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�T�� <br /> � G� D �� C���a� �0 � � � �C� O �D � � <br /> _ _ ._ - _-- __ �_ _: �_- <br /> �..37219-�LOPP6B11RTLETTCO..PRiNTING,�ITHO6RAPHING,STATIONEPY;OMqHA <br /> AaRF�:}dENT,- SALE GF REAL ESTATE: <br /> This Ind�nture, �.iade thi� 23" day of ?��ar��r , 1�i.1�., 1��:U, between Fre�derick W.Henningsmeyer, party �i <br /> of the first part, and Lela Knephoff, party of the eecond part, WITNE�SETH, That the party of the <br /> first part has this day �old to the party of the seaond part, the follo�ring deisaribed property, <br /> to-�it: Lots Fourteen, Fifteen, Siateen, Seventeen, Eighteen and Nineteen, Hawthorne Plaas, being <br /> a sub-division of part of th� Northwest Quarter, Section 22, Township 11, North, Range 9, Nest. <br /> in Hall Cnunty, Nebra�ka together with all appurtenanaes thereta belonging and now thareon, for <br /> which the party of the second part agre�s to pay the sum of Sia Hundred# Dollars, $600. payable <br /> as fo3lows: Cash in hand 4ne Hundr�d� � riollar�, rec�ipt whereof is hereby acknawledged Aalance <br /> Five Hundxed Dollara papable in fivs equal installment� of �100. each on the 23" day of ltarah 1921 <br /> and eaah sucaseding 23" 3ay of �tarch thereafter until all is paid, with interast at siu per cent <br /> from this clate on d�eferreci pay�nta, payable annually. Option granted, however, to said second <br /> party to pay any amount at any time. <br /> Thc� party of the first part is to t'urnish a warranty deed, a good and c�uffiaient abet��at of ti�le, <br /> an final payment, 191-, pay all ta$es assessed against said land, to year 1918 and if there is a <br /> mnrtga�e on eaid property, pay interast th�reon up to, and give possession by this dat�191-, It is <br /> mutually agreed that tims is an essential element in this contract and it 3s further agreed that <br /> in case either of the parties hereto shall fail to perform the stipulations of thi$ contract, or <br /> any part of the same, sha31 pay the other party of thie contraet, �he sum of ----- �llars, ae <br /> damages for non-fulfillment of aontrawt. <br /> IN TESTI�iGNY �VHEREGF, the parties aforesaid have subecribeci their names the date above ment3oned. <br /> �►itness: Fred�riek Henningsmeyer <br /> F.J.Cleary I,ela Rnephoff <br /> Filsd for reoord on the 23 day of �darch 1920 at 3:45 o'aloak P.t�. <br /> __���:��� � <br /> Register o ee� <br /> -O-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-�-0�-4-0-0-0-O-O-U-a-O-3-0-0-0-0--0--0-fl-O- <br /> Pstition, 4oluntarY Ap�earan�e and �aiver of NoticeLeta:__ <br /> PETITION FOR LETTERS CF ADIiINISTRA�IDN. <br /> In the County Cnurt of Hall Caunty, ATebraska. , <br /> In the �tatter o f the E,at3te o f ) <br /> ; Your petitfonar Mary J.Walker th� widaw of said Edward C . <br /> �dward C.iVr�lker d�c�eased . <br /> Walker late of said Cot�nty, deaease � respeetfully stat��a <br /> that said Edward C .�alker departed this life nn the 28" ciay of September 1911; tha,t he was, immed- <br /> iately pre�ec�ing his death, a re�ident of said County. Your petitionerf�.irther shawa that no laat <br /> will and teatament of said deceased �s baeri dis�overed; nor is your petitioner a�rare of the eaist- <br /> en�s of any such instrument, and your petitianer believes that said Ed�►ard C.39alker died intestate; <br /> That tha follvxin� named per�ons are the heirs at law and all the heirs at law, neat of kin, devi- <br /> sees and lsgatee� of deceased, viz: Your petitianer, hie �idox and the followin� named chi.ldren: <br /> Charles E.Walker, of the age of 32 ysars, Jamea L.�►a�ker, of the age of 30 years, Ernest L.�alker, <br /> of the age of 28 ysar$, Pearl E.�talker, of the age oi� the�e of a2 years, I,awrence �. �'alker, of <br /> the age of 14 pear� atarch 31"1911. That said deceased left real and personal estate in Hall Co�uz ty, <br /> Nebr�ska, that it is necessary eh�uld be administered �upon. <br /> i�herefare petitianer prays that letters of ac�ministration�may be granted to her �on the gooc�, <br /> ch�ttels, rights, aredits and estate of said Edward C.Walker deceased. <br /> Ilary J.�'alker <br /> St.ats of ATebraska, <br /> as <br /> Hall C�unty. 3tary J.�►alker being first duly sworn says, th�►t ehe ha� read the within <br /> petition and kno�rs the aontants thereaf and that the fa^ts therein stateci are true as ahe verily <br /> believes. ldaxy J.iAalker. <br /> Subsc ribsd in my pr�senae and �worn to before me this 14" day of F�bruary, 1912. <br />� �SEAI,j H.E.Cliffard, . �Totary Public <br /> - _ _ _ <br />