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Q�D� <br /> 65�,� <br /> ��.l � �C� � � �a �1 �0 � � � �C� OC� D � o � <br /> _- - - _ _ -- --- - - - <br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - ----- <br /> ,��L1.9 CLOPPiBARTLETTCO.�PRINTING.LITHOORAPHING�3TAT10NEflY;OMAHR. � . <br /> _"_' ` "'_ "_. _ _ .. . _ .__. . . ,. _ - .-_ _. . _ _._ - '�-�_ .- '__-_ - <br /> Angie R.Brown.zeroy c.Brown Jr. ,Florence Keiss. ) � <br /> ) OR1�R. <br /> H�tti�s McAlli$ter,.�hoebe Tranklin and the County of Hall. � <br /> Now on this 23rd day of January,1920, this c�use came on for hearin� upon the petition, th� <br /> answer of respondent kngie R.Brown. tne answer of the Gu�xrdi�.n ad litem for I.eona� Zilliman and <br /> Serena Zi1lim�in,minors��nd the report of the appr�.isers heretofore duly �ppointed and qu�lified <br /> to �►sses� the d�ages sust�,ined by the owners of tne property sought to be t�.ken for school <br /> purposas. � ' <br /> �n consideration wherFOf the court finds thd.t on tt�e filin� of the petition for the conde�3a- <br /> , nation of all of Block Thirtsen (13) in the original town,now city of Grr�nd Island,for achool <br /> purposes,John Allan,�uy Hzirrison and John Trent were appointed by this court to appr�.ise said <br /> real est�te dnd to assess the d�,m�ges sustained by the several owners of real estate in saici <br /> ! block by reason of the t�kin� of s�,id real estate �or school purposes; ��hat said appraisers took <br /> the oath required by law,m�,de the appraisement r�nd filed their report; that s�id �.ppraisers <br /> fixed the value of I.ot Une (1}�in Bloek Thirteen (13) , in the original town�now city af Grand <br /> ; Tslz►nd,�t the sum of Thirty Two Hundred Doll�rs, that the taxes on lot for the year 1919, <br /> �30..65,�.nd thst the d�ea suet�.ined by the owners of s�id I,ot One (1) in Block Thirteen �13) <br /> is the sum of Tr.irty One �iundred Sixty-nine & 35/1G0 �ollar$, , (�3169. 35 ) ; that the petitioner, <br /> the School Di$tricL of Gr�nd Isl�d,h€�s filed ite acceptance of said re�ort in writing r�nd ha� <br /> paid the �xnount of the assessment to the County 4Tudge. <br /> ! The Court finds thr�t the re�ort of the appraisers ie correct and ought ta be appraved,rati- <br /> fi�d and canfirmed. <br /> It is therefore considered by the court thr�.t the report of the appruis�rs �,sse�sing the dam- <br /> ra,ges sust�.ined by the owners of Lot 1 in Block 13,in the origina.l city of Grdnd Island <br /> in Hal1 County,Nebrask�,be �nd the sw�r►e hereby is approved , rdtified �nd confirmed and sr�id <br /> real est�te is r�w�rded to the petitioner, the School Distriet of Gra,nd Isl�.nd. <br /> The Court finds thdt said oppr�isers fixed the value of I.ot 5 in Block 13,in the origin�l <br /> town�now city of Gr�nd Isl�xnd�r�t �2500•OQ, thut the t�uces levied r�gr�inst eaid lot �aiaunt to . <br /> �38.5�3 �r�d that the d�ges su�t�.ined by the ownera of said lot by reasan of th� te�king of same <br /> ::.s �2461. 41; th�t s�id ap�r�zieers fixed the v�lue of Lot 6 in Block 13, in the ori�inal town,now <br /> city of Grund Island at �2040.00, thr�t the t�es levied ag�.fnst $aid lot for ths year 1918 amount <br /> to �+16•46,and thot the d�gea sustained by the owners of said lot by re�ison of the tuking <br /> thereof is �1983•54; �hat s�.id apprdisers fixed the vaZue of Zot Seven (7).Block 13, in the <br /> ori�in�.l town.naw city of Grand Island.�.t �35U0. 00 that the t�xes due on $aid lot amount to <br /> �61.29 and assessed the d�mages gustwined by the owners of said lot by re�.son of the taking <br /> thereof �.t the sum of �3438. 71; tha.t said bppraisers faund 4he v�.lue of lot Eight (8 � in Bleck <br /> Thirteen (13),�n the original tawn,now city of Grwnd Isl�nd, to be of the v�,lue of �7b00. 00� tha.t <br /> the tra.xes levi�d �ainst s�id lat for the ye�r 1919 a,mount to �69. 24,r�nd that the da�ages su�- <br /> t�ined by the owners af said lot by reason of the ta.king thereof for school purposes,r�re, there- <br /> fore���'�30. 76 <br /> The Caurt finds tha,t the total of the d�ges sustained by the owners of Lots 5�6, 7 �d 8. <br /> all in Bl�ck 13 in the Ori�in�,l tawn,�sow city of Grund Isldnd,i�n Hall County,Nebr�ska,as assesa- <br /> ed b�€ the appr4isers,amount ta the sum of �1531�i•42 a.nd that thi� s�ssessment is reasona.ble and 1 <br /> ,just; that the report of the appr�.isers is correct �nd ought tr� be approved; that the petitioner <br /> has aecepted sdid report in v�riting and pdid ,the �mount of dssesement to the countS� �ludge. <br /> It is therefore cflnsidered by the court thr�t th,e report of the appraisers assessin� dam�ges <br /> sustained by the owners of I,ots 5�6, 7 �.nd 8, in Block 13, �n the originr�l to�vn,now city of <br /> Grtznd Isl�►nd,in Hall County,I�S�braska,by re�son of the t�.king of said lots fox school purgoses. <br /> at �2461.41 fcr lot 5,�1983.54 for lot 6, ,.�3438.�71 for lot 7 wnd ��430.76 for lot 8 and the <br />