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QbDF <br /> 6�3,�. <br /> �10 �C� ���Q� �O �J � ��C� O�D � � <br />� - _ __ _ _ , : � __ -- - --- - _- _ _-_� _ <br /> � _ __ __ <br />� ___ �i�Z�.�) CLOPP4BARTLETTCO..PflINTING.LiTNOQRABHJNfa.BTRTIOPICRY;OMqHR ' , ^ . . � ._ `�_ <br />� RESIGNATION OF E}�CUTRIX AND CF.RTIFICATF. <br /> , � <br /> In t�.e Prob.�te Court c�f Williams County,fl�io. . <br /> In tl�e �tter of tl�a ��t�.ta of C�Ziver C.Asl�tan.daceised. <br /> T� ti�e Honor:�ble Ju�iga of t1�e Pr�b:te Court of <br /> . , Willf:�ms County,Ohi�: :--- <br /> „ I l�erev�iti� tencler m� reei�n..tion .�s Lxeeutrix of the L.,at Will of Uliver C.As�ton, xnal <br /> '� ' resapectfully .�sk tl��t t�e �:�me ba actecl upon .�t once. <br /> O�i s J.&sktvn. <br /> I kereby �onsent to t�e �ccept«.nce of t1�e r�bove resignition .�nd reapectfully aak tl�:�t Onis 4T.Aah- <br /> ton be relieved fxam furt�er re�ponsibility reg4rding a�.id Est�.t�a. _ <br /> . . . - <br /> ,, CFRTIFICATE TO COI�Y OF j?AoER UNF't'I,E. - <br /> � • : T�e St�.t� of Uhim,Willi«�ma County. Prob�t� Court, <br /> , ,, , <br /> •: ��• .:`-� I,J.�irtar ��a.ver �ole� Judge �nd ex-officim Clerk oP t�ie Preb.�te Court,wit�fn �.nd for t�ie <br /> � wfores4id Cc�unty .�nd Str�te,do hereby certify tYa�t tY�e fvregoing is �, true �nd correct copy of the <br /> origin�.� Re�i�n�tion �.nd Journwl entry eonfirming saxne now on fil� in sa3d Prcbr�te C�urt. <br /> �� In 1i�itnaa� �'l�eareof,I l�va ��ereunto set my h`n3 and �cffixed the �e:�l of Court,.�t Bry�n <br /> . � Ohio, t�iia 18th d:�y of B�,�re� A.D. 1920 <br /> tSFkI,) J.Arter Wea.ver <br /> ' Judge :nd ex-flfficio Clark. <br /> In tY�e �rob.te C ourt c�f Wi lliams C�unty,Ohi o. <br /> In tha I�tter of th� E�t.�te of Oliver C.aahton.deee:�aeal. <br /> Now �n tl�is 4t�i d�►y of Janu:�ry 1906� t�is cxu�e �ame on tc� be he�r�l upan tl�e �.pplie:�ti�n of <br /> Oniss J.A��ton .�skin� thrrt k�er resi�;nxtion �a exe�utrix ef ��.id Est�.te be �cc�pted �.nd thr�t ��e <br /> be r�►lieved from further reeponsibility to t�e Court �nd te the legxteea�t in s�si�i �till. <br /> ' In c�n�ider�tion wY�ereof t1�e Court finde t�t t�ae e�.fd Eat.�te lu..e been t�ken poasessfen of by <br /> , Fred 9�.Aahton.Txeeu:�or nxmeel in a.�id afttill :�nd tk��►t p:�rt �f tl�e a:�m� h.�a been di�bur�e�l by him. <br /> , ' It i� t�e.refor ordared tY��.t t'�e resignxtion of the edid Oniss J.Aahton,�.a Exeeutria,be :�nd tl�e <br /> s.time ir� hereby �.ccepted :�nd tl3..t she irs relieve�i from �11 responsibility to t�e Court .�nd to t�e <br /> � <br /> leg�.tees n�raed in �aid Will for the praper diabur�cment� ef :�ll moneye �nd propert;�ee whicla h:�ve <br /> c ome into tl�e lawnds of Freei tiY.As�ton�ax�cutor of t1�e �stite of Ulieer C.As�ton,ele�easeel. . <br /> � GIVFN under my h:tind xnd ae�l on tl�e dat� first :�bove Written. <br /> Jo�n H.Sehri de r <br /> ProhatG Judge. <br /> Fi��d for re�ard t�ia Ei d:�y af l�pril 1920.wt 10 v'�lo�lt A.�. <br /> ��-2<� �-� <br /> Register vf Deeds � <br /> -0-U-4-0-0±0�0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-4-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-�-0-fl <br /> �EA� AGRF��NT �. ^ <br /> THIS LEASE �ND AGF�EE�ENT�m.�de :�nd entered into t�i� 6t1� day of April-, .�nd betw�en Jo�n <br /> Alex:�nder,herei,n:►fter pKrty of the first ps�rt��.nd Pe�se Drug Comp:�ny,:� corpor��tion er��.nizeal und�r <br /> tl�e l�.wa af' tY�e �t.�t� af Nebxa.�k.�,�aer�in�ftcr p�.rty �f the seaond �:�rt. <br /> V!11ITNLSSETH:���t in ceaneidar�.tinn ef t�e rent�.l� to him to be �xid. by the pr�rty of t�e eecand <br /> - p�rt.s�s �erein provided, ..nd of tl�e eavenxnta a.nd �reementa of tl�e pirty �f the �aeQOnd p�►rt,�ere- <br /> . inxfter contuinead �.nci by it t� be kept r�nd perforna�d, tl�e p�.rty ef t}�e firsL p�rt le�.se� unt� tk�e <br /> party c�f thc �second p�.rt� for t�e peri0d of ten ye�.rs,ce�mrnencing on the first �lay of August,1920, <br /> :�nd termin�ting on t�e l�.st d�.y of July,1930� the fallowing describPd re:�l eat:�te. toget�er witl� <br /> t�ie impravement$ t�icrean, �i,tu�.tcd in t�.e eounty of Hall �nd st:�te of Nebraaks�, tv-wit: T1�e nartl�er- <br /> ly eighty #'eet of the grnund fleor,.�nd �11 af t�e second floor af t�ie westerly tv�enty-tw� (22) <br /> feet �f Lot Four (4) � in Block Sixty-six (66) of t�ie Origin�.l Town,now City, of Gr�nsl Iels�nd,wi tl� <br /> tl�e right �iven t� t�e p�,rty e�f t�� �eeonel pxrt to exe�,v�ta �.nd von�truct � basement un�t�r s�.ii <br />