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� 6��' <br /> u <br /> G� D �C� C���a�J �O � � � �C� O� D � � <br /> � <br /> .3�Z/9—C40APd.Bl1PTLETTGO.�PRINTING.LITHOOpAPHING.BTATIONERY:O:NAHA � � � � .. .. . . .. . . � .. . ..� . . ... ._. . . . � .. . `... <br /> ..... -. 3.:. .�:. .::� <br /> �.:-.._-. . :__-.: �:.� <br /> . .. � .. ,'i.. <br /> C�RTIFICAT� <br /> � In the District Court of Ha11 County,Nebr�sk�►. <br /> �.yard H.Paine, ) <br /> YS � <br /> � <br /> Ivan A.Fisher,�d�x 1�.Fisher,Joseph ) <br /> � <br /> )�� CERTIFICAT�. � ��-� <br /> Mi.11er,John k�oby,r�,nd The Fquitable ) <br /> ) <br /> Building and Zoan Associ�tion of ) <br /> ) �" <br /> Grand Teland,Nebraska. ) > <br /> �:,W�2ter H.?tauert,Clerk of thA Dietriet Court of Hall County,N�ebr�.eka,do n+�x�by certify that � <br /> in the �bove entitled case, the return of Gustav Siavers,Sherif�',now in my poseeiasion,shows th�t <br /> upon September 23rd, �915 the origin�.l summons in said cdae �eds served u�on Josaph I�iller, one ot <br /> the defendants in said c�.se by delivering the same to him personally,�.nd upon October 2,1915, , ` " <br /> w�.s served upon ivan A. Fisher by leaving th� sdme at hfs ue.ual �lace of rasidenc�,;,as provided . <br /> by ldw,�nd that upon �day 13,1916, the ciec ree �ntered i n the abov� enti tled c�.se shows thst the said " <br /> Joseph Yil]7ar w�.s defaulted in Court,�,nd th�t in the �inswer filed by Iva,n A. Fisher, the s�.id Ivan <br /> A.Fieher pr�yed for a deficiency ,judgment a��.in�t the s�id Joseph Miller; that the sdid deeree <br /> further showe th�.t the sum of �570. 06 v►�.s found to be due and owing the �laintiff; that the defend- <br /> �nts�and edch of them�,werP given twenty days in which to pay the sum found due the plaintiff �►nd <br /> the sum due �ha Equit$bla Building dnd Lo�n Associ�.ti on,and fn th� event of f�.i3ure of the $a�id <br /> defendants to Fs.y s�.id sums, the de#'end�.nts a,nd each of them were foraclosed of all equity of <br /> redemption or other interests in said mortg�ed premises; that the defenda.nts fa iled to pr�y ��id <br /> sum�t' so due �nd that said premises �ere duly ord�re�d sold and the $ale thereof h�d by the Sheriff <br /> of Hall County as provfded by la�►. <br /> Witness zqy h�.nd and seal at Gr��.nd Isla.zid,Nebrask�., this 29th day af 3�,y,�.D. ,19�0. �, , <br /> � <br /> (SEAI,) �Y`a,lte r H.I�auert _..____ <br /> Clerk District Court. <br /> Filed for record t�.is 29 day of �bay 1920,at 4:55 0' clock P.Y. <br /> ' ,c�ci�" ���" � <br /> � Regi�ter of Deeds �— <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C�-�-O- <br /> AFFIDAVI2 " <br /> In the �fa.tter af the Title to ) <br /> � ' <br /> Lot I�ine 9 Block Twelve (i2 � <br /> � F V <br /> �. ) ) AF IDA IT. <br /> � - <br /> Rollins Addition ta tha City of } <br /> r � �� <br /> Gr�nd Is1�nd,Nebrwska. } � <br /> � <br /> State of Nebr�.sk�. ) -� <br /> )ss. <br /> Coun�y of H�11 j Auguste Krehmke bein� first duly sr�orn upon her or�th deposes dnd s�.ys th�t ' <br /> she is tne widow of Julius Krehmke decedsed,und legatee under the wa.11 of Ju��u� KreYrmke, cieceas�d. <br /> Affiant further states that she is the sr�xne person who executed the release of the ret�l estate <br /> mortg�ge upan the �.bove described premises,whieh mort��.ge is recorded in Book 38 a.t 254 of the .� <br /> mort,gage records of Hail County,Nebr�.ska, tY�t suid mortgage rvas executed by �inna Koenig and Fr�.nz <br /> l�oenig,husbdnd and wife on �.reh 18 th,].9�7,d.nd that swi d mort�uge was executed on the �.bove des- � <br /> cribed premises tc� secure � certuin note be�rin� d�te of �rch 18Lh,1907 for the eum of ,�20G. 00, <br /> signed by Anna Koeni��and that the said note so secured by the �bov� described mortguge on s�id <br /> premisea is the s�rne noteset out in the inventory filed by F. J.Pahl�executor of the estate of Jul- <br /> ius Krehmke.decedsed,and that s�id note �'o� �vhich the �.bo�e described mortg�ge was given to secur� <br /> was assign�d to the affi�nt herein under the tsrms of the will of Julius Krehmke��ece�sed,and that <br /> sazd note passed to the affis.nt �bsolutely under the terms of said Will.T�iat s�.id note Yz�s been 1 <br /> fully paid,�.nd that affiant herein •released the above described mort�a,ge which wa� recorded in book � <br /> 38 at P�.gQ 2�� of the B�ort�;age R�cords of F�11 County,�nd that said reler�$e was executed by the <br /> affiant herein as leg�tee under the will of Julfus Krehmke, deeea.sed,and tha,t said nvte �nd mort- <br /> gage h�.v�e been paid,cancelled and surrQndered to the said Ann� Koenig.And further �.ffi�rit s�yeth <br /> not. . <br /> h�u�te Krehmke <br /> Subscribe� � sworn to before mE this 1st dr�.y of June 1920• '� <br /> (S�.AI,) L.G.Allr3n <br /> �...� �_.,.�. <br /> Not�.ry Publ3c. � <br /> �dy Corn�mission expires P�ch 9,1923. - <br /> Filed for record this 1 day of Jun� 2920,�t 4 o"clock �.M. � <br /> �..__� . _. .. <br /> Reg�s'�Ar o3'' IIe" e�c.'s <br />