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Q��� <br /> 6�:9 �. <br /> � � �C� �� �Q� �O � � � �C� O � D � � � � <br /> .� ..— ._a�l�l9 C60PP6BARTLETTCO.�PflINTiNG.lITH06R11PHING�5TAT10NEflY:OMAHR . ...:�.. . �.�� — .... � :. . . .. . .. � -� '_ '— �� ' "���� �'_ �'� " ---- <br /> POIiA; AiJP �INF,' I�El'i."'aL+' <br /> G rand I s 1an d Neb ras ka. <br /> .Tune 14th,1920 <br /> In ccnsideruti cn of t.ze su.r. of Fcrt�T Dollar�, (�40. 00) �.nd other good and sufficient e�onsidera- <br /> tion to me paid, the receipt of �vhich is hereby acknowledged, I hereby �runt unto the Central Povo- <br /> er Coml�dny, its successors ar.� a�signs,for a period durin� which its tr�.nsmission line� or any ex- <br /> ' tension therPif is n�dintained, the right,�ower �.nd privile�e to build, operate and rr�intain its j <br /> tr�+.nsmission lins,including the necessdry poles,wires and fixt�ares unon, ovPr and across the foll- <br /> owing desaribed real estate �vhich is now Ltvnec� by me, to-wit: the south edge of Section Twenty <br /> - fcur,To�vnship Eleven,R�.nge Nine in Hall County,Nebr�ska,as indicdted by the atta,ched m�.p which <br /> - is ma,dp �. part hereof. Also the right to trim or removs �.r.y trees alcng said line so as to keep <br /> the wires cle�rPd at le�.st twerty (20) feet, to ere�t �.nd set the necesst�ry �uy and brace poles <br /> and �nc.�ors,�nd att�sch thereto the necessary guy vrires. To�ether �i th the right of ingress and <br /> egress a.l�r_� �did ri�ht-of -way for tne purpose of makin� an5� neeees�.ry • 1�epairs� replacements, �x- <br /> tensior.s or a�ditions to said pole line. <br /> Sdid Central Power Compdny, its successors: or a.ssigns,as paxt considarat? on for s�id right- <br /> of-way ��rees to and wili ��.y suid owner,his tenantaL].�31T8 or �.ssigns, for all dama.ges to live stoek <br /> or other pro��erty caused by the construction� operation,mainten�nce or threug� breakage of said <br /> �;ole linP and wires,�.nd agrees to hold said owner harml��s frcm all liability of �vhat-soever <br /> n�ture urisin� out of the ccnstruction �.nd oper�.tion of' s�id i ole line. <br /> �itr.ess: <br /> F. A.:iac ke r He rman Bads c h <br /> Filed for record this 16 d�.y of June 1920,at 4 o' clock P•:�• <br /> C�i2;E'�i�it� �i��Pi1—� <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-� <br /> LEA�E A11D AGRE�.;FNT <br /> This cantrwet dnd agre°ment m�.cle �nd entpred into this 26th d�.y of Seotember,l919�by and b�- <br /> t�:�een Henry Nietfeld and Louise T�ietfeld of the first pu.rt,herein�.fter referred to as Owners,and <br /> C.H.Abr�ms, of the second �art�:zereinafter referred to ds the Tenant,partiee of the first pr�rt beir� <br /> of Gr�.nd Island,H�.11 County,l�ebr�.ska,and party of the second part bein� of He�,rtwell,Ke�xrney � <br /> +Ccu.,t��,Npbx�.ska,VVITNES�TH: - <br /> That for a�nd in consider�t'_:.n of the coven�.nts and agreements as hereinafter set forth the part- <br /> ie$ hereto ugree a.s followrs: - <br /> Tha.t the first p�rties hPrAto have this d�y lp:�sed to the second party �,nd the secand party <br /> has this day� le�.sed from the first parties, the following described premises �ituated in the <br /> city of Grwnd Isldnd,:ial1 County,Nebr�.sk�., to-v�it:: <br /> The two story brick buildin� togetner �r�ith the rewl estate by tvhich it ia .occupied, situated <br /> on the Easterly 2/3 of I�ot 1 in Block 54 of the Originul Town,now city, of Grand Island,3Vebraska� <br /> for the term of five yewrs from the lfith da.y of Se�tember,l919. <br /> For �.nd in consideration of the dbove the second party wgrees to pdy a,e r�ntal for pr�- <br /> mfses the sum of One hundred und fifty dollars (�150.00) �er month on the first d4y of each a.r�d <br /> evpry month during the term of this le�.se. <br /> Second pwrty a�rees to pwy in z,.ddition to said rent�.ls �.bova reserved,all gas,w�ter,and elec-' <br /> tric ligr.t ci�ar�;ee levied or incurred on s�id ��remis�� for �u.s,tivater, or electricity used during <br /> the term of this lewse �nd to hold the first parties �,nd s�.id �remises hu.rrnlPs3 b3� reason of the <br /> use of g�.s�water or electricity on s�,id vrernises. , <br /> �econd �a.rt5� �.gr�es that he will commit no Q►rraste ox permit tYie �ractice of waste on or about <br /> s�.id premisss, thdt he will obey the rules of the Board of health �.nd the Ordinanc�a of the <br />