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/ <br /> �. 6��� <br /> G� � �C� G� � �a � �0 � � � �� O� D �1 � <br /> _ _ -=_- _- _ _ _ �_ ._ . ___--- <br /> 3��I.19-CLOAP66ARTLETYCO.,PHINTING.LITHOOFAPHING.STATIONERV;OMAHR �`� � � <br /> A�'I'IDA�IIT IN ZOA� <br /> St4te of ATebz'ask�.. ) <br /> � 88. • <br /> Fi�ll County � , Geo W.D�iller being first duly sworn �r. his oat�i de�oaes and sdys that he <br /> was peT$onally cvell dcc�uainted with S.G.Bruner to whom Jahn C. Fau�ht and wiPe conveyed by Vn.A. . <br /> dated the 14 day of Nov 1899, the N.� S.'tN. of Secti�n No 22, in T.o�nship No. ].O,North of Range No. <br /> 11 of the 6th P.M.Hall County,Nebraskd,and that he knox�. tne s�.id S.C.Bruner to be the identical <br /> person who �.s Swmuel C.Bruner. cvnveyed the �bove described land to Aetna Life Ins.Co. ,by mortgage .• <br /> dated the 20Lh d�y of Oct. 15103 and further �.ffi�nt saith not. <br /> Geo �.�iller <br /> Subscribed in -my presence dnd sworn to before me this 5th d�y \of December Z9�3 <br />' (SEAL) W. .Sp r�ue _, ,�-�--�,__�___ <br /> Notn.ry Public <br /> �dy commission ex�ires l9i�r. 27.1906 <br /> Filed for record this 28 day of �.y 1920,a.t lU o'clock A.l�. //�/( - " <br /> . � �...���'LC�L� �-"v .. � <br /> Regfster of D!ee � <br /> -0-0�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-Q-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0•0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-Q-0-0-Q-Q-0-0-0-Q-Q-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-a-0-0-d <br /> A�FInAtrIT IN I,OAN <br /> � . � <br /> State of Nebraska, ) <br /> �ss. <br /> Hall County ) before �.C.1�'hite Notary Public being first duly �worn on hi� oath deposes <br /> and s�.ys tY�t he wus peraondlly well acqu�inted with A�nes ?�uir to w�om Sara.h Bruner eonveyed <br /> by deed� dated the 7 duy of Dec 1905 the N 2 SW4 of Section No.22,in Township No.lO,�ort� oP Range <br /> No 11 1� of the 6tn P.M.Hall County Webraska�and thdt he knows the said Agnes Ir,i-ne I�uir to be the <br /> identicdl persan who as �,gnes I.�9uir,coneeysd th� above described land to Aetna Life Ins Co by Idtg <br /> d�t�d the 6th day of Febr. 19Q9,�.nd fur,�her dffia.nt saith not. <br /> Jona� R. �Tantze <br /> Subscribed in my preeence and sworn to before me this lst day of �rch 19�39 ,- <br /> (SEAL) A.�.'�hi te <br /> Notary Public.� � <br />�; l�y commission ex,�ires Sep.5�1911 _ • <br /> Filed for record this 28 d�y of May 1920,�t 30 o' clock A.�i. <br /> f ��c-��,� � <br />, Regi�ter of Deeds <br />� <br /> -Q-Q-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-Q-Q-Q-Q-0-(?-4-0-Q-0-0-Q-Q-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-G-Q-0-0-0-t}- <br /> C�RTI�'I�� CnP7t � <br /> CFRTIFIED COP'Y OF 0'RJ)IPIANCE N0.2�:OF .THE VII�I,AGF OF <br /> V�TOOD RIV�R,P.AZL COtTNTY,I�FBR�SKII. <br /> i ORDINANC�' N0.�a.• <br /> An:: Ordin�ince v�.c�.tin� s part of North Street in the Original Town of �Cood River,Hall County,Nebr�sk�i, <br />� Be it ordained by the Chairman and Poard of Trustees of the, Vill�ge of Wood 8iver. <br /> � . <br /> Sec. i. That it i� hereby dee�ed for the best inter�sts of thA publie �nd necesst�ry that the por- ; <br /> tion of �orth Street herein after described be vt�es�ted,�nd we do also Find that a�l the conditions � <br /> I � <br /> of ordin�nce No. 39, of this villap;e h�.�e been �omplisd xith 3nd sll da,mr�es l�,�fully a$cert�ined, , <br /> an3 �aid. . <br />'4 Sec. 21.That the fallowing portion �.r,d p€�rt of said North Street is hereby vacated $nd tl�e s�.id <br />! Vil2age of Xood �iver hergby relinquishes �.11 right, title and interest and right a#' public- u�e <br /> af �.ny and �.11 kinds in �nd to the same,�nd th�t the sh�,ll revert to the ad��.cent real est�ta <br /> owners to-v�it:-All th�t portion of said h''orth 6'treet 3;�ir.� between the south line of B1ock8 No�er <br />' Twenty trvo �22),Twenty five (25 ),Tw�nty eix (26 ), , �ind Twenty� eight (28 }, in the s�.id origin�.l survey <br /> I of th� town of Wood River,and a line pz�rallel with a,nd fift�en feet dist�nt� south of said south <br /> , , <br />'i line 'of s�id blocks,ur_d th�+ said fifteen feet to be measured on �. line intereectin� s�.id south line , <br />! of the blocks at ri�ht �.ngles,�.nd not to include nor v�c�.te �,ny part or portions of �.ny other � <br />� <br />� street then the said North Street. The s��d portion of $aid North Street sa vac�ted bein� more ' _ <br />'I specifically descrit�ed as followa::-Eeginning �.t the north east corner of said Block No.Twenty <br />� , <br /> R <br />