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� 6� ;� . <br /> � � �C� � � �G,l� C�O � � � �� O � D � � <br />- _ . _,-- � <br /> _ _ ___ _� _- _- <br /> .a37Z/J—SLOPP6 BARTLETTCO..�'RINTING,LITH06RAPHING,STIITIONEHY;OMAHA . . . . <br /> . . .. -.... :-� .�.-.:_ - .z_" ._'.�' <br />.. . . . . . .... .. .�:._ ... _ . . .. ._.��.�-.::� <br /> ������i�• . i.. <br /> I <br /> I <br /> S ta te of Nebras ka, !, <br /> ss. R.R.H�orth, being fir�t dulp sworn on hie oath deposes and saye that <br /> �ii c��ty . <br /> he is a resident of Hall Cc�unty, Nebraske►, and has been such for for�y- <br /> eight years last past. Affiaunt further states that he �as well and personallp aaquainted witi� ' . <br /> t�.H.Thwnmel, �Y.H.Platt, and J.D.�loore, who received the title to the south half of the southarest <br /> querter of Seeti�n Th3;rtesn �13), in Township Twelve (12}, �iort2� Range Eleven {11} �'est of the <br /> 81ath P.�i., in Hail Co�.ty, Nebraska, by warranty dsed recorded in Book 5 of Deedd at page 56 of the <br /> deed recorci� of Ha11 Cnuntp, Nebraska, and with (�eorge H.Thummel arid �illiam H.Platt, t�ro of the <br /> grantore in the de�.d conveying �aid premisea, to John D.�ioore, whiah is reaorded in Book 11 at <br /> pag� 22b of the Dee3 Records of Hall Co'unty, Nebraska, and affiant knows of his orm per�onal <br /> knt3wledge that �.H.Thummel, one of the grant�es i,n seid first mentioned de�l, and 4eorge H.Thummel, <br /> ane of the grantors in the las� mentioned deed, was ona and the same person, and that �.H.Platt, <br /> on� of the grantees in said first men�ior�ed deed- suld William H.Platt, one of the grantors in the <br /> last ment3oned deec� was nne and '�he same person, and that J.D.lbore, oae of the grantees in the <br /> first mentioned deed, and Joha D.l�oore, ona of the grantors in ths deed aonveying Qaid premi$es <br /> recorded in Book 28 at page 519 of the deed recorde of Hall Cnunty, Nebraska, �as oae and the <br /> same person, notwithetanding the disarepanciee in said names. <br /> R.R.Hotth <br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 13th day of liarah, 1920. <br /> Yy Qommission ezpirss F�abruary 1, 1925. �SEAL} Che►s.�.Ryan <br /> No tary Pub 2i a <br /> Fi le d fo r rea o rd on, the 2�' day of �larc h 1920 at 11:30 0 'a loa k �r.Ii, <br /> �,.�-��.�J <br /> � Reg ster�o `-�e <br /> �a"r0'�"�����'��'�'0".��Q��"'Q�p���'��Q'�Q�Q'�"��"'Q'�Q'.�""O.�Q�Q"'Q'.(�"�Q'����'���Q��'Q�..Q"r�"�(3��.Q�.fl��Q..O.,�� . <br /> AFFIDxVIT. <br /> State of �Tebr�ska, . <br /> ss. <br />! l�d�.ms County, �3,�F. ;�ussell, of lawful age�bein� first duly sworn, upon oath statPs that <br /> hA is f:�milia.r tivith the books cf a.ccount �.r_d t?�e loan registers �f the Ne�rusk�, I,oan �.nd Trust <br /> Com�any; t��at fxom �.n inspection of ths bvoks of said Compuny,�.nd t� the persc>ndl knowledge of this <br /> �.ffi�nt, there :�ws not in exia�ence durin� �he yeu�r 1886� or ��rior ther�to,a. mortga,ge in favor of <br /> ��.id :1e'pru�ku ycan �,nd Trust Compwny� in the surn of �50G. OU uvan the E�.st _H�.lf (L��-a of the North <br /> E�.at �uartAr (�tE�} of Section F.ight (8 },Tuwnship Nine (9},North,Rar�e Tcvelve (12j West of the f�th <br /> P.�d. , in Hall County�Nebrwska; that the �nly mortg�.ge in suid aanount upon s�.id land rvith v�hich the <br /> s�.id �lebraska I,oan dnd Tru�t Company h�.d anyt��ing �o do w�s tne mort�:�.g� in th�.t umo�ant ne�;�tiated - <br /> upon Decern'ber Zst, 1�3F34, upon sui d l�.nd,in f�vor �f Ha.rriet Skinner, the h�,vin� been negoti�.ted <br /> 'oy the swid Company �nd not rP1,P,�8Ed until }`dovembex 20th,1889; thut t��e recitwl in the deed recorded <br /> in Bock 4, �n p�e 25:i ef the deed r�cords �f said H�,11 County,and the recit::.l in the deed recorc�pd <br /> in Book 4, on pa�e 306 of suid records,viz: : "Sub,ject to �5G�. JQ moxt��e in favor of Nebr�.ska Loan <br /> & Trust Co. , "w�s in err�r in this, thut no such mortga,ge ever e�isted; th�.t,as is above stated, the <br /> only mortg�.ge of sucYi arnount on s�.ic� lwnd �.t that tir�e in v�hich s�iid Com��any w�g ir.terested,�v�:s the <br /> �:ort�;age ne��ti�.ted b;;� sal.� Cam�any in fu.vor of I'�rriet Skinner.And further affiant s�aith not. <br /> H. F.Russell <br /> Subscriued in :ny presence �.n3 sworn to before me this - d�.y of Se�tember,A,D. l9i9. <br /> (SFhL) F.Z.Youn�blood � <br /> /� Not�.ry Publi c. <br /> �y comnii3�ion eh�;ires Dzo �1-1VNN <br /> i+ilec� fox rscord this �:9 dwy of .�wrch 1g20,a.t 10 o' clock �.?�. <br /> � <br /> � Register of Deeds <br />�. <br /> -�-O-�J-0-0�-0-J-0-��-�-O-J-G-�-�-�J-0-0-0-0-0-�-��-0�0-0-0-0-G-�-�J-0-0-0-0-J-0-G-0-�J-0-J-J-O-.�i-fl-0-��tJ - " <br />