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l�C�lJ� <br /> D D 6 J�- \ <br /> u� O �C� ��L�a� �O �J � � �C� O � D � � <br /> C� <br /> :_ - � . _ _� _ _- _ __ _ __ _- �- -- - -_ - <br /> __ ___ . - -_ �_ <br /> .37P(9 CLOPPABARTLETTCO•.PRINTING,61TH06IiAPHING.STATIONERY:OMpHA � - <br /> .. -_�_:- �-. .-.:.:. ._. . . . . ._. . . _. . . :-� _-._"_ .. ...._:_ . .�_-_ -._-._.. .-._��-.. <br /> T a.nd without pre�udic� to her rights to appeal or prosecute error to the Supreme Court in this <br /> action. . <br /> O.A.Abbott, <br /> Attorney for Petitioner. <br /> Horth & Ryr�n� <br /> Attorneys for Angie R. <br /> Brown Respondent. <br /> Endoreed. Ir� the District Court,Hall Caunty.Nebrwska.4740 The School District of the City of <br /> Gr�.nd Isl�nd� in the County of Hall and St�te of Nebrdsk�.,�etiti:uner. vs Julia Mi1z,Angie R. <br /> Brown,et �1s. ,Resppndents. Stipulation.Filed �.r 31 1920 tiVwlter H.Rauert,Clerk District Court. . <br /> Harth & Ryan,Attorneys. . <br /> Be it remembered, tha.t on the 31st d�y of �rch,1920. thr�t being c�ne of the days of the February <br /> 1920 term of the Pistrict Court of the llth Judici�l District of the 8t�te of Nebraaka,within <br /> dnd for the County of Hall,he3d �.t tne Caurt Hcuse in the city of Grand Island,before the Hon. <br /> George F.Corcor�.n, one of the Judg�s of tY�e said District,� following,among other groceedings <br /> were h�d in the words �nd 'fi�ures following, to-wit; <br /> The School District of the City of ) <br /> }� <br /> Gr�nd Island,in the County of Hall, }; <br /> ) <br /> in the Btwte of I�ebra�aka, 1 4740• • <br /> �' <br /> vs ) <br /> ) <br /> Julia �Lilz,et �ls. • 1 <br /> Now on this day c�.me the peti ti oner by O.A.Abbott �nd t e respondent by Horth & Ryan, thei r <br /> �,ttorneys. into open court, �xnd c4me also the following twe ve good and lawful men, to-wit; Adair <br />�er,�Yilliam Detlefaen,Charles I�attenbrink�Charles Ca es,Chris Hr�ack,Orla.ndo Orndoff,Augugt <br /> Schoel,Otto Krue�er,Ch�rles Rauert,Cl�.rk Gideon,Chris Buck w,and Carey Denm�n as �iurors,Rho were <br /> duly wnd leg�zlly empan�led �.nd sworn to try th� mr►tter in ifference upon the issuee �joined be- <br /> tween the p�.rtie$ Y�ereto. <br /> .�nd now the �jury having hea�rd the te�timony of the witn gsea in p�rt,�nd the hour for �.d�jour- <br /> nment, havir� arrived, �. recess ia t�ken until tomorrow mor in� dt 9 o'clock. <br /> And on the 1$t d�.y of Apri1,I.92p. �here w:�s filed in the office of .Lhe Clerk of the s�id ; <br /> COIIRT� IRTSTRLTCTIONS GIVEN in ...the word$ und fi�ures followi g, to�rit; <br /> In the District Court of H�.11 Cou ty,23ebr�ska. <br /> In the A�tter of the Condemn�tion of Rewl Est�s e for School District Purposes. . <br /> The ScMool District of the City of Grand ) <br /> � <br /> Island in the County of Hall and State ) <br /> ) : <br /> of Nebr�eka„ 1'etitfoner. . � <br /> � <br /> vs ) INSTRUCTION TO ,7URY.. <br /> � <br /> Julia Mi1z,Anna I�ilz,Emilig 1�e3*ers,�'red �T. ) <br /> � <br /> �deyers�Frie�a Cole,�lfilliam Cole.Julius Zilli- ) <br /> 1 <br /> m�.n��erena Zi1�im�:n,Leona Zillimb.n,Angie R.Brown; i <br /> ). <br /> Leroy C.Brown Jr. .�lorence .�eise,hattie 1�cAl�ister. . j <br /> Phoebe Frdnklin dnd the County of Hall, } <br /> Inatruction GF TI.EI�1� OF TH�' ."�TRY, �his is wn.�ction <br /> No. l <br /> Giy�n, known as a con emn�tion proceeding brought by the <br /> School Di�strict of the City of Grdnd Isl.and, in the exerci e cf the right of eminent dom�.in� th�.t <br /> is ta certain private pr4�ierty for a necessary publi use.a.e provided by the conatitution <br /> dnd laws of Lhis atdte. Thia proceeding was commenced in he Courty Court of this county �herefn <br /> the Schaol District fil�d its �etltion r�lleging th�,t i� h d been unAble to acquire title by agres- <br />