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�6�� <br /> �1 � �C� ��[�Q�1 �0 � � � �C� O�D �1 � <br /> , _- <br /> .37L19'�«OPPiBARTLETTCO.,PNINTING.LITHp6RAPHIfJG.3TAT10NEHY:OMAHA . . . .. <br /> is not r�. �juat compens�.tiun to your respnndent for ths taking vf their s�id property for achool �� <br /> purposes,�.nd th�t yaur resp�ndent will be d�.magad by th� rea�on of the tt�king of said property <br /> for r�ehool purposes, in the sum of �22.ai4.42,'pring the f�ir cash m�:rket va,lue of said property, <br /> r�fter deducting ther�frorn thc sum of �185.58, �ht ta.�ces due LhereQn. <br /> I '�RFFpI3R,your r�s�ondent pruy� th�.t said �v►wrd �nd apprAiaament so mdde by e�id �ppr4i��rs <br /> be not c�nfirmed by the court,�.nd if premises i$ uw�.rded to s�sid petitioner upon � final <br /> her�ring herein, tha,t your respondant �nd recover from s�.id petitioner for the ta.kir� th�re4f <br /> the sum af �22,814.�2,with interast thereon a.t the rate of seven per cent per annum,from the 7th <br /> d�y of J�nu�,.ry.1920. the cUSts of t�is procesding,and for such othar,furthar,�.nci differ�nt relief <br /> as is �just a.nd squitdble. . <br /> Hortn & F��..n, <br /> Attorneys for Angie R.Bro�r� �xnd I,e- <br /> roy C.Brown Jr. ,Respondents. . <br /> Sta.te of NebTaska� ) <br /> ss. <br /> H�.11 County. - � I�ngie R.Brown,being sworn on o�ath depose �nd ady that they re�.d tha <br /> dbove �nd foregoing,know the eontents theraof,and that the f�.cts therein stated are! true,as they <br /> �erily believe <br /> Angie R.Brown. . <br /> Subscribed in my presence and aworn to befor� me this 14th day of January,A.D. , 1920. <br /> . R.R.Horth, <br /> Nat�.ry �ublic. <br /> In the County Couxt of H�.11 County,Nebraska�. <br /> 3n the matt�r af the Condemnation of Re�l Est�te ) <br /> � <br /> for School. �3istrict ��urposes,The School District j <br /> of the City of Grand Igldnd� of the County of H�,11 ) <br /> ) ANSR�R �F GUARDIAN AA I,IT�71E <br /> �.nd State of Nebraskai. Yetitioner.. ) <br /> � <br /> vs � <br /> ) <br /> Julia, F�ilz,Leond Zilliman,Serena Zillim�n,et dls. , ): <br /> Defendants..; <br /> Coraes now Fred ]�.Asht�n,Gu�tdi�n gd I,item for Leon� ZilZimdn and Seren�i Zillim�n��ninors.z�nd <br /> for answer to tne petition herein �.nd the r��ort of the �.ppr�iser dlleges ds follo�vs: <br /> That the s�id I,eona� Zillirr�n Qnd Ser�n�► Zilli�rudn own �n undivided int�rest in i.ot One (1) <br /> an Block Thirteen (13) of the ori�inal city, of Gr�.nd I,sland, Nebrask�.,as �et forth in <br /> tne petition. . <br /> That tl�a s�ic� property �bove deacribed is not needed For achool pur�oses by the pdtitioner.. <br /> Th�.t the property herein described is oP greater value than Tnirty Twa Hundr�d Doilar� d� <br /> . <br /> reported by the appr�isers. . <br /> These dafenddnts deny each �nd every �llegation contdined in the said petition cxcept the <br /> allegat3on of ownership in these answering defend�.nts. <br /> Fred �f.Ashton, <br /> Guardian Ad Litem f4r <br /> Leon� Zillim�n and Seren�x <br /> Zilliman <br /> In the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska. <br /> I� the �s.tter of the Condamn�.tion of Reul Fat�te for School Purposes. . <br /> The Schoal District of the City of Grund <br /> Isl�nd,Ha,ll County �nd Statc of Nebraska,Petitioner. • <br /> v$ <br /> Julirx Miilz.Anna �i1z,E�nilie Meyers,Fred J.Meyers, - <br /> �riedd Cole,�7illi�.rn Cola�Julius Zilliinan.I,eona <br /> ZilZiman (a minor) Serena Zillima,n ( d.minor�, . <br />