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6�� <br /> � � � �C� C� � �a� �0 � � � �C� OG� D � � <br /> _ _ _ - _ --= - -_ - <br /> ___ -- --- __- _-=__ <br /> -3�L%9—SLOPP 6 BARTLETT CO..PRI NTI NG,LITH 06RAPH1 NCa,ST4TIONERY�OMAHd . . . . . <br /> ment with the ov�ner of Lote 5.�, 7 u.nd 8 in Block 13, of the original town, now part of this city� <br /> �.nd z�s provided by la� the county court appointed apprai$ers and said a.pprwisers found and report- <br /> ed the value af s�.id 10�, five to be �2SOO. 00�dnd of lots six and seven to be �550p. 40 and of lot <br /> Fight to be ��750Q. 00,�► t�tal of �15�500•00 sub�ject to certain taxes due to H�.11 County. <br /> R6rs Angie R.Brown.�.s the owner of said property,after the �pprai.sement cf s�.id property c�as <br /> so m�:de and returned filed her ob�jections in the County Court ob`lecting to said �,p�raisement and <br /> r�llegea �.nd claims that the va.lue of said ls�t five w�.s of the vdl�e of w35G0. QO �.nd th�.t the value <br /> of lots six �.nd seven, taken ta�;ether,were af the value of �10,OOO.GO �,nd that the value of lot <br /> eight wds alsu �f the v�.lue of �10,000• 00,a11 sub�ect to taxes dus thereon as claimed by the <br /> School District. - <br /> GIVEN. <br /> Instructicns The �ury are instructed tha,t there <br /> No 2 is but one question far the ,jury to determine in <br /> G�.ven. this case and th�.t is the question of what w�s the fair, , <br />,ma.rket valu� of s�.id jcremises an the 8th dwy of November,3919.�t v�ill� therefore,be the duty <br /> of the �ury to find :from u consideration of 411 tne evidence in this c�se, in connecti on �vith their <br /> view �nd inspection of the ;;roperty m�,de this day,what vr�.s the re�.son�.bl�,ma.rl�et v�,lue of <br /> said ��roperty cn the ei�ntn d�.y c�f Noverr�ber,1919 und return the vdlue so found in their verdiet.. ' <br /> GIV�N. <br /> Instruction <br /> No. 3 <br /> Given. The �jury a�re in�trueted that <br /> the �re8ibility of the witne$sea is a <br /> , question exclusively for the �fury to detarmine. <br /> In determining the weight to be given to the testimony oi� the several witnesgea, th� ,jury, should <br /> t�.ke into considgration their interest in the r�sult of the suit, if �.ny such is proved; their cor�duct <br /> �nd deme�nor while testifying; their �pparent f�.irnesa or bfas� if wny such appe�.rs;their �.pportun- <br /> itiee for knowin� or seeing the thin�s �b�ut whicht]�ey testify; the reasonableness or unrer�son- <br /> �.bleness of the atory b� them,, �nd all the evidgnce r�nd f�.cLa �.nd c3.rcumstances proned,t�nding <br /> to corroborwte or contrdd3ct such evidence, �f any such �.p�;esr�a. <br /> GIVP�N. <br /> Inotruetion Upon retir��ng to your �ury <br /> No.4 room you will select one of your number �es <br /> Given. forem�n,But one form of verdict is h�nded to you`.herewith,You <br /> will a�certain from the evidence the f�,ir and re�son�ble edsh,mo.rket value of �.11 of swid property <br /> on the ei�hth day of November,1919 �nd insert the drnount so found in the blank sp�►ce pro�ided in <br /> the verdict for that �urgo$es,�rhich amount should be in no event less tha.n the appraisement,��15, <br /> 500. 00.You ne�d give no consider�tion to the ma,tter cf interest upon the amount fcund due or to <br /> the question of the taxes due upon the property,all of v�hich m�tters �rill be ad�usted by the <br /> court when you reLurned your verdict finding the value of the property in said date,�.s sbove <br /> di rec ted. <br /> GIVFN. <br /> GEORG� F. CO?�CORAN�FriTJ)GF. <br /> Tndorsed:4740. School District of City of Grand Islund,Julis,et �2s.�iled A�r 1 1920��alter <br /> H.RU.uert,�lerk District Court. . <br /> Be it remembered, that �n the lat d�.y of kpril.I�20 that being one af the days of the February <br /> 1920 term of the District Court of the llth Judicial District af the 5t�te of Nebr�sk�,�vithin <br /> �,��1 �'or the County af H�ll,held a.t the Couxt House in the City of Gr�.nd Isl�nd,before the Hon. <br /> George F. Corcoran, one of the Judges of the sdid District,the following,arnon� ather <br />