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. <br /> (������ <br /> 6� 3 �. <br /> �1Q �C� � �L�a �J �O � � G� �� O � D � o <br /> : - __ _ —_ _- � __ ----- <br /> _ _ __ <br /> p _ - - <br /> _ __ _,._ _ „__y�]2/.�J_ClOPP8BAH7LETTCO..PRINTING.IITHp6NRPHING,8TRT10NEFiY�OMAHk_ . _. _ __�_ <br /> _"�' 'y. : � _.. : _ .�.�� :. . � � "".�. .'_ ...' . '_- <br /> �►e, the �dersigned hsirs at law and ahildren of Edward C.�Palker, laLe of Hall Co�tp, decease $, <br /> hereby a�aept due and legal notiae of tha filing of the within petition and consent tha� a h�aring <br /> on same shall ba set �tarah 9" 191,2 at the hour of 9, A.DI. <br /> Charlie E.We►lker <br /> Hall County, Nebrask�. <br /> James L.Walker <br /> F I L E D � <br /> ' Ernest I..Aalker <br /> ' Feb. 15 1912 <br /> Pearl E.�aiker <br /> J.H.�tullin. - � <br /> Lawrenca �.Walker <br /> County Judge. <br /> . , <br /> Notics to cr�ditors. <br /> In the countp aoart, Hall oountp, Nebraska. � <br /> ' In Zhe matt�r of th� e�atate oY Edward C .Walker, deceased. <br /> Notice is hereby given to all persona having cleims again�t tha e�tate <br /> of Edward C.Walker, decsased. late of Hall aounty, Nebre►ska, that they muat file their alaims �rith <br /> the proof ther�of in the office of the county �udge of Hall cotmty, Nebraska, within sia mQnths <br /> from the lst daq of Apri1, A.D., 1912, or the sa�ne will be forever barred. A hearing on claims <br /> ; will be 2�d at this office on the 2nd day of Oatober, 1912, at 9 0�eloak a.m. <br /> ;�'itnes� my hand and affiafal seal this 9th day of atarah, A.D., 1912. <br /> - J.H.�tullin, County Judge. <br /> Affidavit of PubliQation. <br /> Stata of Nebra�ka, } <br /> }as. J.R.Fulton, bsing first duly sworn upon his oath saye that he is Sec'y <br /> �tall Covn ty. } <br /> of the 4RAND I8LAND INDEPENDENT, a ne�vspaper published at C+rand Isla�nd, <br />€ , , <br /> 8a11 County, Nebraska, and th3t the printecl notice hereto attaahed was printed in said paper for <br /> � four eonsecutive weeks the firet publiQation being on the 16th clay of liarah 1812, and the last <br /> publication being on the 13�h day of April 1912, and that said newspaper is a legal nexspaper. <br /> J.R.F'ulton <br /> Subecribed in my proaencse and aWOrn to before me at arand Zsle�nc� Aall County, Nebrasks►, thie la <br /> , day of April 1912. �SEAL� J.H.�, Qounty Judge. <br /> Vt)LUNTARY APPEARA�TCE OF HEIRS FOR FINAL SETTLEI�ENT, <br /> � Tbe undersigned, a�ildren and heirs at law of eaid Edward C.Wal�er, late of Hall Caunty, Nebras�s, <br /> deesased, xespeatfully request the Court to aacept and approv� the above report of the Adminia�raG�- <br /> riz of said Estate xithout requiring her to therein accot�t any nome fully for tha said estate <br /> than therein given w� and each of us heraby waiving the filing of anp more eatended report and <br /> waiv� ths giving af anq public or per$onal notiae of tihe filing of this report. <br /> 8eptember 27" 1919. Qhae.Elbert Aalke�. <br /> Trnest L.�alker. <br /> Pearl E.�ralker. <br /> Lav�renve 4.l�alker. <br /> State of Nebraska, Jas.L.Walker. <br /> ;J ss. . <br /> � Hall Countp In the Cnuntq Court of Hall County, Nabraska <br /> �� <br /> i ,d.H.Yullin, County Judge of Ha�l County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that I he�ve aomparecl the <br /> ;, � <br /> � faregoing copy of Pet3tioa, Voluntary Appearance and Waiver of Idotive, Notice to Creditors, Qol- <br /> untarp Appearano�e of Heirs for Final Settlement . In the itatter of the Estate of Edward C.walker, <br /> Dec�ased. with the original re�ord thersof, now remaining in said Court, that the Ba�e is a eorrect <br /> transeript thereof, and of the whole of svah original recard; that said Court ia a Court of Reco�d <br /> having a seal, ahich seal i a hereto attaohe d; that said Gaurt has no Clerk authori�ed to sign <br /> certifi�ates in his o�m name, and that I am ths legal auetodfan of said Seal and of the Reoarde of <br /> said Oourt, and th�at the foregoing attestation is in due form of law. <br /> IN TESTIItONY �HEREOF I have hereunto sQt hand and affiaed the seal of the Co�ty Court, at <br /> 4rand Island, this 9th day of Ja►nuary 192� �sEAL� J.H.Ilullin, Count Judge <br /> F�lvd for r�ord on the 24 day of Narch 1920 at 11 o clock A.Y. <br /> - _._ : _ . e—gi�o�' o <br />