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� 6�°=� <br /> � � �C ���C,� �J �O �J � � �C� O� D � � � <br />_ _ __ - .___ _-_ __ .__ _- _-- __�_ ._, . ._;--� <br /> • 37219-C107P69AflTlETTCO.,PRINTING.61TH06RAPHiNG.BTNTIONEPV;OMANA � ... . . .. . .. ... .. . .. . .. . . .. . . � ..,. <br /> ... . . � . . . . ..... _. .._..... -._:-. . . -:� .�.".__ <br /> I . . . � ......_ ._�_" _ --.:..-.. .. _ . __ '__'�"_.__'-._�l' <br /> �.nd with '�Villi�.m B. Hollister, who wws one of the members of the firm of Marsha2l & Co. ,and with <br /> Willis�,m B.Hollister,whose estate �v�s ad�.ninist�rad in the Count� Court of Iiu,1Z County,�ebraska,and <br /> a cextified copy of a. decree therein recorded in Book H �t page 9� in the office of the Register of' <br /> Deeds of Ha31 County,Nebraska,and affiant knows of hi$ ov�n per�onal knov�led�e th�.t said �A.B.Holl- <br /> i$ter,�.nd said �illir�rr_ B.Holliater,�r�.s ane �.nd the s�.me �erson. : <br /> Af:fiant further sta.tss th�.t he was a,nd is person�lly acquainted �vith rrederick �.Hollister,des- <br /> cri�ed as one cf ��e heirs ut law of William B.Hollister, dsceased,in sdid decree recorded in sai$ <br /> Bvok H at �age 99,and with Frpd I�d.Hollister. one �f the gruntors in the deed reeorded in Book 23 <br /> vf Deeds at nage 116 of the Deed Recorc3s of H�11 County,Nebr�,ska,and knows of his own person�l <br /> knowledge th�.t the s�id Frederick Y. Hollister �r_d Pred rd.Holiister w�.g one and the same person» <br /> F.�.Hollieter <br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn to b�fore me on this 7th day of ,TUne�A.D.1920. <br /> (��yj C. S.Hoekstra <br /> l�otary Public. <br /> �y c omrni�s i on exp i res Aug. 7 th 1925. <br /> Filed for record thia 11 day of June 1920.wt J o�clock A.�d. , /-� <br /> LJ����.�, <br /> Register of' D�eds <br /> -0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-fl-fl-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-4-0-fl-fl-C�-0-0-fl <br /> �� ' ' � in the District Court of Hall County,Nebraska.' <br /> �.,�,�,��> <br /> In the I�i.tter of the Applic�,tion of <br /> t:e First Con�;ra�wLional Chu�cch of _ <br /> Donl�hwn,I�ebraska,f or an Order Author- } Order of the Court. <br /> izing its Tr�astees to Convey Re�.l <br /> �s ta,te. , <br /> No� on this 11" day of Jun�,1920,being one of the d�.ys of the regular June, 1920. term of this <br /> �istrict Caurt of; H�.1]. County,Nebru�ska.,came the above r�entioned petitioner by J.L.C�1����.ry,its <br /> attorney and Rev.Jchn E.Craig wnd E.b. Treat r�nd the cause came on to be he�.rd befors the Court <br /> on the petitian �nd the evidence,and the Court being fully advised �.nd empowered in the premisea <br /> finde: <br /> Th�.t due,le�al and sufficient notice of the �endEncy of this petftion has been �iven to a�l <br />�- <br /> interested persons,as by law provided;that said notice was duly published for four consecutive <br /> �veeks in The Grand Islund Independent,a newspaper published and cireulated in Hx�,1.1 County,Nebraska� <br />� <br /> as 'py law provided,s.aid notice corxanencing on the 23" day of Apri1, 1920 and requiring all perscr�s <br /> to show c�use.if �ny there be,wY�y the order pr�yed for by the p�•titioner should not be gr�.nted and <br /> requiring a11 such perscns, if any there by� to answ�r �nd ob�ject to the petition as prayed on or <br /> before �fonday tr.e ?« day of �Tune, 1920• . <br /> That no �nswer, ob�jection or Frotest hr�,s besn m�.de or filed a.nd th�,t all interested person+a, if <br /> �,ny there be,dre-: in d�fwult for ple�.din,�� the default of all such perr�ons is taken �nd duly entered. <br /> The Caurt finds that at a meeting held on the 9p driy of �.rch,188h,at Doniphan,Kall County�, <br /> Nebraska.George C.FiumphreylW.J.burger �.nd H.H�.rvey�'elected �s a Board of Trustee�a of the First <br /> Congre�ation�l Church of Dani�ahan,N'ebraska,and that on the 24" day of �.rch,18�4 a c opy of s�.id <br /> proceedings were filed for record und reeorded in the office of the County Clerk of Hall County, <br /> A�ebr�.ska,ds by law provided. 'i'ha.t ev�r since saici time the sr�id First Con�re�ation�.l Church of <br /> Doni�han,I3ebr��lc�,,h�.s existed as an organized church under the l�ws o� the Sta,te of Nebraska,and is <br /> so or��.nized �.nd existin� w.t the present tir�e.Th�t Jc�hn E.Cr�.ig is now the p�,stor of sdid church <br /> - and tl�t C.N. Tre4t,E.�3. Treat �nd Albert Cle�l are the duly eiected,�cting �nd qu�lified Tr�astees <br /> cf the said First Con�re��.tiondl Church of �oniph�.n,2debrdsk�,. <br /> That on the 3" d�y of :Decerr�'oer, 1�92,Zouisa Fi tch and J.�.Fi tah,her huab�zid, then being the <br /> owners of Lots l�umbered �iv� (5 j and Six {6 } in Block PTumber Une (1� of 1Burger� s Addition to the <br /> Village of Doniphan in Hall County,N�br�.ska,by deed of �ener�.]. �earr.anty transferred said lots to <br /> the 2rustee$ of the First Congregational Church of Doniphs�n�Nebr�ska,which deed was recorded in <br />