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� 65�� <br /> � � �C� C��a�1 �0 � � � �C� O� D � � <br /> _ __ -- -- ---- -- - <br /> 37219-«O�AP6BFWTI.ETTCO..P:�INTING,LITHOORAPHiN�,STNTIONEHY:OMANA � . ... .. . . .. . _ . � <br /> tot�l d�e� sust�.in�d by said owners �t �15314.42,be und the same is hereby agproved,rat3fied <br /> and confirmed wnd s�.id re�1 est�.te is �.warded ta the petitioner, the Sehool District of Grand Island <br /> �t.Fi.�ul li n, <br /> Judge. <br /> Res�ondent � .�ngie R.Bro�vn filed appe�.l bond in the sum of Two Hundred Dollare �nd same i� approved. <br /> State of Nebrwska� ) . <br /> ss. <br /> Hall County. • ) ° In the County Court af Hall County,N'ebraska. <br /> I,J.H.ldullin.County Judge of Hdll County,Nebrask�,do hereby �ertify th�.t I Yu�ve compared the <br /> fore�oing copy of Yroceedin�;s ha.d in the %tter of Condemnation of Re�l Estate for School Purposes <br /> vrith the originul record thereof�no�f remai.ning in said Court, th�t the sG,me is correct transcript <br /> thereof,�nd of the v�hole of such origin�l record; th�t said court is u. court of recoxd having a <br /> seal,which se�.l is hereto attached; that said court ha.s no Clerk authorized to sign certificate�a in <br /> his own nuane,and that I arn the leg�l custodia:� of s�.id Seal �nd of the Records of sdid Court,rind <br /> that the foregoing �ttestdt�on is in due for� of law. <br /> In testirr�ony whereof I h��e hereunto aet my h�nd �nd affixed the se�l of the county c�urt,at <br /> G r�ind T s land., thi s 24 th dwy c�f Jdnu�ry, 1920• <br /> J.H.�dullin, <br /> (S�AL) <br /> County .Tud�e. - <br /> Endorsed:4"4C�. In the County Court,�Iwll Count3*,Nebr�.sk�.Zn the �tter of the Condemnation of Reul <br /> E$t�te for School District Pur�oses Cogy of Proceedin�s H�d. Tr�.nsex�pt.�p7.85 Filed Jan.29,1920. <br /> Walter H. Rauert,Clerk Distriet Court�. <br /> Be it remembered.That cn the 24th day of Febru�ry ly2Q th�.t being one of the days of the February� <br /> 1920 term of the i,istrict Court of the llth Judiciul Dietrict of the St�tc af Nebrasic�..within and <br /> for the County of Hall�held �.t the Court iiouse in the ci�y of Grrsnd Isl�nd,before the Hon.Bay�,rd <br /> ri.Pdine, one of the Judges of the said District� the fo2luwing.umong other proceedings wexe had in <br /> tne �ords �.nd figures fol�.o�ving to-ait: <br /> The School District af the City of Gra.nd Isla,nd ; <br /> In the Cauntyr of H�.11 in the St�.te of Nebraska. � <br /> ) <br /> p�= 3 4740. <br /> � ; <br /> Julir� Milz,et dls. • � <br /> � <br /> Now an this d�y this c�.use wzis called for trial and the Court being �dvi�aed, the trial of thfs <br /> cau�e is set for tne 6th Jury case of this tc�rm be�inrain�; as of �rch lst� 1920. <br /> And on the 31st day of �.rch, 1920, there �r�.s fiied in the office of the Clerk of the s�,id Court, <br /> d STIPULATIO�T in the words �nd figures following,to-�it: <br /> Ir� the Distxict Court of Hall County,Nebraskt�. <br /> The School District of the City af Gr�cnd ; <br /> isl�.nd�in the County of Ha13. and Lt�,te i � <br /> of Ne'prc3.Sk�i� . Petitioner. . ) <br /> } uTIPiTLATION. <br /> vs j <br /> � <br />' Juliw �tiiz,Angie R.Brcwn,et �.ls. , ) <br /> Respondents. j <br /> It is hereby stipul�.ted wnd u.greed by and bet�een the petitioner �nd l�n�ie R.Brov�n,R�spondent, <br /> Uwner of Lots 5�6, 7 �►nd 8. in Block 13, of the Original Town,now city, of Gr�nd Island,ATebrask�, th�t t.�. <br /> the Court rnay ins�ruct the ,juxyr to return �s their verdict the f.air cash market v�lue of Sa3d <br /> premises �.s of the 8 c�ay of November,1919 �nd that the Court m�.y determine a.s � mr�tter of l�w <br /> whether the owner of the premisea is entitled to inLerest thereon,and ? xif so,fix the amount of <br /> auch interest under the evidence and this �tipulati.c�n. • <br /> It is further ati,puldted �ind �reed that the s�id Ar.�ie R.Brown shall h�cve the right ta take <br /> the amount pdid into the Caunty CGUr� v�Tithout pre�udice to her ri�;hts to prosecute thie �ppeal, <br />