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�6 <br /> � 6 � 2 <br /> � � �C� ���a � �0 � � ��� O�D � o <br /> 3�IJ—CLOPPSBAflTLETYCO..Prl11VTING.I.ITH06RAPHING,STRTiONEqY�OMAHA . . . . � ... . . . . �. � �� . � � - - � <br /> Twelva E12} �est, in I3�11 County,Nebru�ka,by cantr�ct, �o one Ch,�rles E.�filkins,�nd issued to him <br /> �. certifi.cate of purcri�.se and receipt for the �urcY�se price of said pre�.ises,�.� in s�.id petition <br /> �.11eged; tha,t said Charle� E.Wilkine thereupozz entered inta posaession of said premisee; that the <br /> sdid defend�nL.UniUn P�cific R�.ilw�.y Comp�ny did, on cr �bout �u�ust 10.1886,�xecute to the said <br /> Ch�.rles E.�'iikins,as purch�ser,a deed :o� gener�.� wz�rr�.nty �or said premises,which de�d was deliv�red <br /> by s�endin� sarrae thrcugh the muils,but if ever received by the s�ii.d Gh�.rle� P.Wilkins,gr�ntee therein, <br /> h�s been lost or deetroyed,and was never pl�.ced of record�and that by re�son thereof a.nd the <br /> failure of s�.id Charles E.Wilkins,gr�.ntee �nd purch�.ser� to record s�iid deed,a cloud is cast upon <br /> the titie of s�.id pl�intiff in s�id above described premises und he is entitl�d to hr�,ve same re�oved <br /> �.nd the title to s�.id �rer�ise$ dnd his ri�ht of �ossession therein quisted �.nd cvnfirmed in him <br /> a�s in sr�id petiti�n pra.yed. TYiat the s�.ici ��luintiff was,at the commence��ent of this a.ction,�.n pas�- <br /> ession of the s�id l�.nds and premises �,bove described,and h�d a legal estate therein and was the <br /> owner of d fee simple title _therein, throu�h purch�se �nd rnesne conveyances�from the said Charles <br /> T.�llilkins,�znd thut said plu.intfff 4nd his gr�.ntors ht�vs beer. in the open,adverse,notorious, dnd <br /> exclusive,possessian of s�id l.anda und premises for more thdn thirty-three ye�.r� l�st past under : - _ <br /> claim of o,rnexship �nd title ther�:to,r�nd thrit the s�id defendants,and either of ther�,nwve �ny� � <br /> right, title,interest, ar rignt of possession. ta �.s�id premises or �iny p�rt ther�of�und that nei t�ier <br /> of s�.id defenda.nts Y�as or cl�,ims €�ny interest in or to premises or is entitled to any �ro�s- <br /> e�sory or other ri�hts therein. <br /> IT IS THEREFORE BY THE GOURT A��TUI�GFD,COY��I�RFD�A?TD DECRTvFD, that the tft3e u.nd po,sses�ion o#' <br /> said pl�.intiff in s�id pre�iises. to-wit, the e�,st h�lf of the southwest quarter of �ectian 5, in <br /> Township 9 North,Range 12 West, in H�11 County,�Tebr�ska.�nd the arune hereby quieted,affirmed,and _. <br /> confirmed, in the s�.id pl�.intiff,and that the said defend�nts�snd both of them,and r�ll persons <br /> claim3ng under or tY�-rqugh thzr�,are hereby forever en�oin�d from cl�iming any interest in said <br /> premises,or any right of possessi on therein,�,dverse to the title, ownership,�nd right of possess- <br /> ion, of s�,id pldintiff, or fwora interferin� with his use and en�oyment thereof�rznd th�t his s�.id <br /> title thereto is �uieted in him,wnd thdt ths s�id defsndant,Union Pucific Rail�ray Company�by <br /> �nd hereby is req��,red,vcithin twenty da.ys from the �entry of this decree, to execute r�nd deliver <br /> to th� said plaintiff the neces��:ry deed of conveyance conveyin� the s�id �.bove deseribed pre- <br /> �r�ises to the said pl�,intiff in lieu of lost or destroyed deed of canvey�nce,ds herein found� <br /> and thG.t in case of its f:;�ilure so to do�for the period of twenty d�ys,thi$ decree �hall be wnd <br /> h�reby is m�de to operwte as an abaolute eonvey�.n.ce to the plaintiff of et�id premises and of �11 <br /> title, right, or intereat, of the said defend�,nts, or either of themrtherein or thereto.i�nd tMat <br /> the costs of this action,�nounting to �27.85,are hereby t�es �gainst said pl�.intiff. <br /> ;QrK�.,�,�,:�„e°rco�,r..�na.��....... _ <br /> Judge. <br /> State of Nebx�sk�, ) <br /> � as. <br /> County of Hal1, � I,Vl�.lter H.Ra.uert, Clerk af the District Court v�ithin �.nd for said County <br /> and State�do hereby eertify th�t I 11r�.ve compared the fore�oing copy of the Decree in the case. of <br /> John H.Gilligan �cs. Ur.ion P�.cific R�.ilvra�y Company,et �.1. filed by said Court of the �l�t d�y of <br /> June,A.�. ,I920,with the ori��nal filed in my offiee �nd thrat the st�me is a. correct transcript <br /> �ilereof,�nd of the whole of s�.id originr�l.. <br /> IN TESTIMONY �REOF�I have hereunto set rr� hand �nd c�.used to be affixed the offici�.l �eal of <br /> said Court.�.t the CitST af Gr�nd Ial�nd, thi$ 23rd d4y of June,A.D. .1fl20• <br /> (S�AL) �alter H.F3auert <br /> Cl�xk of the District Court. <br /> _ By Bgssi�B.��be..W.�..�De�tv <br /> Fi led f or rec ord this 30 day of June 1920.�.t 3 0'cl oek P.D�. <br /> . . ,...� \�/^-'�'�`C�r.��i ■ ��i i r rn�rr r�r�� . �. <br /> Re�ie ter uP De�da <br /> I <br />. <br /> i <br /> __ _ _..� _— _ __--- _ ; <br />