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Qb�F <br /> 65� � <br /> � ���C� ���� ����J � � �� O�D � � <br /> : _ __ _ _ _ --- - - <br /> __ _.___ : _ _ --_ - - - - --- - <br /> 37Z l.�I-CLOPP i BARTtETT CO..PR I NTI NG.41TH OGNAPHING.8T11TIONERY:OMAHA �-� <br />�.. "_,..:�: _ .._..:::. . _.._a=__.. �:-�-.... . - .. �-. . ... .. . . .. � .... . - _.. . :�.. . . .. � . � . . . . . __ -''�': _.____ _._. -�__ <br /> Lot 5,valued at �25 00.00 less 1919 tax, �38.5 9 <br /> Lot 6,v�lued �►t �2000. 00 less 1919 t�,x� 16. �6 <br /> Lot 7.v�lued dt �3500.00 less 1919 t�x., Ei1. 29 <br /> Lot 8,vulued �,t �75G0. 00 less 1919 t�x, 69.24 <br /> �.nd have �pprwised your dam�►ges by re�a.son o� the tdking of s�id lots �t (�15 ,314. 42) Fifteen <br /> Thousand Three Hundred �ourteen and 42/100 Dollars. <br /> You dre furtMer notified th�ct � Y��ring will be h�d before said Court in the city of Gr�nd <br /> Isl�.nd on the 20 day of Janu�.ry,A.D. ��.920,r�t the hour of two o�c lock P.I�. ,cr as soon theresfttr <br /> as counci.l c�.n be heard�when �.nd where yo�u c�,n dppe�r and show c�use. if wny there be.wY�y eaid <br /> �.ppraisement should not be c�nfirmed and said lo�s ��r�xrded to the sr�id Petition�r see�rding to ' <br /> ths st�tute� in such c�.ses made �.nd provided,u�on _�aying into s�.id court for L�e use of tY�e <br /> ov�ners of sdid lots 7iive (6 )�Six (6} Seven {7) �.nd kight (8) in Bloek Thirteen (13),�he <br /> �.ppr�,ised vdlue of s�,id lots,and the costs of these proceedings. <br /> ' Witness my hr�.nd anei the se�.l of said Court this 16 day of December,A.D. ,].919. <br /> (�Ay� J.H.}dul Z i n, <br /> County Judge. <br /> St�te of Nebrask�►, } <br /> ' ss. <br /> County of H�11. ) I do solemnly sWeur that I sarved the �bove and faregoing notice vn the <br /> , above ndmed Florence Rei�s,Hattie �dcAllister, Phoabe �'ranklin �nd County of H�.11.Angie R.Brown,, <br /> ' dnd Zeroy C.Broirn,by to caoh of them in s�.id County und St�te a full, �rue dnd carrect <br /> , copy of the above �nd foregoing notice this 22 day of December,l919. <br /> C. �T.P�lme r,DepuLy.. <br /> Signed my presenca by C. J.Pd1m�r,Deputy and sworn to before me this 30th dvy of December,A. D. ,1919. <br /> In testimony �htreaf I Yu�ve hereunto set my hdnd and dffixed my offici�l seal the date last <br /> above �rittEn.. <br /> J.B.Lyle, <br /> ' ���,y� Caunty Clerk. . <br /> ' Fees: <br /> Services 1. 75 <br /> Copi�s 1.50 - <br /> Miler�ge 1.20 . <br /> Tot�l 4.45 <br /> In County Court of H�.11 County,Nebra�ka. <br /> In the 1�tter of the Condemri�.tion of R�r�l Est�te for School Purposes. <br /> The School Dis�rict of the City� of Gr�.nd Isl�ind � <br /> in the County of H�11 dnd St�te of B�ebr�.ska, ; <br /> Petitioner.. ) <br /> y� ; NOTIC� OF ACCFPTANCR OF APPRAIiEAAEI°tT. <br /> Julia 1�i1z,Annr� �6i2z,Tmilie �feyers.$rad J.Mayers, ; <br /> �'riedd Cole,��an Cole,Julius ZilZimr� Seren�► j <br /> Ziilimdn,�e onr� Z�lliman,Ar�ia R.Brown�I.�s roy C.Bros�n ) <br /> } ; <br /> Jr. ,�lorence Kei�s,�iattie �cAlli$ter,.�hoebe Franklin, ) ; <br /> � <br /> �.nd the County of Ht�ll, ftespondents. ) <br /> To :Honorable J.H.�ullin.County J�idge:: <br /> You �sre hereby notified thdt the Petitioner,�bove namad, �ccspts the report of Lhe appra�ieara <br /> in the dbove entitled cause where in they assessed tha d�nages sustained by redson of the takin� <br />� of the property in eontroversy in s�id eause of the following amounts, to=wit: <br /> 1. Interast of ownera in Lot 1,Block 13, prigin4l torovn,now c ity of Grand I�land �3.169..35 <br /> Interest of Hdll County for tr�.xes 30.65 <br /> �.,�_. , . . _._..._._,_ <br /> Fair cash m,�rket value of said lot 3.200.00 <br />