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� �� �� <br /> �l � �C� C�� �a� �C� � � � �� O� D � � � <br /> _ _._ _ _ _ _ - - <br /> _ _ . -= - :. _ ---_ - -_ <br /> � .�721:J'-CLOPPkBAXTL£TTCO..YflINTING�.lITHOOFl/1PHIPIG,STNTIONERY;OMqHA <br /> AFFI�ti'�T� OF TDFi�''iIFIC,�TOi�_,_ <br /> �t�.tp of I�7ebz'ask� ' <br /> ?iall C�unty <br /> ��.y�.rd fi.P�.in� being first duly sworn,upon deposes and say� th�,t he ' <br /> is w�11 �;.nd person�.11y a�qu:iir.ted cvith Rosill�. F.I'cwere who wws gr�.ntor �.rd ecr.veye� the follo�ing <br /> descxibed lwn.ds in H�11 Cour_ty Nebr+ to-wit: Lots nur�ber three (3) I�lock No €i af Gilbert' s Addition <br /> to City af Grand Isl�nd Nebr�sk�. by warrunt3� deed, d�.ted P�ov 1/15 und recorded in book 53 of deed9 <br /> cn p�e 222 in the Register of Deeds office of Hall County �.nd with Rosill��. L.Pov,rers �rho �onveyed <br /> s�.id �;rerrises as her n�;;n�e wws given in Notar_ia,l �.cknowled�;ement� in the �u.zne deed �nd af�'i.�.nt <br /> �;�:,i'L'ively kn�wn tri�t tiic s�.ia Rosill�. �..�owers �.r.d Rosilliw Z.i'owsrs �.rF, cne �nd the s�.me pers�n, <br /> notwitnst�,r.din� tne discrep�ncy in narnes. <br /> _ �a�ard H.Paine <br /> �u'oacribeci wn_d s��orn t� b�fura r�z tlliw N4 dwyT of T,ieh i��:0 <br /> (.SEAI,) t��wlter �i.��.uert <br /> Clerk �istrict �ourt <br /> Filed for reeord thi� � d��y� of A�ril 1920,dt �:45 o'cy.ock A.�![. <br /> ������ � <br /> _...:.�._ ._ __..___._ __ - ......._..r <br /> Register of DePds <br /> -O-C-G-C••O-C-Q-C-C-O-C-Q-O-G-C-�-O�C�-C-C-Q-C-C-C-C-�-C-O-G-G-C-G-Q-U-G-�-0-0-0-G-0-G-0-0-C--Q-�-O-Q-C <br /> ORDER IiSSIG'.dING �iOIut�'��TEAA. <br /> IN T�-:� COt��TY" G OI?RT O:F IitiLL �OITITY�*?EERk^KA. <br /> I1�T THF' N!ATT�',R OF TIiF P'cTr:TF OF ) <br /> y ORI�EFt AS�IG;��I]`IG FiOP�FfiT�AD. � <br /> GEORGE FLFBBE, nFCF1irE7?. � <br /> Now on tr,is 1 d�.3= of l�i�.rcn�1920, this mwtier c�,rn� on for he�,ring <br /> on the petiticn, under o�th, of Emm�. V. Fleb�e� for th� assi�;nrrent to her Gf the fvllowing described <br /> pro��rty , to-wit: Lots �even (7} �.nci Fi�;ht (£3 � in �lcck Five (5 )+ ori�;inal town of C�iro,Hall County, <br /> �.s and for a. hom�este�d,�,nd the PvidPnce� �.nd w�s submitted tc the C�urL. <br /> Ltpon cer_sid�rwtion �vherPof, thA Cuurt ' finds t?�t tlze s�.id Err,mw �'.Flebbe is the widow of s�id <br /> George Flebbe, th�t ��id� pxerr.ises �vere �.t the d�.te of the de�.th of s�,id Georg� Flebbe� oecupied by <br /> swid Ge orge �le b"bs wn.d s�id pe ti ti one r �s �. homes te�.d,�.r�d th�.t the net vt.lue of the a�,u�,kf t�r <br /> first deduc�in�; `�existin�; liers thereon.doe� not fPXCE.'8f� the sum of two trinusund doll�.rs; c�r th�.t <br /> there �r� no crAdi tcrs of swid est�.te or charges ugwinst s�,id est�,te s�ve �nd except costs �.nd ex- <br /> �enses cf �.drninistrati�n wnd tnerQ is sufficier.t �,ergor.�Z Nrc:�;ert3T tc �;wv trje ��w7.e �.r.d th�.t s�id <br /> petitioner is en.titled tc h�v� s�.zd pr�r,;.ises set out t� her as �. hom�ste�,d. <br /> It is tnerefore crderad thwt s�id premises be �.ssi�;ned to s�.id Emrr,w V. Flebb� as a homeste�d <br /> for the use �nd ben�fit of hersslf wnd inir.or children duri.n�; her life time. <br /> �T.H. Mu113Yn <br /> County .TUd�e. <br /> St�.te of Ne bx�.sk�., ) <br /> ) ss. <br /> H�.11 Cc�unty� ) Zn the Coui�ty Court of �-iwll County,Nebrwska <br /> I�.7.H.r�ullin.�ounty 4Tud�e of Hwll County,Nebrwsk�., do here'p3 certify th�.t I �ve com��.red the <br /> fore�,o�ng copy of Ortier �i�si�nirzg iinmestead Y1� T?TE I!RATTFR OF TaiF F�TATr UF GFORGF FLF�7'F�7�FCFASFT. <br /> witr. the origin�.l record thereof:,now rAm�.in�n�;; in suid Court, tnwt the sume is � correct '�r�nscript <br /> ther�=� of,wnd cf the wnole of such ori�in�.l record; th�,.t s�id Cc�urt is �. Court of F.ecord huving w sewl, <br /> whieh sewl is hereto wttwchecl; that s�.id Court h�.s r.�� Clerk �.ut�i�rized to sign certificates in hi� <br /> owr n�.me,wnd tnat I urr: t'r.e �s�41 custodi�r of s�.id Sewl �nd of the Records of s�.id Cou.rt,�nd th�:.t <br /> the foregoin� attestuti�n is in due forz:� of l�w. <br /> 7N TE�'TIP�fO�iY s"�jF'�rOF, I h�.ve hereuntc set my hun.d wnd wffix�d txie geul cf t��e Count�� Cour*.dt <br /> Gr�.nd I slwnd, xl^.i� 2nd dwy �f Ap ri 1 192U <br /> ��FEiI,) .?.�i. Puul lin <br /> � COUI'lt� TLiC�g�°. <br /> Filed for record this � dwy of hprii 19?O,�.t 11:5G o' clock �.11�. <br /> �l �� ��� <br /> Register vf eeds <br />