss- <br /> ess�ents �g�.i,nst s�id real est�.te,�.nd i.f there i� �. mort��,ge on sdid �roperty,pa�y interest wnd <br /> _ twxes thereon up to &�areM lst�1921,including 1920 td.xes and give possession by idarch lst,1921 � <br /> ' It ia mutudlly �;reed th�.t time is an essenti�l element in this contract and it is further �greed <br /> , that in case either of the parties hereto shs�.11 fuil to perform the stipulati ons of this c ontract}, <br /> i <br /> '' or �ny ��.rt of the �a.r�e, the fwilir� p�.rty shr�11 pay to the other ��,rty of this contrdct the sum <br /> � � of Six Thousund (��6, 000•00) Dollars,as dr�rna,ges for non-fulfillr�ent of contr�ct.Passessfon to the <br /> - �;tubble grc,und on s�.id premises �'iven as soon �s sma11 gr�.in thereon is hn.rvested a.nd str�cked or <br /> �� threshed. <br /> I� T�STI�d0I3Y �IIHEREOF, '�he purties dfores�:id have subscribed their names the date above mentione�d. <br /> payments tn be made and papers dsiivexed �.t the Nebr St�,ts Z3b.nk <br /> �itness: <br /> A.E.Cady Henry 3clv3froth � <br /> A.E.Cady I.P.Blomquist <br /> riled for record this 9 day of July 1920,�.t 2 o' clock P.�. � <br />� � � � ��,�o��� �� <br /> �' <br /> Register of Deeds i <br /> -0-0•Q-0-0-�-Q-Q-�-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-G-U-U-0-0-0-i3-0-0-(}-G-G-t�-�-G-G-O-U-0-0-�-0-G-C3-G-O-G-0-0-G-O-Q+0 <br /> LI S P�N�IENS, <br /> Ihi TI� =�IiTRICT COURT OF HAI.L COUNTY.NFBRASKA. ' <br /> �arl O.Yorria, •, <br /> �l�.int i f f, i <br /> y�� P�ndens. ', <br /> �i11i�.m Felske�Katy �elske and John Doe,whose redl name is unknown, <br /> TO ALI, P�RSONS WHOM IT DUFS OR PdAY CONCFRN: Defendants. � <br /> ' You ure hereby notified that tile r�bove n�med pla.intiff has commencsd suit in s�id court �gain�t <br /> the above narrred defend�nts• Tne ob,iect und j:rayer of the suit is to foreclose a cert�ain mort��gel <br /> dated July 1,1913 upon the �'est half of the Southv�est quarter t��5'1��) and the Southwe�t quarter I <br /> of the Nor�hwest quz�rter (SiN�P1��) of Section Seven (7),in Township �leven (11) ,North R�nge Ten � <br /> (lt�),West of the Sixth P.M.an3 which mortgage �r�s du�y recorded on July 3, 1913 in 13ook 45 of ! <br /> � <br /> �ort��.ges �.t pa,ge 381�H�11 County,ldebr�ska. ' <br /> S�arl O.�orris�Pl�intiff, ' <br /> By 0.A.Abbott& ,T.R.Rhodes i <br /> His Attorneys. + <br /> � <br /> Filed for record this 10 dt�y of July �920,at 11 otclock A.�. �� , <br /> � �� � <br /> ���� � � <br /> Register of Aeeds ; <br /> . , <br /> -0-Q-4-a�0-0-0-0-4-(�-4-0-0-�-4-0-O-Q-0-(?-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-4-4-0-0-0-0-fl-Q-4� <br /> , <br /> , <br /> � <br />