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QbDF <br /> 65�3ti <br /> �1 � �C� � [��Q �1 �0 � � � [�� O � D �J � - <br /> _ -- -__ _- _ -_-_ -_--_^-_-- <br /> : : _ , . - __- _ - <br /> __ . _ --= - <br /> 3�I.,�J—CLQPP b BNRT LETT C O.�PRI NTI NG.LITHO6HAPH ING.SYaTION EqY�OMAHA _. <br /> be awdrded it for tne removal of all persons in possession of said last described lat�, xheir <br /> goods �.nd chattels and that your �etitioner be placad in possa$sion thereof within a rea�anable <br /> time to be fixed by the Court. <br /> Respeetfully $ubmitted. <br /> TH� SCHOOZ �ISTRICT OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISI,AND <br /> IN T� COUNTY OF I�iAI,I, AND STATE OF NFBRASKA. <br /> '_�FTI TIOT�TER.. <br /> By O.A.Abbott� <br /> Att o rney <br /> In the County Court of Hall County,Nebr�sk�►. <br /> . <br /> Tha School District of the City of Grand Island, in the County ; <br /> af Hall �.nd �Stat� of DTebrask.c�� PeLitioner. . �; IR THE �![ATTER OF THE C0�2�tATION <br /> } <br /> y$, � OF RF:AL ESTATL FOR SCHOOL 3�IIR- <br /> 1 <br /> Juli� }di lz,Ang ie R. Bro�rn,Le roy C.Brown Jr. . e t als. � , ) pOSFS <br /> �: <br /> Respandenta. . �; AN�ER OF RESPONDENT. . , <br /> Comea now Angie R. Brown one of the respond:ents in the abave entitlad matter.�n� owner �f I+bt� <br /> 5,6, 7 a.nd 8, in Block 13 of the Originr�l To�n,now ci ty, of Gr�nd Isl�nd,�Tebraska, �ogether a►ith the <br /> tanamants,haritwmente,�nd dppurtenances thereunto belon�ing,�nd being gart of the property �oug�t <br /> ' to ba ta�ken for school purposes in this proeeeding �ind for eau$e w2�y the appr�.isement of the <br /> r�bove described premises heretofor� mz�da by the appraisere appointed by the court herein should <br /> not be confirmed.and s�.id premi�as aw�rded to the petitioner under said appraisement�;stataa: <br /> FIR�T: This respondent �lleges th�t Senate Fi1e Number 192 of the L�sgislatare of the St�.te <br />� of Nebraska for the ye�r 1919 being the Act under which the petftioner prosecutcs tnis matter; <br /> is unconstitutional dnd void,for Lh� reason that the same doea not provide �n adequate r.*,medy <br /> at law for your res�ondent,�nd is so indafinita �.nd uncert�in in ite provisions as not �o prov,id� <br /> for �ust compenswtion to your re�pondent for the property sought ta be t�ken. <br /> �p;���; Your respondent furt�ier give�a the Court to understand �.nd be infaYZned,and 411ege the <br /> fact to be. xl�ct the �pprdisemant by 4ppraisers wppointed by this Court of s�id I,ot 5,at �2500. <br /> is un�ust, inadequate,and w�.a not the fa,ir c4sh mdrket value of said premises at the time of sdid <br /> �.ppraisement,�nd respondent uilege� the faot to be that the fai.r c�sh mdrket value of sdid Lot <br /> 5� together with the improvements thareon.�.t the tiroe of said a�ppraisement. wda ,�4QOO,and your <br /> reepondent would be damaged by reason of the ta.king of said premises,in tha sum of �4000. <br /> TIiIRD: Your respondent furtner allege$ th�t situr�ted pdrtly on said I�ot 6 �nd aaid Zot 7 an <br /> eighteen-room dwelling house and th�t said I,ots 6 dnd 7, together �rith the improtrement$ th�reon , <br />, conetitute �na property,and should have �een apprai$ed as one property,�nd thr�t the �ppr�aisemenL <br /> of s�id I.ot 6 at �200�nd said Zot 7 at �3500,is un�ust, inadequate,r�nd was not the fair coat <br /> m�rket valua of s�iid premi�es at the time of s�id appraisemant,�.nd tYust s�,id Lote 6 �nd 7, to- <br /> gether evith the impr�vements thereon.�ct the time of s�id appr�isement,w�s of the fair edah market <br /> v41ue of �1Q,QOO,and your respondent v�ould br, dam�ad by reason of the t�.king of s�►id Z,ots 6 and <br /> 7 �ogcther �rit12 the improv�m�nts thereon,in the s�.id sum of �10,p00• • <br /> , <br /> FOURTfi:'�our respondent fur£her alleges th�.t $�.id Lot 8 wo.s �xnd is th� homeand homestead of the <br /> raapondent�Angie R.Brown and thdt ar�id dpprdisers �ppraiged �did premisea,to�ether vrith the <br /> improvements thereon,as of the value of �7500.and respondent �lleges tha.t said appr�.i$ement of <br /> . <br /> . . . s <br /> �7500 is un�just dnd in�dequate �.nd did not repreaent the f�ir c�sh m�rYst Talue •f s�i� prsai�s <br /> �t the tima of said s�pprdisement,dnd respondent �slle�es the fdet to be th�ct s�id Lot 8,together <br /> with tne improvements tnereon,s�t the time of s�.id �ippr�isement.wds of the fair cash m�rket vr�lus <br /> of �900C,an3 th�t dt the time of suid dppr�isement said lot� 5.�i. 7 �nd 8, together with the im- <br /> �rovements situ�.ted thereon�dnd �11 owned by your respondent was of the fair c�sh market v�.lue <br /> of �23,OOt3.and th�.t the appraisement of all of said premises �,s of �the value of $15,�14.42 <br /> � �_ � � <br />