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,�65' ��� <br /> � � � �C� C� ��G,1� �0 � � � �C� O� D � � o <br /> _ ___- . _:.—__ _ -� __—:� <br /> _ _ _ � _ �- ._ -- <br /> .3�L7H-CLOPP46ARTLETTCO..PRINTING.LITHOOHAPHING.SYATIONENY�OMAHA . . . . .... _ �� <br /> 2.�nterest of o�vnere in Lot�5 ,�lock 13,ori�inal town,nova citv of Grand Isla►nd �2��61.�1 <br /> Intereet �f H�11 County for ta�cas 3g.5g <br /> �._� <br /> F�.ir c�$h rr,rr�rket v�lue of said lot 2��pp�pp <br /> 3. Intarest of ownera in lot 6,Block 18, ori�inr�l tov►n�naw eity of Gr�nd Isl:�nd �1�983.54 <br /> Interest c�f Hall County for taxas 16.46 <br /> Fa.i r cdsh market v�.lue of s�id lot 2,0�0.00 <br /> 4.Intertst of owners in Lot 7�Block 13, prigin�l town,now city of Grand Island,Nebrask� �3�.338• 71 <br /> Intrreat of ii�7.1 County for t:�ses 61.29 <br /> _�..._.�_�.. _ <br /> F�ir cash r�wrket va.lue of s�.id lot 3,500. 00 <br /> 5. Interest of owners in Lot B,Block 13. ori�in�l town,now city of Grdnd Is1�nd,Nebraak� �7�430..75 <br /> Interest nf H�11 County for taxes �,g.� <br /> Fr�ir cdsh rn�rket vdlua of ��id lot 7,50a•00 �� <br /> (SEAL) O.A.Abbott Jr. , <br /> Pre�ident,Bo�rd of �ducation <br /> of S$id Petitioner. � <br /> S.�.Finka, <br /> Sec retary of Board uf Tdua�.ti on. <br /> In County Court,Hall Cvunty,�te�brask�. <br /> In the �dutter �f the C�ndemnation of Rea2 :I�stdte for School Pur�o�es. <br /> The Sc�ool District of the City of Grdnd Island ) <br /> � <br /> in the County of Hall �.nd State of Nebr�$k�, ; ?30TIC� OF ??AY11�?'NT OF AMOU�tTS A�'!ARTt[+.'D <br /> Pe ti ti on er. . j TO Ot��S OF PRO.�FRTY TAREN. <br /> Qs <br /> � <br /> Julid �dilz��nna. I�ilz.Emilie I�yer��Fred �T.M�ers, j <br /> � <br /> �rieda Cole,�'illirsm Cole�.Tuliu� Ziilirn�cn�I,eon�s ) <br /> � <br /> � - <br />�. Zilliman,,�n�ie R.Brown�Ler�y C. ) <br /> � <br /> Brown,Florenec Keiss�Hq.ttia McAllister,�huebe ) <br /> } <br /> Franklin,�nd t�e County of :3a11� Respondents. ) <br /> TO HONORABLE ,T.H.RdT,TLLIN,COUNTIr JUDGE: - <br /> You a�r� noti:fied that the Petitioner,�.bove n�.med,hdving heretofore si�nified its �secept�nea <br /> of the report of the apprdisers in the �bove entitled c�,use in writir��on �eeembar 32,1919,herev�ith <br /> deposit� in co•art the sum of �18,483. 77,payable as follo�s, to-�►it: <br /> The sum of �15 ,314. 42 payable to the owne rs of I,ots Five,Six,Seven and Eight,in Block Thirt��sn <br /> of the orig3nal town,now city of Grr�nd Isl€�nd,�Iebrask�,be�in�; the amount wsses�ed as dr�m�ges sus- <br /> t�.ined by tne saveral owners by rea�son of the t�king of tne abova de�cribed lot$, to be �pportioned <br /> dnd pdid to the s�Peral owners dnd occupdnt$ by you in the ma.nner provided by law. The amount <br /> avrardad ta Hall County,Nebraska,in s�id r�bova described lots of �185.�8,befng for taxe� on said <br /> lots,h�s been s��id t� the County Treasur�r vf sd3d Ha.11 Count� Nebr�ska,by s�id Petitionar,�nd hi�a <br /> receipt ther�for is hereto attdehed and made 4 p�rrt 2�er�of. <br /> The $um of .�3.169.35 ��y�bl� to owners of Lot One (1} in Bloek Thirteen (13) ,of the Ori�in�l <br /> town,now eity of Gr�.nd isl�,nd,Nebr��ska�b�ing the �rnount �.asessed �s d�magea su�t�inad by the <br /> sevaral owners by rea.sor of t:ne t�.king of t�e �boea de��ribed lot to be apportioned and �aid to <br /> the saveral owners �►nd occup�nts by you in the m�cnner pro4ided by l��v. Th� �m.ount �aw�rded to H�sll <br /> County in s�id above described lot of �30.65ibeing for L�.xes on swid lot��s been pdid to the <br /> County Tre�surer of ��id Hali County �abraska,by s�id Petitioner��nd the recefpts ot' the said County <br /> Tr�asurer is hereto attached and rn�de a p�.rt hereof. � <br /> Said Petitionex t:herefore prays tYu�t the possession of s�,id premises kno�n and described as <br /> Lo�s Una (1),�'ive (5 ),Six (6) Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block Thi rteen (I3) of the 0.�►,�g�ni►1 <br /> Town now eity of Gr�.nd Island,Nebrr�ska�be ax4rded to your Petitionar �snd',thr�t a writ of as$istanee <br />