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Q��� . <br /> 67�,� <br /> � O �C� � � �a � �C� � � � �� O� D � � . <br /> _ _ - . <br /> _ - ---- - <br /> _ _ ----- - <br /> _. p . _ - - - _ _ <br /> _ : -�- <br /> _u7Z19 CLOPP6BANTLETTCO.�PRINTING�LITH06RAPHING.fTATiONEHY:OMqMR � _ <br /> -.�:.. 3� '::_ "' ,'". ..._ ... . <br /> � ... __ . .-... �-- ._ . . . _. ._. _--._: <br /> . . .... . ... . ___._..: .. . .... . "__-_-"_.. .-'�-_'_- <br /> . . .. . . . . . . . . _ ._.-.... ....�. _ .. . . -_---�-- <br /> �o�; Arr� Li� �� <br /> " G r�.nd I s l�.nd Neb raska� <br /> .Tune 16 1920 <br /> In considerwtion of the aum of Forty Dollars (�40. 00) �nd other good and sufficient consider�- <br /> tion to me paid, the receipt of �vhich is hereby �ckno�vledged, I hereby gr�nt unto the Centr�l Power <br /> whi ch <br /> Compwny� its �uccessors and assigns,for �. period ciurin�Aits tr�.n�r�ission line, or any extension <br /> a� <br /> �,.�'� thereof, is maintained� the right,power �nd �rivile�e to build, operr�te �,nd maint�,in its tr�nsmission <br /> line, including the neces3�ry 8 .poles,wires wnd fixtures u�on, over �.nd across the following describ- <br /> ed r��l eat�te which is nov� owned by me, to-�it: tl�e I3T�4 of Section 2wenty Four,Township 11,R�ge <br /> 9 in Iidll County,Nebr�sk� as indicated by the ott�ched map �vhich is made a part hereo� on a line <br /> - parallel ��ith the C.B.E; Q. �i�ht of way fence and �xt a, dist�nce not in excess of three feet to <br /> the center of the pole therefxom.Also the right to trim or ren:ove any trees along said line so as <br />', to keep the wires cleared dt le�st twenty (20} feet, to erect und set the necesswry guy and bruce <br /> poles und �nchors,�.nd att�ch thereto the necessary guy wires. Together with the right of ingrees <br /> wnd egress �.long s�.id right-of-�ay for the purpose of making any necess&ry reFairs. xeplacemtents , <br /> ' extensions or �.dditions to said pole line. <br /> Said Centr�l Po�rer Company, its suecessore or assigns,�cs part ccnsideration for s�.id right-of-w�y. <br /> �grees to and will ��.y saicl owner,his tenant,heirs or assigns.for a11 darnageo to live stock or <br /> other propErty caused by the construction� operation,mainten�nce or throt�h bre�.ka�e of s�id pole <br /> line and wires, �.nd dgrees to hold s�id owner ha.rmless frvm all l3abili ty of vrhatsogeer nature <br /> r�rieing out of the canstruetion und oper�tion of a�.id pole line. <br /> 1�itness: <br /> R..7.Andruf �d Baasch . <br /> Filed fox record this 23 day of June 1920�at 4:50 o'clock P.�. <br /> . �-������° � <br /> .�.�.,' <br /> Re�is ter of Deeds � <br /> -o-o-Q-o-o-o-o-o-a-�-o-e-e-�-i-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-�-o-o-e-a-e-e-o-�-e-c--a-e-o-o-o-o-Q-a-e-e-e-e-o <br /> �c� <br /> - IN T"riE DISTRI CT COURT 0� HALL COUI�?TY,NFBRASKA. <br /> " .Tohn H.Gilligan, ) <br /> Pl�.intiff, } <br /> ) <br /> 3 7�CRFE. <br /> v�: � <br /> ) <br /> Union P�cific R�.ilw�.y Co�pany, } <br /> � corporation,and Unior� P�.eific � <br /> Railroad Company ,a corporation� ) <br /> Defend�.nts, j ivow,on this 21st d�.y of June.1920.this c�.uas c�.me on to <br /> be heard upon tne �etition of the plaintiff dnd tne �.nswer �.nd disclaimer of the d�fe�d�nt Union .' <br /> Pa�cific R�.ilroa►d Compar�y,a corporation,dnd it appearing From the pxoof on file herein that due ar�d <br /> legal notice by pul�lication as by law provided ha.d been :x�ad6 and ha.d upon the $aid Uni�vn Pacific ' <br /> Railwz�y Company,�. cor�oru.tion,non-r�sident defendant,�,nd $�.id def�ndar.t ndving �$iled to plead, <br /> an$wer, or demur,nere�n,within the time requir6d by law,w�,s in o�en Courtn o e�nly called and came <br /> _ ' not,and thereu�on defzcult was entergd against said Union Pacific Railway Company. <br /> knd s�.id ca.use eoming on furthert"t� be heard upon the �aetition of plaintiff,and the an�r�rr and <br /> disclairaing of sdid Union Pdcific R�ilroad Comp�.ny,defend�.nt,dnd the evidence of plaintiff in <br /> support of hi$ �aid petition,said being duly submitted to the Court,being duly �dvised in , <br /> the premises, finds f4r the plaintiff �.nd that the alleg�.tions of his petition �re true and that <br /> he is entitled to the relief prayed for therein �nu that tne said Union P�.cific Railroud Camp�ny <br /> hv.s �nd claims no �nterest in the sdid prezr,ises involved in this c�.use. <br /> The Court further finds thwt the s�id defendant,Union ��acific R�ilwdy Compdr�y, on ox about <br /> August 1,1886,being �hen �he o�vner of the �remises herein described.sald s�.id premises, to-�rit, <br /> the east ha�lf of the southwest qu�.rter of Section Five (5 ) in Township Aiine (9) North,R�nge <br /> ; <br />