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� 6�>� <br /> �:� � �C� C���a� �0 � � � �C� O�D �Jti ', <br />� _ � _- _ . ____ ! <br /> 3��I.1S-CLpj+P6Bl1RTLETTGO..PR:NYING,LITH06R0.PHING.BTATIONERY;OMAHR . . � . .. �. .. <br /> pOI.,� AN�? LI� I,c ASE <br /> Gr�nd Island lQebr�sk� <br /> June 14th 1920 <br /> In considera.tion of the sum of Forty 13oll�.rs. .(�4Q. 00} and other good �nd sufficiPnt consider�.- <br /> tion to me p�.id, the recei;�t of which is hereb� acknowled��d, I hereby gr�.nt unto t?�e Central Pov�er <br /> Company� its succesaors �nd �,ssigns. fox a ppriod dur3ng �vhich its tr�.nsmisgion line� or any extension � <br /> ; <br /> ther?of is m�.int�,ined, thP right,rower �nd privilege to build, operute and :� its tr�,nsmission ' <br /> 3ine;incl.udin� the necess�.ry poles�v�irPs und fixtures upon, over and across the following described <br /> rsal �st�.te �vhic:� is now owned by me,to-wit: the south eust quartAr of �ection twenty four,Tcwr_ship <br /> eleven,Range nine i� a3a11 C�punty�Nebraska �.s indic�►ted by the attached map ��vhich is made a part <br /> hereof. Also the right to trim or rer�ove �.ny trees a.lon�; swid line ao �.s to keep the wires cl�ared <br /> a.t le�st twenty (20} fset� to erect and set the necessarS� �uy �.nd br�.ce poles �nd anchors,�nd attdch <br /> thexeto the necess�ry�'�w�ixes. Together vaith the ra.ght of ingress and egress alon�; said ri�ht•of-w�y <br /> for the purpose of ma.king an�r neces��.ry repdir�� repl�cements�extenaions or additions to said pole <br /> line. <br /> Said Central Power Com��ny, its successors or �ssi�ns,�.a pdrt consideration fox s�,id right-of-��y <br /> agrees to an� ��ill �a.y s�id owner,his tenant,heirs or assigns�for �7.1 dam�es to live stoc?� or other <br /> �roper�y c�.used by the construction, operation,ma.inten�.nce or through of said pole line <br /> und wires,and agree$ to hoid said awner ha.rml�ss from �11 lfability of whatsoever ndture ari�ing <br /> out of ths construction �.nd cperation of said pole line• <br /> �'itness: <br /> F.A.HackeY' Aug. SchirnrnAr <br /> Ti 1ed f or rec ord this 16 day af June 1920,�.t 4 0�c Zock P.�d. <br /> _t__���� �-� <br /> I Regi$ter of Deeds <br /> l <br /> -0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-4-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-�-fl-ti-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-a-4-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0- <br /> P4L.� AND LINE I,FhS� <br /> Gr�.nd Isldr_d '�ebra.ska <br /> ,rune 14th,3920 <br /> In considpration of the sur.i af Forty Dollars, (�40•OG) and other good and sufficisnt consideru- <br /> t.i on to lie �,�did, the rscei�;t of whic:n is hereby �.c'_�cnowledged, I nerebti� gr�.nt lznto the Centrdl Power <br /> Company, its succ:essors and dssigns.for �. period durin� which its tr�nsr:mi�sion line, or �,ny exkten- <br /> sion thereof is rnaint�.ined, the ri�ht,powar and j�rivilegP to buil.d, oper�te �,nd maintain its tr�.ns- <br /> �ission line� includin� the necess�,ry ;�oles,wires �.nd fi;�tares upon, oaer and across the following <br /> describPd. re�.l estate �vhicn is no�r �wned by m�, to-wit: the nortn eust corner of Section T�venty <br /> four, Township eleven,Ran�e nine in Hall County,Nebr�.aka,ds indicat�a by the attached map whieh <br /> is ma�de a p�rt hP�.��f.Also the xi�ht to trim or remove any trees �.lon� sa�id lin� so as to keep <br /> the �vires clear�d at le�st twenty (20) feet, to erect �nd set the necessdry guy and brace poles <br /> �nd wnchors��.n�i �ttach thereto the necess�.ry guy wires. Together with the right of ingress and <br /> �gres3 �.long s�.id ri�ht-of-�vay for t�e purr,�ose of makin�; �ny necess�.ry repa,irs, repldcements, ex- <br /> tenaion$ or additions to s�.id polg line. - <br /> S�.�d Centr�.l Power Company, its successors or �,ssigns,�.s part eonsideration for 8ai:i ri�ht- <br /> of-way a�ress to and will ,nrc,�T s�iid owner,his tenr�nt,�eirs or �.s$igns, for u.].1 d�nna�ps to livA <br /> stock or other �roperty cuused by the construction, oper�.tion muintenance or tY�ough breu.�age of <br /> s�.id po1P line �.nd wires,und �;raes to hold said orvner h�,rmless from ull liability of whatsoever <br /> n�.ture wrising out of the construction �nd operation af said pole line. <br /> ifiitness: <br /> F.A.HacvP r R.S..Zlomke <br /> Fzl�d for record this 36 d�y of June 1920, at 4 0' clocY P.�H. <br /> ���� �� <br /> eg s er o e s <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-t�-0-0-G-fl-0-fl-0-�-0-t3-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-fl-fl-0-0-0-0-fl-0 <br />_ ___ <br /> � _ <br />