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n�2�� <br /> � � �C� C���Q � �O � � � �C� O� D � n <br /> __ _- -- - _ __ _ <br /> -_ — - -. - -- <br /> �7L 19-C40PP 6 BNRTLETT CO.�PRIYTING,llTMO6KAPHIN�G,STPTIONERY�OMAHA . <br /> for f�ur c�r_�ecuti�e Vreeks. <br /> PROOF OF i'ULIaI CATIU�,� .�i led TSov. 15 � 1�?18. <br /> Tne fo11o��Yin�; is �. copy� oft1�� rrotice to �reditors: <br /> "In the CotzntZ� Court,`r�o���.rd County ,ile`pr�ska . <br /> pIr_ the r; of tne �.'st�..te of k:��ison �. C�,dy ,7�ece�.sed: <br /> "Notice tc �:��1 persons interested. in s�ici est�:te is hereby �;iven th�t A�i�iscn E.Cwdy ,Ac�Zr�inistr�tor <br /> cf s�.id est�te,�vill rr�eet tlle creditors uf swic� estwte wt the Cour.tS� Court roorr�,::.t it: P�ul, s�.ici <br /> county, on thP 15th dw� cf �,?ov�mber, 191�,�,nd on the 27th d�y of Jwnuary, 1919�wt 9 o' cZock,�.Ii�. , <br /> for th� purpc��e �f he�rin�;, �.d,iustment �.nd �.11ow�nce of cl�.ims �,g�inst s�.id est�.tp.t�ll persons <br /> h�.vin� c��.ims ox dernwnds �.�wi.nst suid estute must file the s�.n�e in s�,id ccurt, o� or before Jwnuary <br /> 25 th, �.919, pr swi d clwims v��ill be forever b�.rred. Du.ted October 21, 1918. <br /> R.k. `N�g��,rt,Count3�T Judge. " <br /> A_tt�.ched ta s�id notice is the �ffid�.vit of S. F.WebstPr,�:dit�r of the r�hono�r�.ph,�. leg�.l r_ews- <br /> p�per published ir� s�.id ecurzty,and of �Pner�.l circulation� th�,t ann�xed notice ro�as �tablish�c� in s�id <br /> nev�sp�.per four conse:,utive �v�;eks. First �;ublication UctobAr 24-th, 1918.Verified November 15th,1�18. <br /> I��TE��TORY of the �;roperty of s�id eat�te filed Dec. 1�, 1.818. <br /> Shows �.rnon� �ther pro�erty, the fclloro�i n� d�scribed re�.l est�,te, si tuated in Ii�,ll Count�,�,�.nd z�t�.te <br /> af Nebrwska, to-wi t: <br /> "Undivided one-fourth (1/4) interest in �n� tu "k11 cf tnu.t pa,rt c�f th� South h�.lf (S2) of the <br /> 2�orth-cust Qu�xtpr (NE.�) ol �ection Twenty (20) , ;n Tow�r.ship Elever� (11) Narth��Ru�nge Nine (9) West <br /> of the E�th P.I�. , described in �. c�rt�in de�d t� �;lfr�� :�Ritchell,which de?d is recorded in �ook <br /> Number 20 at ?�,�e �61 �f the deed xecords of H�.11 CountS��Nebr�.sk�., " �.nd which is mc�re pwxticui�rly <br /> described �.s follows: "A1� th�.t �o-�tion of the South ha.1f of the Northe�.st �udrter �f Secti on Twenty <br /> (2p} in To�rr.ship Eleven (11 � North,R�n�e Nine (9) West cf the 6th P.M. �which dccarding to thP re- <br /> corded pl�.t of :��orrill' � �d;�ition filed in the Office of the County C1erk �f .iall County,Nebr�;,ska� <br /> on the 12th dz..�� cf June, 1890, �s inclu�ed in the folloti�in�; describ�d limits, tc-wit: Comrr:encing on <br /> the North line of s�id ciescribed �outh half of the 1�lorthe�.st Quai^te�r where it intersects the C�agt <br /> :.ii�� Gf Grwnt �txeet, thencP �outherls� �,long the West line of Gr�nt StrePt to tne lin� �f <br /> �ouise StrePt, or tc the Tv'ort?�ewst Corner of yiock Thirt;�-five; thence ewstPrly u�long the South <br /> line of I�ouise Street to the E�.st line of s�.id tr�.ct; tnence South alon� tL��; E�.,.st line of s�.id tr�ct <br /> te th� Soutri eust coxner :;f s�.id tr.�ct; ±�ier_c� �'!e4terly �.long the South line of sdid described tract�. <br /> to the F.�.�t line �f tY�:� r:i�nt oi' :s�.y oi *'r�e St. JcsP��h �c Cxr��nci Isl�,nd i��.ilr��.d; thence I�orthPrly <br /> u.i.OTI.� i,he E�,st line of the ri�:�t of �vwy cf s�.id St. �?osPph �: Grwnd Isl�.nd R�.ilwwy to the North line <br /> of swid described tr�.ct; tll�rce �:wst�rly �.:i.on� tne Plorth line of s�.id describPci tr�,ct tc the place <br /> of beginrir.g; exce��tin� therefrom th�.t pertion thereof k2lown �.� ;;c�t five wnd one h�.lf, ?n Bl�c�� Ten; <br /> �,_n.� tiiui� �;crticn tt:�r�o�f r.nown ws t��e Koenig �treet �nd tr.e Street Rwilw�y locaticn on G�.rfield �nd <br /> Koenig Street t�o remwin �s now existing;�.nd the electric li.�r.t �.nd Gws rr,win loc�tion <,n F�oenig <br /> �� <br /> StreAt ta r?rr;ain �s n�w �x: stir� ;wnd w�so exceptin� t]�erPfro,r. the fr�.ctionwl portion �f �Slock �� <br /> Thirty-foUr �.nd frwctian�.l I,ot Two in �Slcck Forty c�ithin such limits, " in �i�.li County,Nebrwsk�.. '� <br /> �lso rP�.l estate situ�.ted in cthex st�.tPs,und �erson�.l �roperty cc�nsisting of e�sh on h�.nd,, <br /> notes,bond�,mort�;�i�es,Lunk stcck,i3uildin� � I,oan Stack,fkc. , of the �stim�.ted v�.lue of mor� thdn <br /> 5 75. COC. O�. (No �.l;_-r�.i;�i�,ent) <br /> `�'he only cl�,irns filed ��winst s�.id est�te wus �ne of ,�„`�2. �5 in fw��%cr of �"'.H.Klip�el wnd one <br /> cf Y'�.50 in f�.vor of V. ,T. ;��,rt1�. ThesQ Yv�re allowed ar�� have been �wid and rPc�il�ts filed, <br /> �Jn April 7tn, 1919, thArP �*a�.s filed in s�.id c�.use "Ac�inistr�.tox' s First �eport, "�vhich s.lows <br /> recPi�ts of vari��zs ita.�s�a��rP��.tin� v"�3.�, 689. 9�1 ,�nd the payment of v�.rio�as items+��;r�hatin� <br /> y;13.,�880. 78,�.r:on� •r',zic�:l � tiz� fi�ner�,i chwrgPg� ex�enses of l�,st 3ickness �.nd bixri�.l of s�,�c� de- <br /> 3eceased,wnd costs of �.Q.r:inistrwtion. <br /> Un uctc'aer 1:Lth,191�.�, t.ze "Eidministr�tor' s i+in�.l F��ort" tiv�.s filed. 5hows items of r�cei�,t since <br />