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<br /> �� � �C� ���a �] �0 � � G� �C� O� D � �
<br /> _ _ : -_- __ -
<br /> . _ -- -- --
<br /> ,3�219-CLOPP 6 BARTLETT CO•.PRI NTING,61TH06NAPH IN�G.6TAT10 N ERY;O MpHA . . - �
<br /> buildin,�, �r �cny p:�rt t3�creof,:�nd pl�ee � fu.rnr�.ce t�ierein,�.11 �.t tl�e a�rn pr�par eost r�nei expanse
<br /> �.nd rPepon�ibility of the p�.rty of tl�e s�cc�nal part,�.nd wit�otxt in�ury �r d.�rnr�ge ta s.�id building '
<br /> �� n�w ean�trueted,�.nd witY� the rig�it t� t�aa part� af tl�e seeond pxrt to re-model thG front �P �
<br /> s�id buildin� and �c�n�truct � door in t�e w:�11 of s:wid buildin�;�.�t it� o�rn pr�per e��t xnal expen�e.
<br /> S.�id p.�rty of the sec�nd part le:�sea s�id premiee$ from t�ie �.�rty �f t�e fir�t ps�rt for the
<br /> peri��l �fores�.id,and :�rees to pzy ta t�ie p�rty of t�e first p�.rt,as rentkl tl�ereFor. tl�e sum c�f
<br /> Twenty-four Hundred ��2440) Dollar� per s�nnum,p�yable in montl�ly inat�.11ment�, in r�eiv�.n��, of Tw�
<br /> xundred E�2�o) Doll�.rs each, the first inst�llm�nt of �200 beir� due �,nd p�,yr�ble on t�.� first d�.y aP
<br /> Augu�t,1920.and �.like inst�llment on t�1e firat d:�y of e�c� :�nd every month t�er��fter during tl�e
<br /> eontinu�.nce of this le..ae. .
<br /> It is furtn�r undcrst��d and sr�gr�ed by �.nd betvreen tha pr�.rties herat� t�at prior ta� September l,
<br /> 1920, the p�rty vf the fir�t pirt shall �..u�e tk�e exterior of �aid building t� be �,r�perly p�intrsd,
<br /> of a e�lcr t� be sel��ted b� the ��rty of the secgnd part,�nd tk�xt th� p�rty of tl�e fir�t pxrt
<br /> sh�.11 keep th� ranf on tMe building on s:�id premi�es in rep�.ir during t�e continus�nce 0f tk�ia 1G�,aa,
<br /> .�nd that �11 repair� and impr�vements m.�.de by the ps�rty �f t�e second ps�rt in t�e interior ef ss�id
<br /> building sh.,ll b� done :�t its c�xn pre�per cast and expense.
<br /> It� is furtl�er expr�s�Iy under�t0od and �greed th:�t at the expir:�tian of five yezr� fr0m the
<br /> d:.te �ier�*of, tha owner of s�.id premise� �as th� rigY�t,.�t his mption, ta erect a new buil�ir� �n
<br /> �:�id premi�e�,and up�n six months ' written notiee ta the p�.rty of tl�� �econd p�rt, of th� �wner's
<br /> intention to crect x new building on ��id �remises,witnout delay, t2�e p�.rty of t�e seeond p�art
<br /> �gr�e� to v�c:�te ��he present buil�ing,..nd t�e os�ner a�.11 pr�caed without deliy t� compiete �
<br /> new building on s�.id pr�aises,and as soon :��a aempleted. t�ie p:�rty of ti�e se�ond p.�rt s�all �ve
<br /> the xight to irnmedi�tely occ;upy t�e ground floor ax'id b.�sement ef suah new building �.t :.n xnnu�l
<br /> rent�.l te be .�;reed u�on by tl�e P�.rtiea �ieret�,.�nd in the event tY�e p.�rtfe� ��retfl �.re un�.ble
<br /> ta s�ree upern .�n �nnual rcnt�.l fflr the ground fFl.00r �nd b�sement of suc�i nev� building,;�l�e valua
<br /> of such rant�,l shall be determined by �rbitr�.tion� th� owner of tk�e premi�ae� �ele�tirig ane person,
<br /> �.nd thA tendnt �clectin.� one �areen, �.nd tne two t�u� �alected t� seleet x third.xnd tl�e rent:�l
<br /> i��.lue as fixed by �.ny two of s�,id w�r�itr�.tc�r� ��id21. be� �oncluei:ve and binding upen t�e p.�rties
<br /> l�eret�. . Durin� the con�truction of �:�id new building, t�a rent:�l l�ereunder e�:�ll termin.►te fr�m t�
<br /> time s.�id premisa�s :�r� vac:�ted by t�e p.�rty of the seeond p�,rt under ��id notice uritil tl�e new
<br />, buil�:ing ereet�d 1�xs be�n fully compl�ted ar�i is r��dy for cccup�.ney and thr� rental far aue�i
<br /> f new buil�ing �+.s been detcrmineci .�s her�in s�reed. An� in the ev�nt ��e building now on s:�id
<br /> premises 3.s �t .�ny time durin� t��e continua.nce of tMi� laa�e deatrayed by fire or otY�er e�.�-
<br /> ua.lty,the av�ner sh�ll h.�ve ti�� ri�;ht to construct a ncw buildit� �n exid premise$,.�nd frnm t�e
<br /> time of ��tel� destructi�n until s�.ia buildin� is complcted d�,nd is re�dy for o�eupancy,t�e rentzls
<br /> har�uneler ��..11 ce+�$e wnd terrain:�t��:�nd a.s $ofln �.s said new building is c�mpleted� t�ie pzrty
<br /> of thr, �eeond �:�rt si�ll l�.�ve tr�e right to aecupy t�ie �r�und = fl�or �nd b:�sament vf �u�l� new
<br /> buildin� at �n :�nnu:�l rent�.l tc� be .tigreed upon :�nd e�t�.bli�l�ed :�� herei.n: bef�re provided. The
<br /> 0wner of s:�id premises in t�e ev�nt �f t�e deetru�ti�+n of t�e buil�.in� s�12, witl�in thirty d.�ys
<br /> xftex �u�h destructian�natify t�e �s�rty �f the sa�ond p�rt�in writin�,.�s to his intenti�n tn
<br /> build a new buil�ing 4n s�id prernise�,�.nd if the s�me i� te be ��n�trueted, it �1�11 be alone � �
<br /> v�ithout ._�el�y.
<br /> S.�id p�rty of t'ne �econd p�rt covenant� a.nd �rees ta p.�y the rent�,ls �bove reserved when tl�e
<br /> s�.me �.re �iar�in m:�d� due �,nd ps�y�ble, ta commit na �aste upon ��.id premise�,na�r euff�r the ��sne� to
<br /> be ��mmi�ted by others� to keep tnA interi�r of �:�id le�.�eei prcmises in �, good atate of rep�ir; �
<br /> tr� �omyly witS� t'r�e �rdinxnee�a of tha eity of Gr�nd Isl:�.n� rels�tive to kee�ing the aidew.�lk� �urr-
<br /> ounding sa.id pr�rniee� free from s�now :�nd __ice; not te a��sign thie l�aae �it�.eut t�e �rritten
<br /> ccnsent of the pxrty of the first p�,rt endorseat l�erevn,pr�viele�,howe�er, tl�,t $u�� cmnsent s�.11
<br />