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QbD� <br /> �� �� <br /> [� D �C� C���Q�1 �0 � � � �� OG� D � o '� <br /> =_-- _ __— :__ _ _ _ __ _ _ --- - -- -- <br /> _ _ : - . _ - . --__— . _.— <br /> _ _ _---_ - _ --—_-------- - <br /> 3�Z/J—CLO?P b SARTLETY CO..PH I NTI NG,LITH OORRPNI NG,STNTIONEpY;OMAHA <br /> '�__-,=,="_.._ ..,..',�_'_."___ '.".:�.:_- . .. . .._._. .::-._:-_ . _ ._.._ ...-_. ::. _ '.__... .. . . . .. ...... -:.:._"._ ..._:_."'_ —,':"_' --'—_. _— <br /> dat? of �ize filin�; of l�,st r4t�ort a.�;�;r���.ting �'15�1. 3?, �znd it�ms p�,i�l out �g�;regating �13�5 .84. <br /> Also snows numer�lale � iterris of ��erson�,l r�ropert�r �f i=r::ic'ri no divisicn lzas bsPn mude.�equpsts tndt <br /> t'rze sar.e b� �ssi�ned by t.z� court. . Verifie� J���'oer il� 1919. <br /> On Oct�bex I1, 1919.;.�ws filed a "Z�J�,ivPr of Notice of Filin� cf tne Final Report of A�ministra- <br /> tor, " signed by AdnPll Z.�'yne �.n�� Ad�iis�n E. C�,dS,and usking ti�..t tne report b� wpproved �,nd allow- <br /> e� by the Court,�nd udrainistx��.tor dischwr�ed. <br /> FII`1C�L UT?J�ER. <br /> "On tnis llth d�y of October, :t919, tLiis cwuse �w:r�e on for he:�ri ng on t'rie .Fin�,l RP�,ort wnd i�e- <br /> tition for Distric�ution of Ad:�isurl 'r'.. C�dy ,�:du�inistrwtor c�f sµ�d sst�.te, the w�iver of the heirs <br /> filed nerein,�.nd t�e evidence. In c�r=sider�.tion whereof the C;;urt finds thwt swid Ad.iison i+.. C�dy, <br /> �dni:inistr�tor,wnd �dnell Z. P��ne, son und d�.u�hter of swid decewsed,�re t��e only �eirs af s�id <br /> dece�ised�an� thwt t:zey have file3 a w�iv�r of 2dotice of he4rin� on s�id Finai R�port �nd Account� <br /> �.nd tn�at no furt:�er notice is necesswry. <br /> "Ths Court �urt::^: fir_:s :��w* t;i� re�io� rn�uixed ��;,� �.:��r� �Z�.s ae�n oiven the creditors of s�id <br /> estwte to file their ci�.iams for wci�iustment and allow�.nc�,and tiza.t du� wnd leg�l notice of suid <br /> period, of its iimitution��.nd of tnP time and pl�.ce fixed for tYj.���"ie�,ring of c]�,ims �.��.inst s�,id <br /> estwte, h�.s be�n �ivsn �,11 pers:,ns int�resta3 b�� l�ublic�ction �,ccor�in� to l�w,�nd th� orci�rs of <br /> this court,�nd tn:a.t s�.id �Priod h�.s ex��irPd. That tiie ex��enses of �dministr4tion, the expens� of <br /> l�,st sickness, fur.erwl �.nd buri�.l of said deceased,un:i �.11 c��ims �llowed wg�.� nst est�te, <br /> h�,ve b��n -y-wid in fu1l. Tiz�t t'.ze inherit�::?�� t��x �.s4essed �.g�.in�at the heirs of ��.id est�te has <br /> be�n fully j��.id �.n� satisfied. It is ther�fc�re cor.sidered b;,� the Court tlz�.t �.1� claims a�4inst <br /> s�id est�te �rP forev�r bwrred. <br /> �i'rne Cotart furtnAr finds tizat said Ad�lison r. C�.�y�, �ece�sed, died on tne 14ti1 day of Uctober, <br /> , i�:�l8, ir_tegt=wt�,�.n;� beir�g w resici�nt ef un:i ownin� r,rol�ert;� in iIow�.rd .Gounty.Nebr�ska. Tha.t sdid <br /> d�cQ�.seci left survivin.�; hirr: �id{:iison E. C�.d��,�. son,�nci tidn?11 L. 1.'.yne,a d�ughter,who are �.11 his <br /> iieirs �t l�iv,�nd botn of whora are of leg�.l �.ge. �h�.t �.11 the property b�iongin� to the estdte <br /> � of s�id decewsed shauld �oe divided between a�.id tiddison E. Cwdy �.nd �dnell I..��ne :in e�u�l <br /> sh�.res of one-h�.lf e�ach, un�e r the lwws of the St�.te of rde'orwsk�. <br /> "The Court furtner finds thu.t suid Finul I��port of s�id �dministr�.tor,�r_d ulso aly r}rior <br /> ra�orts �.nd �.ccounts of s�.id �:.�.uinistrwtor are true �.n� ccrre�t,;;.nd ti�e s�me are her+�b5r wp�rotiTed <br /> �,nd �.11owed. . Tn�.t s�id Adrninistr�,tor h�s cn n�nd belon�ing to s�i� �stwte ti�e followir.g 3escri'�ed <br /> � j�ro�erty. (Descri�es n�ambPrw'�i!? 1t6I218 Uf ��t,'Y'5021�1. 2;�OC>PI't'yT Sc�.TP,E,' i:.S i21 fin�,l I'F'pOI't. � <br /> "Th� Court further finds fro:� t�e r�l�ort of s�id Administr�,tor filed herein ��ril 7, 1919,cPr- <br /> t�in asgignments of °�:ropert� n�.s been r.idde �.s a Nwrtial divi�ion of s�id est�.te �.s follows: (�es- <br /> �ri�e:� xe�.l wnd ;�exsonal sstwtP :�ssigned �nd wpproves and �l.lows swic� assi�nments. ) <br /> �"' "The Court furtner fin�s th�,t s�id Adrninistr�.tor h�.s mwde �11 payrnents �,nd �.ssign:nPnts accord- <br /> in� to tiie findin�;s �.nd orde�g r��-rain� �.nd ilws co:ri�leted nis trust. It is the�efore ordered +nat <br /> s�.id Ac�rainistr�tor i�e�wnd 7ze is hereby dis�.:h�,rg��. �.s such. <br /> R. A.ii�.ggwrt,Cotzr_t�r .TU:��e. " <br /> �t�te �f NebrwsKw) <br /> :i�w�rd County ) ss. <br /> I,R.�.i.a���.rt, County ?ud�;e in wnd for s�,id cc�anty,hereby certify th�t the <br /> ubove and fore�;oing is �. true �.nd correct �bstr�et af the proqatA praceedings in the Est�.t� of <br /> . Addison E. C�c3y°, �arcewsed,us shown oy the records �.nd files of my office, so f�.r µs the susne eff�cts <br /> the title to wny reul estate in Hwll County,Nebrwska. <br /> In testirncny wher�of I h�ve 11�raUritG set ::;.� i�and �nd officiwl se�.l tnis lst d�.y of �x;ri1, 1920. <br /> � fiFF�I,) R.A.���;�.€;€;u,I't <br /> County �TUdge. <br /> Filed f�r xecord tizis :� duy of l:�;xil 19?U� �t 9: �'f5 0' ciock h. �. <br /> -���-� �% � <br /> R��ister of n�eds <br />