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. <br /> F <br /> � f � . <br /> - � � �C� � ��Q� �OC� � G� �� O � D � � <br />_ .�._ __ � _ - _ _ _-_=-- <br /> 3]2/9—SLOP?d.BARTIETTCO.,PAINTING,LITH06FAPHING.5TAT10�3EpY�OMFMR � � � <br /> Courcil of the Ci ty af Gr�.rld Island, that he will germit no unl�wful pructice�a on said pr�ruises <br /> �nd th�t at the terrr�ination of' the v�-i.thin lease he will deliver the s�.id premises, in t� peaceable <br /> mo.nner, to the first parties hereto ir� a.s good condi"tion �s they are when delivPxed to second p�.rty <br /> ordinary we�r �.r.d te�.r �.nd loss by ineuitable accid �r,t alone exeepted.. <br /> It is �nderstcod �nd �reed th�.t the first pwrties wi11 deiiver tre ;�rPmise�a tc second party, <br /> on th� commencemert of the witS�in lews� in first c��.ss condition.That h� �aill r�aint �.nd pa�er <br /> �.11 ef the rooms and r�.11s.. Th�it he will fix the bricks on tr.e outside under the front �l�.te glass <br /> as �.greed w upon by the �µrti�s nPrPto. Tr.�.t he tirill �.ttend to ha,ving wll plumbing in and w.bout the pre- <br /> �ises in 'first class condition �.n3 t11�.t ?�e wi11 �ener�.11y �l�.ce the bUildin� in �ood condition. Tt is <br /> further agreed tha.t �.fter _�th� pla.cin�; of said bL:ilding in condition by the first garties �.s her�in <br /> required� they �h�ll not be called upon te make �ny further reg�irs durin$`�the term of this lease, <br /> other tha.n tnose occ�sior.ed by the Act of God, inevit�.ble �.ccident, dnd fire,and the second party <br /> sr.�.21 be required to keeF the prerriises,�t his expense, in tenanta�ble rer�air. <br /> It is alsc �reed th�t the second �arty shall have the �rivile�e of su.b-letting the within <br /> premises to µ responsi'ole party�. It is further U.gree�t th�.t in the sub-letting of s�,i.d premises <br /> �the second p�.r�y shall not be in any manner obli�ated undex the s�.id lease after the first p�.rties <br /> hereto h�.v'�e �.ecsptpd sucr assignee �.e responsible �arty �nd its further agreed that the first <br /> pa.rties shwll not arbitrarily wi�Ghhold their u.cce�:tance to asgignee,prnvided the �.ssignee <br /> preser.ted is of equa? responsibility to the secor.d p�rty herein. <br /> It is �reed thwt the first �arties hereto shall h�.ve the �rivilege of er�ctin� an auto work- <br /> shap ox garr��e on the scutherly end of tr�e E�.st 49 feet of swid Lot l,being tYie p��t_ nt�t occupied <br /> by the hotel b�ildin�;,�.nd eccupy the swrr�e,provided such bui�din�: �.r:� accupation s�a�ll not inter- <br /> fere x�ith tne ri�ht of ingress und e�rHSS to �nd fr�m thP �.11ey and the hote� building. <br /> Projri�ed further such bufldi.n�; wnd occup�.ncy sh�ll not ir_terfere v�ith the pedeable occug�.ncy of <br /> th� ,�ren�ises Y�erein describsd b�� the second p�,rty. <br /> It is ugreed thG.t the �rerr�ises shhG..11 be used �.s �. hotel an.d roc�raing house. <br /> �ecord ��.rt31 wgrPes th�t l�e wi11 keep the premises free from sr_ow, #'ilth �nd rubbish nf '�.i1.,_: <br /> kinds �nd thcct he wi11 exercise his best erde4vors to m�+.intdin the �rerr.ises in the su.rne ne�t con- <br /> di ti on tY��wt h4 ��.;u�c: v.-e re the sun;e hi s own. <br /> It is �re?d that the first parties or their duly empowered �ents sh:�ll have the Frivile�e <br /> o�` �;�ing upon the prerr,ises ut ull r.e�sonable times tc exarriine the ccnditic�n of the s�.me. - <br /> 1M1litness the hG.nds of the ��arti�s hereto this 26th d�.y of September, 1919. <br /> �t'itn?s�: �ou,�iae _�vyietfeldM:__�� <br /> �T,P;. TYiom�scn Jr. __Her.r,�„�Nistfeld <br /> Fir�t P�.rties <br /> C.H.Abr.ams <br /> ._._.__._.:_-_� .. ._.�._,,..�... <br /> Sec cnd P�r�yr. <br /> Stwte af Nebruska, ) <br /> � ss <br /> Hall County. . ) On this 26th daJ of September, l919,before the undersigned,a not�,ry public� <br /> duly commissioned and �udli�'9.ed in �.nd for ��.�1, County-,Nebr�.s�.,perscnally appe�red the ubove <br /> na.aaed Herlry Nietfeld,I�ouise ��ietfeld,�.r_d G.H.Abr�.�r:s, to me �;ersonally known wnd to me known ta be <br /> the identical persons ��ho executed tl�e foregoin� le�.ee �.r.d �reer�er:t �.n� t'r.e�� sever�.11y a.cknow- <br /> led�ed the sa.r�p tc be jt'rle�r vclurt�.ry �et �.nd deed. <br /> Subscribed �.nd s�,�orn to before me this 26th dazj ef �eptember, 1919. <br /> ($EA;L„) J.�. Thom s c�n Jr� �T� <br /> Not�ry Public. <br /> p�y cornmission 3Xpl.TPB �ec 13-1922 <br /> Filed for reccrd t;:iC �:� c'.�a.�� cf �?'unA 19�G,a.t 4 0' cicck P.�• <br /> ������ ����, <br /> ....._-.�...�.-....���.._.._�. :_-- - <br /> Re�ister of Deede� <br /> -G-�-C-C-C-�--C-C-C-Q-C-�-C-4-0-4-C-C�-Q-O-�-Q-Q-Q-O�-Q-C-�-Q-0-�-0-0-Q-Q-U--U-0-Q-0-0-0-Q-0-Q-Q-Q-O�� <br />