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� ��� <br /> � � �C� ���a �1 �0 � �5 � �C� O��D �l � <br /> n _ - __ �_ _ <br /> � e�7G/J—ClOPP66AFlTLETY60.�PfiINTING.LiTPf06R/1PHING.STPTIONEqY;OMAHR . _, � �. v <br /> one doll�,r to him in hand paid hds �,nd does hereby dem.ise and le�se unto the s�.id .Henry P.�e� <br /> a etrip or piece of ldnd twenty ircllee wride �long the e�.sterly edge of I.ot number four,Block sixty <br /> E�i�:ht in the city of Grdnd Island Nebr�.sk�, anci extending the entire length of said Zot far the <br /> uses z�nd pur�oses of a p�.rtiti�r �r�l? z�� hereinafter mentioned wnd s�t forth. � <br /> f <br /> It is aiso �:greed b� a.nd between the p�rtiea hereta tha.t the swid partitivn w�.11 sha.11 be of <br /> the followin� dimensions to wit; <br /> The b�.sement wr�ll sha.11 be twenty two inches in thiekness �nd not less thhr�..n six feet ten incl�iea <br /> belo� the established gr�.de for the surface of t:he sidewalk in front the reof and sh�,ll extend back <br /> r_ot less than �ighty �'eet from the frvnt at northwesterly line of said lots and the center thereof <br /> ahall be loe�zted ciireetly on and over the dividing line between said lots: <br /> , <br /> The first footin� course sha.11 be forty inches in width and two irches hig h and the second foot- <br /> :r_g course thirtyr inchea v�ri�e �.nd ten inches high- The first story wall shall be twenty irch�s <br /> in thickness �,nd not less than fourteen f�et in he�ght �,bove the top of the first floor �{oice and <br /> shall be extended,ba�ck not less tha.n ei�hty feet from the northerly end of said lots and th� center <br /> thereof shall be locdted directl3r on dnd over the dividing Iine between said lots-Said �vall shall <br /> cont�,in for the use of the said Henry P.�.keley at least� three flues to be loc�.ted ds desj_red by <br /> , <br /> him �nd a four inch �ro,�ection sh�.11 be made for the east side from the s�rfaee of th� east wall <br /> -'�, of tn� �r�.?I ��r_d be rovided with flue to s <br /> to allow for the s�.me �ndn����s shu.11 bP continued to the topnat le�st twen�y four ir_ches above <br /> , . <br /> the top of the fire wall & The second stery wall sha.11 be not Iess tha.n ten feet �.nd br�ught ubove <br /> , <br /> the top of the top of the second stor�; floor ,ioice: it' sh�.11 be �t le�st twelve inches in thick- <br /> � <br /> ness �.nd shall extend bdck not less thdn eighty feet from the northe�ly end of suid lots.The <br /> third and fourth storys wa21s shall be not less tha,n ten feet high esch from the top of the �joice � <br /> , - <br /> ,u.nd the wall shdll not be less thdn twelve inches thiek and mu�t :�e��end b�.ck from the northerly - <br /> end of said lots not less than ei�hty feet.The top of the fourth story wall �h�,ll b� carried up <br /> . s <br /> to a h�ight to give sufficient slope to carry of'f' �che �,a�er or the roof and m�y extend three feet - <br /> or more above the roof and m�:y extend three feet or more above the roof ioice for a fire wall & <br /> Said wa.11 shtill be built of briek or stone or partly of briek a,nd partly of stone �.nd sha,ll in , <br /> the first instance be erected wnd can�trueted by the s�.id Charles �. Scarff or assigns �nd sha11. <br /> be pwid for in c�,sh or mutually �gre�d upon between the sdid Herry P,�k,.ke2� and Charles �1. 8c�rff <br /> ,8e : as follows to-wit the sum of Ei�ht Hundred doll�,rs. receipt of which ie hereby aoknowled�ed . <br /> � � , � , � <br />, It is �.lso agreed by and between the parties hereta th�,t either party hereto sh�ll have the right <br /> . <br /> to extend saici wdll to the, `ext�rer�e southerly end of said lots or a.r�y part of said dist�.nce at <br /> his own cost,char�e �.nd expenses dnd the other p�.rty sh�,ll the ri�ht to use �.nd oecupy the <br /> same or any p�,rt thereof �.s a partition wwll upon paying the party so erectin� the su,me one h�lf <br /> the cost of erPCting the surae such eost to be fixed by his certificates of the architcct or <br /> ,' <br /> bui�.der thereof. -_ <br /> It is a,leo agreed that �.ny extensxon of swid wall shall corre��ond with the �vdll first �bove <br /> described in�.racter of materi�.ls �nd height �.11owing cilt�vays �. sufficient slope to <br /> properly dr�.in the entire roof. <br /> It is alsa �greed tha�t � the s�id Charles il�.Scarff shall not erec� or contruct Pilasters or ot'ner <br /> ornament�,l columns over or dcross the e�.ster3y ha.lf of the northerly end of sa,id wall- <br /> It is �.lso agreed that e�.ch garty hereto shull pay one ha,lf the expense of keeping ar�id wr�ll <br /> in repair �.nd th�.t the coven�.nt dnd �greenients herein contained shall extend to and be binding <br /> upon the heirs and assigns �nd successors of the parti�s hereunto �nd by �dch of them and that <br /> this le�.se shu.11 continue in force so long a�a ths ��.ic� buiidin�s or either of them shall st�.nd. <br /> In tsstimony where�f the swid Ch�.rles �. Sc�.rff und Lestina J. Scarff her�,u�to aet their <br /> hands dnd ths 'said Henry P.�.keley dnd t�nnie �a'.�.keley ha�ve hereunto set the�.:r nands this the 9th <br />