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�bD�' <br /> 6��_-� �, <br /> �l � �C� ��f�Q�J �O � � � �C� O � D �1 � . �_� <br /> � . <br />�__ - - - ._ , - _ - _ _ - -- - __ __- - - - <br /> _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ <br />' . _ 37Z19 CLOPP{gpRTLETTCO•�PR�NTING�LITHO6RAPHING�STNTIONEpY,OMAHO. <br /> i nat ba c:�u��le�ssly or .�rbitr�,rily wit]���ld,and,xt tl�ie expirztion af the term herein �*r�.nted, <br /> ' surrender pe�.ce�.ble gossassio�i' of s�id premisas unto the p:�rty of t�.e first p�►rt,hie heirs �r <br /> '; �asigns� in as good eondition d� �v�en entered upon, ordin.cry weu.r and te�r and tl�e s�ets of God <br /> exc ep t�d. <br /> It ia� furt�er expressly agreed :�nd understaod th�t in t�e �vent the pzrty of the eec8nd p�.rt <br /> should become ins0lvent, or should f:�il,negleet.�.nd refuse, te p,.y the rent�ls herein provid.ed <br /> for w�en t� �:ame s�re �erein due :�nd p:�y�.ble,�r �hould fail�negle8t, �r resfuse to keep �,nd <br /> p�rform t�e covenr�nt�a an�l sigre�mente }�erein cont.�ined :�nd by it to bc kapt .�nd performed, then <br /> �nd in eitl�ar of rau�� eqent$ t�ie p�rty af the fir�t p��t eh:�ll Ma�ve tl�e right,at his option, to <br /> decl�re tl�is le.��e at a.n end,.�nd up�n ten da.ys' written na�ice, ret:�.ke pas�e�sisn of s�id premises, <br /> and remove :�ny perec�n or pereona� then found in p�ssesaion of tl�e same. <br /> It i$ furtner underataod �.nd �gree� t�i.t tl�e coven«,nte and �reements �ierain conta.ined s�all <br /> axtend to �,nd be binding upcn the respective� heirs,executar��adminiatratera, suECessar�.a�nd <br /> a.�eigns of t�ie p�.rtiea �ieret�. <br /> S�f �TF�TIMONY tR�?�FOF, t�ie pirty of the firat ps�rt �s�s ]�ereunto eeL l�ie �is�;nd a.nd tk�e ps�rty 0f t1�e . <br /> s�cond p�rt h:►� e.�uaee# t�esE �resent� t� be signed by= it� President,all in duplieate, the ��y <br /> �nd yea�r first �b�ve �vritten. <br /> �Vitn�s�; Ja�n Alexs�nder <br /> W�lte r �3ecke r �FASE nRUG CQI�ANY� <br /> L.H.5,:�.n�..ia�hr By A.V.Paxse <br /> � � �r�aeid�nt. <br /> Fila�t f�r record t�is 7 ��.y of April 1920,a�t 9 �'�lo�k A.�. <br /> ...�-���,d �-�-�� - � <br /> Regiater of .D�eds <br /> -0-0-�-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-�-a-0-0-0-fl-4-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-p <br /> Certificate of Deaths <br /> California State Board of Health <br /> pl�ce of D�ath. Di�t. No .---- State Indea No . -- <br /> (To be iflserte3 by R�g�strar} Burea� of Yital Statistics Loaal Regiat�red No .37 <br /> County of Grarige <br /> City or Town of Crange Standsrd Gertificate of Death <br /> or Rural Regist�ation District �No South CypressSt . ; --- Ward) <br /> F'ULI, NA�E E2dara M.Harrod <br /> Personal and1Statistical Particulars" ~ ~�+ ~ ~+ ' Itedical Ce rtificate of death <br /> Sex � +� Color+or'Race r Single, Married, widowed D�te of Death <br /> or divorced (l�rite the word) �ept 5 1919 <br /> f�male whit� widow (�font� (Day) (Year) <br /> Zf marr3ed widow�d or ^; Hereby Certify, That I attenagar� <br /> , divoraed F�usband of� (or) deceased from Ilarch 15 1919, to Ss�pt <br /> �ife o f 5 1919 that I last sa�r hor alive on <br /> Date of~Birth + �r` Dcac 4 1847 8ept 4 1919 and th�t death occurr�d on <br /> -----------------;_-=--------------------- <br /> the date stated above at 8:30 A.M. <br /> (�tonth} �Day) (Year} The Cause of Death was as follot�s: <br /> _ __ Chronic Intestinal Nephritis <br /> ,Age_ rr71 yoars� 9'montha �1�days ^ t�ation -� Years 6 month� 20 days <br /> ---------�---------------------------------- <br /> �ccupation houe�ewi fe �Signed) Arthur H.Domann �i.D. <br /> 9-8 1919 Address} 4range, Calif <br /> A AAA A1��►AAAAAAJIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <br /> � �����1ace R�w�e Island <br /> Place of Removal Date of Removal <br /> __--_-- ---------------------------------------- <br /> Naune of Father Rob�rt Hilton Qrand Island,N@bra�ka Sept 10 1919 <br /> Birthplace�of�Father��JEnglandr+"~'� � Und�rtaker Embalmert a <br /> _________ C .N.Ellis License Ido . 523 <br /> L�iden^Name of+�lother �rriet'Barning3�m Address Orangs <br /> ______� ______ , Stat� of Cs►13fornia, <br /> Birthplace of'llother ��Engl.�d County of Orange, I, D.4.l��ttlin, Ci.ty <br /> _________ __ ______ _________________ _.___ City of Orange. ) Clerk and Local Regis- <br /> Ler� th of Residenao At Place of Death 8 years trar of the City of Orange, County �f �range, � <br /> - �n-��.�.ifarni� ,8 years - - - $tate of California, do herebp certify tha� the ; <br /> ' __ �ttached �eath C�rtificate is a true and cnrrec � <br /> ` Therr�bov� is��ru� to'the bo�t�of�my knowledge �opy of th� Death Certificate of Eldora M.A�,rra � <br /> �tnfor�ant} FTatti� Siegfr�d a� aPp�are� by the records of mp affice, to-wit: �„��� <br /> (�lddr�ss) S.Cypress Register of Deaths at page 123. � <br /> _,_+___ Dat�d �tarah 17th., 19�0. D.4.Wettlin <br /> City Cierk and Loaal <br /> s Filed 9_8�1929 D_�_�c�t�lin_'Regietrar_ ___+_ Registrar of th� City of Grange, County of <br /> F�led for record on th$ 7 � A arange, State of Ca�o�ia� (Corp. SEAL) <br /> y o f pril 1920 at 10 o'clock A.11. � <br /> R�gister of De ds i <br />