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�`�`� <br /> � ��� <br /> � � �C� �� �a� �O �J � � �� 0 °� D � � <br /> - - -_ _ _ <br /> 37Z�9—CLQPI�d.BARTLETTCO.,PRINTING.LITHpdRAPHfNfs,STATIONERY:OM#HA �� ' � . . . . . .. <br /> AFFID�.VIT OF I�SdTIFICATION <br /> State of Nebr�.ska) <br /> ) ��. ! <br /> Buffa�lc� County ) �i.D.Di€kin�on.being fir�st duly sworn.upon oath deposes �.nd ��.ys tY�s�t Y�e ia <br /> w�all �nd persons�lly acquainted wit� Tk�amas F�i.M��i11i�,ms ta wk�om De�rea of t�e �u��riar �ou�t of ' <br /> Cook County Illinois,conveyed t2�e followin�; dAscribed l�nds in Hall County,bTebr��ks� to-�it; West <br /> Yu�.2f 0f the North e�ist Qu:�rter �nd the East laalf of the North wast qu�.rter,:�ll in Se�ti�n eigY�t <br /> (8 ) Town�hip nine (9) ,�?�.nge tv►elva (12) by De�ree d�ated June lst. 1918 r�.nd reegrded in q�ak 2 of <br /> Deerees on page 249,in the County Recorder� offi�a of H�zll County,�nd wit�a T.�i.�e@�lilli���w�o <br /> convayed said prernises tn Oetaviuea O.Ol�on by contr�ct d�,ted ,TUne 26,1919,�.nd. affiant poaitively <br /> knows.� t��t the ��id T�iom�� H.�eWilliarns,�.nd T.i3.�d�e�illi.�me are ond �nd tk�e same pereon,notwitY�- <br /> �t�.nding the diser�apdncy in ndmes. <br /> A.D.Dickin�nn <br />�� Sub��ribed �.nd �worn to befor� me tY�is 31 d�y of Mare�i.1920 <br />�� � (SFAL) L�sb o rn,. , , .., � � <br /> � � Ne��'t� °,Publie <br /> �, <br /> My �orami�s i qn exp i rea July 14� 1925 � <br /> Fil�ad for re�ord t'nis 5 d�y of April 1920,a�t 1: 15 0' c10ck P.�d. , <br /> . - ��,,�� <br /> Regi�ter Qf ec�R +.� �_ <br /> -fl-0-0-4-0-4-0-0•4-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-4-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-�6-0-�-0-0-0-�����0��3-4-0-0- <br /> AFFIDAVIT — <br /> Sts�te of Nebr�ek�.( ) � <br /> ( � s�:$. <br /> County af H�ll. O On thi�. the llth dr�,y oP June,7.910,:�pp�ared bef0re me,H.E.Funk,� Notary <br /> �ublic in and for e:�id county ..nd �t�.te�Willi�n D.Devereaux,w�� upon bein� �dt�ly sworn.deposee dnd <br /> s�ys: -T�iat he fe tl�e present owner of the Noxth East qur�rter (N.�.�) of se�tion number �'�irty Twa <br /> (32) Towne�ip Nine (9) Nortb�, mf R�nge number Nine (9) we�t of tl�e ffiixth P.1�. in Hall County�l'aebr�.sk�� <br /> t�.t �ae �.equired the$a �r.emises from A�ron G.VVoodbury,whc,by �, eertai,n r►�.rr�.nty deed,d�.ted O�t- <br /> 0ber 12t��1889,acquired s�.me from A.O.Woodbury �.nd wife w�ie�i l�itter de�d is recc�rded irt boo2c <br /> eleven �11) on prr�e 485 of the record� of H:�11 Cnunty�Nebr�.�ks�, and recites t�i�t the gr�.ntee,Aaran <br /> G.��oodbury.x�a8umes ther��.n :� eert�.in mortgage incumbrdnce of One Thous�,nd (�1Q00. 40} <br /> �ble to the executors of the est:�te of George �.I,a,ne. <br /> Affi�.nt furtl�er st�,tes t�t,being :� rel�,tive of t�e pdrtfes men�ioned in s�.id deed,�ie know�a <br /> tY�at sucY� mort�;�ge of One Thous�.nd (��lOQC3. 0�) Dall�.r$ mentioned in ��.id de�d as xn enoumbr�.nce,. <br /> never existad,�nd tY��.t A. Osgo4d Woodbury �nd wife executed :� mort�;�age for Five ��undred (��500.40) <br /> Dollare ta Gevrge W.,whieh is rel�:�eed on reaord but�4t��t 1�e borrowe �500.00} �ddition�l Af <br /> ffi�,id Geor�e �7•I.�.ne an hi� individuRl note without �iving s�ny �ecuri'ty therefor,wb.ich twa r�mounts <br /> Eonstitute tY�e ,�um of One Tl�ous�nd (�i000•00) D011�rs menti�nad in t� 61CCG1 a� incumbr�.nce,s�ll <br /> Qf whieh however is p�.id off and ss�tisfieet,�,nd furtl�er s�ffi..nt a�.ys not. <br /> Attest, Milli� D.Aevgre�wc <br /> �� � r� ■ � r � �■ r• <br /> H.E.Funk (SEAL) <br /> Not�,ry �ublic. <br /> �Sy commissian expires April 1?th, 1913• <br /> Fi1ed f�r re�ord this 5 d�y of April 1920,xt 4 •� eloek P.�. (�jx���� � <br /> J( <br /> Regiater of Deed� <br /> —�—o—o—o—c3—o�—o-o—Q—o—a—o—o—�—o-o—o•c�-4—o-0-0-0-0-0�0-0-0—o-o—a—o—Q—o—v—o—o—o—o—fl—o—o—o—Q—o—a-Q-�a <br /> ,} : <br />