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���� <br /> 6��� <br /> �J � �C� [� � L�a �l �0 � � � �C� O � D � � � <br /> --� - .__- _ _ _ __ = =_ -- _-_- _ <br /> -_ __ _- _ -. <br /> -� ,,_ ,�Z�� CLOPPieAR7LETTGO PRINTINGiLITNO6HAPHING.3TAT10NERY�OMAHA �� � . � ` <br /> -=—_ . _. .. ... _ .�__....__ :.�.. .�.:.� . . . . _ _-. . _.:._ _ . . __ ._..'�� <br /> ' St�.te of Nebr�:skd " <br /> « gs <br /> ',! Hall Connty " J.H.�loolley a Nota.ry Public of Hall County,Nebr�.ska beir� first duly <br /> �� <br /> ' sworn �.ccording� to l�,w,deposes �.nd sa.ys tha.t he is the sa,me persan nr�med as notary gublic,in ��ur- <br /> at of d c6rt�.in warranty deed that conveyed lot 2 �31ock 12 Bonnie Brae Addition to the City �f <br /> Gr�nd Ia1�.nd,N�brdska to Terkel Hermunson by the �r�ntors N:a.tilda L.�ueller �.nd husb�.nd Gerh�xrd <br /> W.�ueller �.r�d �lherein in s�.icl deEd it recites sub�ject to one mortgage in sum of one thousand doll- <br /> ars to been correet the said deed should h�.ve recited thhu..t it w�s sub�ject to the unp�.id <br /> Fortion in sum of one thou$and doll�rs of �. cert�,in mortgoge in sum of �12G0. GO in fuvor Nebr�sks� <br /> Central Building �.nd Lo�n �ssacidtion reeorded in Book 40 of Page 277 of trie records of said Hall <br /> C�unty�Nebr. ,and further �►ffi4nt sdith not. <br /> J.H.Wo ollev ________„ <br /> � $ubscribed to before m� and sworn to befnre me this Fir�t d�.y of June 1920 - <br /> (��,) J.E.Dill <br /> NotdryT Public,, <br /> My commission expires July 23 1925 <br /> �iled for recard this 2 d�y of June 1920,a�t 10 o'clock A.�. � . � <br /> ,�,�-��/ <br /> .._...._...,.... .�. .�.........._.........�,f�--- <br /> Regist�r of Deeds <br /> -O-G-0-0-G-a-Q-0-0-�-4-0-0-0-4-�Q-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-t?-0-0-0-0-Q-t?-Q�0-0-0-4-C-O-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-Q <br /> AFFSnAVIT " <br /> ..,...�.,.�n..__>.___..�.. <br /> St�.t� of Nebr�ska � <br /> � <br /> H�11 County j H.E.Glifford of Grdnd Isl�znd,Nebr�$ka.�being first duly sworn according <br /> to law deposes and says. that he was well acquainted with one J.E.l�eth the �rantee in �. certain <br /> deed frora Union Pa.cific Rdilway Comp�ny,conveying to him by warranty deed Lot 4 of Blvek 1�1 of ' <br /> the Uni�n P�cific Rr�ilwa,y Co' s Second Addition to Grdnd Islwnd,Nebr.said deed being recorded in <br /> , Hook L Pa,ge 306 of the Hal� County records �nd with the person nwmed as ,TOhn �.�eth who with <br /> his wife conveyed said lot by warr�.nty deed to 7,ydid J. Coffield and thdt sdid deed was recorded <br /> in Book l��Pa�e 356 of the s�.id Ha.11 County records �nd that the swid J.E.}deth and the person ', <br /> n�ed as John E.�eth were one �nd the identical sr�.me person, <br /> H.E,C 11 f f o rd____�,.___�__„_,,.;_ <br /> Subscribed to ih my preser_ce �nd sworn to before me this 27th,day of April 1920 <br /> . (��,? J.E.Di12 <br /> Wotary Public <br /> �CyT ecmmission exrires July 23 1925 <br /> �iled for record thie 5 du.y of �7une 1920,�t 2 o'clock P.�?. ����� � <br /> _ ..�-_-�._:_.__.... .��.��� <br /> � Register of Deed <br /> -a-o-e-a-o-e-o-e-c-e-o-�-o-�-e-e-o-e-o-e-e-e-�-e-e-o-e-a-o-o-o-o-o-e-a-e-o-o-e-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-c-o <br /> PARTY ti'IALZ LTA�E <br /> , This indenture made �.nd entered into this 29th d�y of November A.D. 3886 by �.nd between Cha.rles <br /> W. Sca.rff and L�stina J. Scarff husband and wife of Grdnd I$1dnd,Nebr�.ska,dnd Her.ry P.�.keley and <br /> Annie �keley husband �.nd wife of Gr�.nd Islund,Nebraska witnesseth that: <br /> �I►hereas the swid Charles W. Scarff �.nd HenrsT P.�[�.keley dre the cwners of �d�joining lots in the <br /> city of Grdnd Tsland,Nebrusk�.,and are desirous of building thereon and e.rectin.g and maintainir� <br /> a p�.rtition �v$21 between the respeetive buildings:now therefore: <br /> Ir� consideration of the . premises dnd one dollar to them in ha.nd paid�the receipt of wh�ch <br /> � is hereby ucknowledged, the s�id Herry P.I��a.kelEy and Annie �ia.keley his wiFe have and do hereby <br /> ' der�ise �nd �anto the said Ch�.rles W. Scarff a strip or piece of land twenty inches in �idth <br /> lying along the westerly edge of lot nwnber Lhr�e in Block number sixty eight in the ariginrzl <br /> town now city of Grand Isl�.nd N�braska and extending the entzre len�;th of s�.id lot fox the uses �nd <br /> �urposES of �, p�.rtition w�,ll ds hereintifter mentioned and set forth and; <br /> Th� said Charles �P'.Scarff and Lestina� J. Scarff his wife in consider�.tion of the premises and <br />